
How long does it take for edema during pregnancy to disappear after childbirth?

The time for postpartum edema to disappear also varies from person to person, most of which can disappear completely in about half a month, but some recovery is slower and may take a month to disappear. If the swelling subsides slowly, it is recommended to go to the hospital for blood pressure testing.

During pregnancy, edema can be relieved by adjusting the diet, controlling the intake of salt in daily life, and paying attention to the intake of high-quality protein such as eggs and tofu. Intake of iron-containing foods such as animal liver. You can eat diuretic foods in moderation, such as red beans, winter melon, barley, carp, etc.

Pregnant women should not stand for a long time or sit for a long time, because it is difficult for the venous blood in the lower body to return to the heart, so raising the legs when lying flat can accelerate the return of blood and effectively alleviate edema. Proper walking, with the help of the contractility of the calf muscles, can help the venous blood flow back, and massage the calf can also effectively prevent and eliminate edema. Wear comfortable, loose shoes and socks to avoid discomfort caused by squeezing in puffy positions. Stay in a good mood and don't worry too much.

How long does it take for edema during pregnancy to disappear after childbirth?

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