
Chinese parents have officially entered the era of "bringing children according to law", how to achieve good family education?

At the beginning of 2022, Chinese parents have officially entered the era of "bringing babies according to law".

Many parents have complained that some people in this world have taught us how to be a good employee, a good citizen, and a good child, but no one has taught us how to be a parent. This is good, the majority of parents finally have their first action guide.

Parents are a child's first teacher, and homeschooling is the beginning of education. Good family education, whether it is for children, but also for families and society, is of great significance.

So the question is, how can we do our best as parents to achieve a good family education?

What is good homeschooling?

What kind of education is a good family education? Out of 1,000 parents, there are 1,000 answers.

Indeed, family education is a very personalized education, each parent has their own educational philosophy, but also their own educational methods, it is difficult for us to use a standard to define what is good family education.

Chinese parents have officially entered the era of "bringing children according to law", how to achieve good family education?

Because it is suitable for A's family education, it is not necessarily suitable for B, and what is suitable for B is not necessarily suitable for C.

Although each family has a different way of education, a closer look will show that good family education generally has these characteristics: good family relationships, parental companionship, love and respect.

1. Good family relationships

Home is not only a house, but also a carrier of family affection. Each family member is an individual, but also a whole.

The quality of family relations often determines the temperature of the family, and it also determines the background of the child's life.

When Mommy chased "Mom is Superman", he was deeply fanned by this little warm male circle. Although he was still a child and still needed to be taken care of, he always tried his best to take care of his mother within his ability.

Afraid that the mother drinks iced coffee and catches a cold, take the initiative to change the mother to a hot one; when washing the mother's feet, she will warmly ask the mother whether the injured place is painful; when playing with the slide, worry that the mother will be afraid that she will take the initiative to protect the mother... It's a cute one.

Chinese parents have officially entered the era of "bringing children according to law", how to achieve good family education?

Not only take care of the mother, but also take the initiative to take care of other children when you are with other children, which is very responsible.

All this is due to the fact that he has a warm family, and the love that Dad Du Jiang and Mom Huo Siyan get along with on weekdays is like a beam of light shining into the child's heart, warming him and overflowing to warm others.

Only those who are illuminated by the light can be gentle and warm. And those children who are surrounded by bad family relationships often have a black hole in their hearts, creating children with inferiority, self-doubt, sensitivity, paranoia and other personalities.

2. Parental companionship

The child's initial sense of security comes from the company of the parents.

However, it is understood that the number of left-behind children in rural areas in the country is currently 9.02 million. In addition, as the pace of life accelerates, the number of left-behind children in cities is also rising.

Chinese parents have officially entered the era of "bringing children according to law", how to achieve good family education?

0-3 years old is an important period for children to establish a sense of security, 3-6 years old is the initial formation of personality, and 6-12 years old is the solidification period of children's personality quality.

The companionship of parents is crucial to the growth of children and will have a profound impact on children's birth.

3. Love and respect

Although children come through their parents, they are also independent individuals, with their own thoughts and hobbies. As parents, we should respect that the child is an independent individual, do not impose our own ideas on the child, and give the child love and respect.

A few days ago, Mommy saw a very heartwarming news, a father in order to make his daughter who studied ballet on the first day less restrained, after obtaining the consent of the teacher, resolutely put on a white gauze dress for his daughter as a "sparring partner".

Chinese parents have officially entered the era of "bringing children according to law", how to achieve good family education?

How touching and heart-warming such love is, children who are respected and understood will have more courage to face life.

Procreation is not only a choice, but also a responsibility. The advent of the era of "bringing a baby according to law" has put forward higher requirements for parents.

I hope that more and more parents will fulfill their duties and work hard to learn to become a better parent, so that their children can grow up healthy and happy.

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