
Many women don't understand that the more men love you, the less they will take the initiative in these aspects

Many women don't understand that the more men love you, the less they will take the initiative in these aspects

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We always take it for granted that in an intimate relationship, the more deeply one loves another person, the more active it will be to give, but sometimes it is precisely because of too much love that it will not take the initiative in some aspects.

At this time, the inaction is a kind of understanding and heartache.

Everyone wants to give the best for their loved one, and spares no effort to work hard for such a goal, sometimes too subjectively, without considering whether the other person needs it or not.

But the process of giving love has shown how deep love is.

Sometimes, the more a man loves you, the less he will take the initiative in certain things, especially the following three things, even if you meet one, you must know how to cherish.

Many women don't understand that the more men love you, the less they will take the initiative in these aspects

One: will not take the initiative to complain to you, will hide negative emotions

Sometimes women will feel that if a man truly loves himself, he will regard himself as the closest and most trusted person in the world, so no matter what kind of things he encounters, he should tell himself.

But the truth is that the more a man loves you, the less he will take the initiative to complain to you.

Because he is afraid that he will bring negative emotions to you, affect your mood, and increase your stress.

In the adult world, nothing is easy, everyone has their own burdens and troubles, even if they love someone again, they are not obliged to bear his life, so men would rather carry it themselves than share it with their loved ones.

This is for your understanding, but also for your deepest and most quiet love.

Many women don't understand that the more men love you, the less they will take the initiative in these aspects

Two: will not take the initiative to desire care, very afraid of exposing their vulnerability

In the consistent cognition of many people, men are strong and indestructible, the pillar of the whole family, the arm of the whole family, and some people say: Men have tears and do not flick.

It is precisely because of this understanding, and it is precisely because the world has labeled men so much, that even if they need to be cared for and cared for, they are not embarrassed to say it.

They are afraid of exposing their vulnerability and disappointing their loved ones, so they choose to hide.

But in fact, they do not actively desire to care, not really do not need to care, but pretend to be strong.

Many women don't understand that the more men love you, the less they will take the initiative in these aspects

I've seen a video like this. The man was running for rent, and his wife was already on the phone urging him to hurry home, because today her parents and brother were at home, and the family was waiting for the man to come back for dinner.

But when I hung up the phone, a man got into the taxi in a hurry and said he was going to the airport. Originally not ready to come, has said to go home for dinner, but the other party is very anxious, or accepted this order.

When he got home, there was no food on the table, and his wife was cleaning up the dishes and nagging him about how he had come back so late, and the family had waited for him for so long.

But when the man opened the lid of the rice cooker, he saw the rice reserved for him inside, and there was his favorite chicken leg inside.

This kind of caring moment makes people can't help but feel warm.

It is said that men are teenagers to death, which is not false at all. If you express your concern when he needs to care, they will be seen and taken to heart because of their inner feelings, and they will have the courage to face more. It was like a pair of hands slowly embracing his hands from behind, giving him the strength to move forward.

The more a man loves you, the less he will actively desire to care, and he is afraid that you will be disappointed in him. But in fact, this kind of understanding and disguised strength is exactly the proof of love for you.

Many women don't understand that the more men love you, the less they will take the initiative in these aspects

Three: Do not dare to take the initiative to propose marriage to you, for fear of not being able to afford your future

There is a saying that love is a hand that wants to touch but withdraws.

Sometimes, the more you love someone, the more you dare not have it, because love will produce a sense of responsibility, and when you are not able to bear the future of two people and do not have the confidence to give her happiness, the more deeply you love, the easier it is to withdraw.

Because you are afraid of delaying her and hurting her, you feel that she deserves the best in the world, and you are afraid that she will be with you and unhappy.

In the TV series "Langya List", Mei Changsu deeply loves the Lord of the Phoenix County, but he does not dare to say that he loves her, let alone that he wants to marry her, because he knows that his life is short and cannot give her happiness.

He was still the one who cared for her the most, the one who loved her the most, but he didn't have the ability to make her happy and always be with her.

If liking is possession, then deep love is fulfillment.

When a man does not dare to take the initiative to propose divorce to you, don't rush to doubt his love for you, you can think about it in a different position, whether he has other encouragement.

After all, sometimes, the more responsible a man is, the more he dares not marry easily.

Many women don't understand that the more men love you, the less they will take the initiative in these aspects

We have longed to be loved all our lives, but we don't really understand exactly how to love. Sometimes knowing how to give, knowing how to give, knowing how to love, is also part of the source of happiness.

I hope that in the world of love, we will understand and understand the other half more, so that the feelings between the two will be more stable and sweeter.


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