
Zhao Yiman's family letter and Fu Zuoyi's sacrifice text made people burst into tears and tears

Zhao Yiman's family letter and Fu Zuoyi's sacrifice text made people burst into tears and tears

On January 28, 1932, the Chinese revolutionary 19th Route Army launched a bloody battle with the Japanese invaders in Shanghai, and the commander-in-chief of the 19th Army, Jiang Guangnai, the commander of the 19th Army, Cai Tingkai, and Dai Ji of the Songhu Security Headquarters, delivered speeches respectively, the main points of which were "resistance to the death", "decisive battle", and "determination to die"!

Since the "918 Incident" in 1931, the Chinese has been suppressed for too long and too long, the Nineteenth Route Army and the Reinforcements of the Fifth Army fought hard against the Japanese army, the Japanese army is not as strong as imagined, and even they themselves do not believe that they first lost to Wu Song, and then lost to the temple.

In the end, the Japanese army, which suffered heavy casualties, increased its troops to more than 100,000, but despite this, the war situation did not appear as the Japanese expected, and the Chinese army would collapse in a thousand miles.

Just when the war in Shanghai was raging, in the cold and frozen north, although the Kwantung Army tried to completely "Japaneseize" the three eastern provinces of China, the anti-Japanese spark had not been extinguished, and there was a great potential for fire, although these anti-Japanese forces fought for themselves, and from the moment the anti-Japanese warriors took up the big swords and spears, they handed over their lives to the land of the three eastern provinces.

Zhao Yiman's family letter and Fu Zuoyi's sacrifice text made people burst into tears and tears

Although the anti-Japanese contingent in northeast China, which is full of sparks, knows that they cannot drive away the invaders by their own strength, they firmly believe that evil does not suppress righteousness, that the aggressors are the aggressors after all, and that justice will eventually triumph over evil.

We will still remember that the eight female fighters of the Anti-Japanese League were surrounded by the Kwantung Army, and when the Wusihun River was about to be closed, they smashed their guns and walked arm in arm toward the river without hesitation.

There is also the great hero Yang Jingyu, the founder and leader of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, after the sacrifice, the Japanese army dissected his body, and found that his stomach was covered with cotton wool, bark and a grass root under the snow that even cattle could not eat.

Below, let's take a look at the suicide note written by Zhao Yiman, then political commissar of the Second Regiment of the First Division of the Third Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, after he was wounded and arrested, on the way to the execution ground, holding up his tortured body and writing a suicide note to his six-year-old son:

Zhao Yiman's family letter and Fu Zuoyi's sacrifice text made people burst into tears and tears

Ning Er, mother for you did not fulfill the responsibility of education, it is a pity, mother because of the resolute struggle against Manchuria and anti-Japanese resistance, today has reached the eve of sacrifice, mother and you are never the opportunity to see each other again, I hope you, Ning Er, hurry up to adulthood, comfort your underground mother, my dearest child. Mother does not need a thousand words to educate you, just use practice to educate you, and when you grow up, hope not to forget that your mother sacrificed for the country.

Let the child know that he is sacrificing for the country, which is the most tangible education for his son.

Every Chinese will be shocked after reading the suicide note of national hero Zhao Yiman!

In 1936, when Zhao Yiman was sacrificed, in north China, the anti-Japanese general Fu Zuoyi led the Chinese defenders to recover the Bailing Temple, an important military site occupied by the Japanese army, which was the first time that the Chinese army resolutely fought against Japan and the first time to recover the lost land from the Japanese army through combat.

This is the famous Suiyuan Victory.

When Fu Zuoyi read the sacrifice text on the sacrifice of the heroic soul of Suiyuan Great Victory, he burst into tears:

Zhao Yiman's family letter and Fu Zuoyi's sacrifice text made people burst into tears and tears

Fu Zuoyi said that it is the duty of soldiers to go to the front for the country, and the common hatred of the people of the whole country makes him see the hope of the Chinese nation: "Therefore, it is affirmed that the country will be revived and the nation will be able to save itself. ”

For most of the Chinese at that time, they didn't know where Suiyuan was, let alone where the Lark Temple was!

However, Chinese know that in this place, Chinese defeated the Japanese and regained the lost land, and the whole country rejoiced and celebrated and rushed to tell each other.

In particular, General Fu Zuoyi's phrase that "people's hearts do not die" made the descendants of the Chinese nation burst into tears.

Zhao Yiman's family letter and Fu Zuoyi's sacrifice text made people burst into tears and tears

The Chinese nation is at the moment of national rejuvenation, and at the time of national peace and security, we will not forget the national shame and always remember the sacrifices made by the martyrs, our parliament is stronger, and the Chinese will never be bullied again!

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