
What factors affect the success rate of IVF?

Engaged in the IVF consulting industry for many years, seeing more and more families successfully conceiving through IVF, but there are also failures, so what factors will affect the success rate of IVF?

What factors affect the success rate of IVF?

1. Uterine environment

The endometrium is the most important "soil" for embryo implantation. Damage to the endometrium, myomyosis, endometritis, endometrial polyps, or other lesions of the endometrium can all cause the embryo to fail to implant and affect the success rate of IVF. The new study also found that the uterine lining also secretes a special sugar molecule, and when this sugar molecule is lacking, the IVF conception rate is also greatly reduced.

2. Infertility factors

Severe endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome may affect the success of IVF, such as severe low sperm quality, oligospermia, or a large number of deformed sperm, which will also reduce the success rate of IVF.

3. Age

What factors affect the success rate of IVF?

The age of the woman doing IVF is an important factor in the success of IVF technology. Because the egg quality ages with age, the success rate of IVF at the age of 25-34 years old is the highest, which can reach more than 45%-65%, ≥ the success rate of IVF after the age of 35 drops by 2-30% ; the success rate of IVF at the age of 40 in > is about 20%, and the live birth rate is also significantly reduced.

4. Embryo quality

Higher grade embryos are more conducive to implantation and growth. Fresh embryos are the best of 8 cells, and 7 cells are also good embryos; And blastocyst 4ab is the best, followed by 4bb.

5. Chromosomes

Chromosomal abnormalities in both husband and wife or chromosomal abnormalities in one of the spouses will affect the success rate of IVF, because chromosomal abnormalities will lead to some embryonic abnormalities, which in turn will affect the healthy development of abnormal embryos, and finally lead to the failure of IVF. However, with the maturity of three generations of IVF technology, embryos with abnormal chromosomal abnormalities can be screened out through PGT technology, and then healthy embryos can be selected for transfer, which can not only improve the success rate of IVF, but also reduce the abortion rate and fetal arrest rate.

6. Sperm DNA fragmentation rate

Whether the sperm DNA fragmentation rate is within the normal range is also important. Because sperm fragmentation rate is also a trap for some couples with primary infertility or a history of adverse pregnancy, it seems that semen and fertilized eggs are normal, but there will still be unexplained miscarriages after development. It is recommended that the sperm DNA fragmentation rate of men should not exceed 20%, if the fruit is high, it is recommended to adjust first, and then through the IVF fertility, or even through the IVF fertility, the embryonic sac will also be reduced.

7. Psychology

What factors affect the success rate of IVF?

During the preparation for pregnancy or IVF, if the mentality is not good and the psychological pressure is high, it will also affect the success rate of IVF. Because the psychological pressure is too large, it will lead to endocrine abnormalities, which in turn will lead to long-term constriction of blood vessels, affecting the blood flow of the uterus and ovaries locally, and the tension of the nervous system will cause some nerve mediators to release abnormalities, resulting in uterus and fallopian tube muscle contraction disorders, and eventually leading to embryo implantation failure.

Iberian Baomei warm tips: before wanting to do IVF, we need to do our homework in advance, we need to do more understanding of our body and IVF knowledge, according to their own physical conditions under the advice of expert doctors, choose their own fertility methods, so as to help improve the success rate of IVF.

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