
How tragic was the demise of the Shu Han? The two great names will be extinguished, and Liu Chan's seven sons and two daughters will end in a bleak end

In the chaotic world of the Three Kingdoms, Cao, Sun, and Liu were fighting, but no one thought that in the end of the world, all the surnames of Sima Were, in fact, Cao Cao was also well aware of Sima Yi's wolf ambitions when he was alive, and also instructed his son Cao Pi not to be fully trusted, but Sima Yi knew how to be patient, and survived Cao Cao, Cao Pi, and Cao Rui to seize the power of Cao Wei, and finally his grandson directly forced Emperor Wei to establish the Jin Dynasty.

How tragic was the demise of the Shu Han? The two great names will be extinguished, and Liu Chan's seven sons and two daughters will end in a bleak end

Sima Yin was intent on plotting against the world, but Liu Chan, the empress dowager of the Shu Han Dynasty, chose to surrender when Cao Wei's army approached, and was willing to serve as cao Wei's "Duke of Anle". It is precisely because of Liu Chan's surrender that many people feel that the demise of Shu Han should not be tragic, but this is not the case, when Shu Han perished, there were two great world-class names that would be destroyed, and the later lord Liu Chan was captured, and the fate of his children was also very bleak.

"Ah Dou" Liu Chan

Liu Chan was born in 207 AD, and his mother was Liu Bei's concubine Lady Gan, and it is said that when Lady Gan was pregnant with Liu Chan, she often dreamed at night that she swallowed the Big Dipper into her belly, so after Liu Chan was born, she gave him the name "Ah Dou". When Liu Chan was one year old, his father Liu Bei fought a defeated battle at Changshanpo, and resolutely abandoned his wife and son when he fled for his life, if it were not for Zhao Yun sacrificing his life to rescue him, Liu Chan, who was still in his infancy, might have died a long time ago.

How tragic was the demise of the Shu Han? The two great names will be extinguished, and Liu Chan's seven sons and two daughters will end in a bleak end

In 221 AD, Liu Bei was proclaimed emperor, and his only son Liu Chan was naturally crowned prince, in order to cultivate Liu Chan's ability to govern the country, Liu Bei specially asked Yi Yuan to serve as a teacher to teach him the "Left Transmission", in addition to requiring Liu Chan to learn martial arts every day, which shows that Liu Chan's childhood life was very busy.

When Liu Chan was 17 years old, Liu Bei insisted on using troops in Eastern Wu because Guan Yu was secretly attacked and killed by Eastern Wu, but as a result of the defeat, he lost a large number of Shu Han elites, and Liu Bei himself died shortly after a serious illness. In this situation, Liu Chan took the throne in Chengdu, and when he first began to deal with state affairs, Liu Chan relied heavily on Zhuge Liang, on the one hand, this was his father's will, and on the other hand, because he had no interest in governing the country.

How tragic was the demise of the Shu Han? The two great names will be extinguished, and Liu Chan's seven sons and two daughters will end in a bleak end

Later, Zhuge Liang died of illness, the general Wei Yan was also beheaded because of his rebellious intentions, Shu Han suddenly lost the two pillars of the court of Wen and Wu, and for a time the people of the court were panicked, in order to stabilize the situation in the imperial court, Liu Chan pardoned the world and appointed Jiang Huan as a general. Although Liu Chan also had the heart to manage the government, his ability to govern the country was limited, there was a big gap compared with Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, and he was really weak in heart, so he simply delegated power to eunuchs and ministers, and he indulged in the sound and color of dogs and horses every day, resulting in the Shu Han state affairs becoming more and more wrong, and the national strength began to decline day by day.

Liu Chan surrendered, and Wei annihilated Shu

In 263, Sima Zhao, a chancellor of Cao Wei, ordered the generals Zhong Hui and Deng Ai to raise an army against Shu. In the early stage, Cao Wei's army was like a bamboo, and directly occupied Hanzhong, but as a result, it was blocked by the Shu Han general Jiang Wei at the Sword Pavilion, and in the face of the natural danger of the Sword Pavilion, the Zhong Hui army could not be attacked for a long time, and the general Zhong Hui retreated. As a result, at this time, another army led by Deng Ai smuggled through Yinping, captured the Shu Han important town of Jiangyou, and then led a large army to march directly to The Shu Han Chengdu.

When Liu Chan heard the news, he hurriedly sent Zhuge Liang's son Zhuge Zhan to lead an army against Deng Ai, a defensive battle known in history as the "Battle of Mianzhu". The battle was defeated by Zhuge Zhan's command mistakes, and most of the generals of the Shu Han Dynasty were killed in this battle, including Zhang Fei's grandson Zhang Zun and Huang Quan's son Huang Chong, and Zhuge Zhan also paid the price of his life, and died on the battlefield with his son Zhuge Shang, who was only nineteen years old. After the fall of Mianzhu, there was no barrier outside Chengdu, and Deng Ai led a large army to the city.

How tragic was the demise of the Shu Han? The two great names will be extinguished, and Liu Chan's seven sons and two daughters will end in a bleak end

In fact, there are still tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in Chengdu, there is enough grain and grass, plus Jiang Wei also immediately sent troops back to help after learning the news, if Liu Chan can hold chengdu, maybe Shu Han will not be easily destroyed. Unfortunately, Liu Chan had already been frightened by Cao Wei's army, and coupled with the clamor of the surrender theory of the Yizhou clique within the imperial court, Liu Chan finally chose kaesong to surrender, and also ordered Jiang Wei to surrender to the Wei general Zhong Hui.

Jiang Wei and Guan Yu were exterminated, and Liu Chan's children ended in a bleak end

Although Jiang Wei superficially surrendered to Cao Wei, he had been secretly trying to find ways to restore Shu Han, and by chance found that Zhong would have a self-reliant heart, Jiang Wei risked his life to persuade Zhong Hui to oppose Wei and establish himself as king, and then looked for opportunities to make Shu Han re-establish himself. However, what Jiang Wei did not expect was that his plan was leaked out by Qiu Jian, and as a result, the overseer Wei Ou used his plan to leave the city and led various Wei troops to surround and suppress Zhong Hui and Jiang Wei, and Jiang Wei could only lead a small number of soldiers to resist unexpectedly, and was eventually killed because he was outnumbered.

How tragic was the demise of the Shu Han? The two great names will be extinguished, and Liu Chan's seven sons and two daughters will end in a bleak end

After Jiang Wei was killed, Wei Jun did not let go of his hatred, but instead vented his anger on Jiang Wei's family, killing all his wives and children, and the poor general Jiang Wei was loyal to Shu Han and ended up with a tragic end of being wiped out. Not only that, but the imprisoned Wei generals vented their anger on innocent people and allowed their men to burn and loot in Chengdu for several days.

In this war, Guan Yu, another famous general of the Shu Han Dynasty, was not spared. Originally, Guan Yu had killed the Cao Wei general Pang De when he was guarding Jingzhou, which made Pang De's son Pang Would be very resentful of Guan Yu, so Pang would not hesitate to participate in cao Wei's battle to destroy Shu in order to avenge his old age, and when the Wei army slaughtered the city, he took the opportunity to take revenge on the Guan family.

How tragic was the demise of the Shu Han? The two great names will be extinguished, and Liu Chan's seven sons and two daughters will end in a bleak end

After the situation in Shu Han stabilized, the Shu Han monarchs were all escorted to Luoyang to wait for the fall, and as a result, Liu Chan was able to survive because of the phrase "Here is happy, do not think of Shu" and was given the title of Duke of Anle, but for the rest of his life, he could only pretend to be stupid, so as not to be suspected by Sima Zhao. The fate of Liu Chan's seven sons was not much better, except for the third son Liu Chun, who died before the fall of Shu Han, the crown prince and the fifth son were killed in battle, one committed suicide in Liu Bei's temple, and the other four sons were all killed in the "Yongjia Rebellion".

Liu Chan's eldest daughter married Zhuge Zhan and bore him three sons, and later Zhuge Zhan and his son Zhuge Shang died in battle, and after the fall of Shu Han, she was likely to commit suicide as a princess of Shu Han. Liu Chan's second daughter was married to Guan Yu's grandson Guan Tong, but as mentioned above, the Guan family was slaughtered by Pang Hui, so it is very likely that Liu Chan's second daughter was also killed.


Liu Chan chose to surrender, but the price paid by Shu Han after the surrender was also very tragic, and I don't know how angry Liu Bei should be after learning underground that the foundation he had worked so hard to lay was defeated by Liu Chan for more than forty years! Recalling the fierceness of Jiang Wei, Zhuge Zhan's father and son who died fighting for Shu Han, I wonder if Liu Chan can still be at ease and "happy not to think about Shu"? What a fool!

References: Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zizhi Tongjian

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