
Edema during pregnancy is normal, but many pregnant mothers ignore this

The hardships of pregnancy are comparable to the twists and turns of learning the scriptures, in addition to experiencing nausea and vomiting, poor appetite, stomach pain, insomnia, "edema" - is another hurdle that many pregnant mothers need to cross.

Pregnancy becomes "swollen", many times because of pregnancy edema, more often in the third trimester, common in the soles of the feet, ankles, calves and other parts, some pregnant mothers and even face will appear slight edema.

Edema during pregnancy is normal, but many pregnant mothers ignore this

What happens to edema during pregnancy? Is it normal?

Edema during pregnancy is caused by the fluid components in the blood vessels oozing out of the blood vessels and accumulating in the interstitial spaces. On the outside, it looks like the whole person is swollen and swollen.

Most pregnancy edema is a normal physiological phenomenon, but it is necessary to be vigilant against some pathological factors, such as pregnancy hypertension, pregnancy with kidney disease and so on.

Edema during pregnancy is normal, but many pregnant mothers ignore this

How to judge physiological or pathological?

How to judge your own edema, physiological or pathological?

Edema during pregnancy is normal, but many pregnant mothers ignore this

Physiological edema

Mainly compressed by the uterus. As the uterus enlarges during pregnancy, it inevitably compresses the blood vessels from the heart through the pelvis to the legs, causing blood and lymph fluid to run poorly, metabolic disorders, and retention of body fluids in the leg tissues. Mostly formed at the ankle or below the knee.

Under normal circumstances, pregnant mothers will not have a feeling of "edema" when they wake up in the morning, and after standing for a long time during the day and reducing their activity at night, they will have obvious feelings before going to bed: Huh? How I inflated.

Most physiological edemas have no adverse effect on the fetus and gradually disappear after childbirth. No need to worry too much.

Edema during pregnancy is normal, but many pregnant mothers ignore this

Pathological edema

Pathological edema can be caused by gestational hypertension, kidney disease, heart disease or other liver diseases, these diseases in addition to affecting the health of pregnant mothers, there is also a certain impact on the growth and development of the fetus, such as fetal growth retardation, premature birth and so on.

Symptoms of pathological edema are common in the legs, hands, face, abdomen, etc., the skin is dark blue, and the pregnant woman will have obvious discomfort, accompanied by dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus, limb weakness and other symptoms.

Fu Aijia warmly reminds: pregnant mothers must prevent being targeted by "pregnancy anemia" throughout pregnancy, which will then cause pregnancy pregnancy. After pregnancy, in order to provide adequate nutrition to the fetus, the blood volume of the mother shows an upward trend. The plasma content of pregnant mothers with anemia is higher than that of hemoglobin, thereby changing the permeability of the blood vessel cell wall and causing extravasation of body fluids.

Therefore, if there is edema during pregnancy, in the case of not being able to judge whether it is physiological, it is best to go to the hospital to ask the doctor and get professional and reassuring help.

Is there a way to alleviate edema during pregnancy?

Pregnant mothers with physiological edema can refer to the following points to alleviate "swelling":

Edema after sitting or standing for a long time can be relieved by proper rest. Pregnant mothers should pay special attention to reasonable work and rest in the third trimester to avoid overwork or maintaining a unified posture for a long time. Also consciously move your legs (of course not to shake your legs!). )

In the third trimester of pregnancy, pregnant mothers can take the sleeping position of the left lying position, and then raise the foot pad by about 15 ° to promote the return of blood from the lower limbs, reduce the compression of the uterus on the veins of the lower limbs, and alleviate edema.

During the break, the father-to-be can help the pregnant mother pinch the calves and feet, in addition to preventing and eliminating edema, but also enhance the feelings between husband and wife

In terms of diet, take the principle of low salt and high protein as the upper, eat less or not eat some pickled products with high salt content, and appropriately eat protein-rich foods such as meat, eggs, fish, milk and dairy products, beans and soy products. For some foods that are difficult to digest and easy to flatulence, it is best not to eat or quit.

If you have any questions about pregnancy and childbirth, you can leave a message to Jia Jia~

Edema during pregnancy is normal, but many pregnant mothers ignore this

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