
In 2021, the sales volume of new domestic car-making forces will compete, and the sales of Xiaopeng, Weilai and Ideal will exceed 90,000

In 2021, the report card of the head manufacturers of the new forces of domestic car manufacturing came out, and the sales volume was quite eye-catching.

From the perspective of December deliveries, Xiaopeng Automobile delivered 16,000 units, an increase of 181% year-on-year; Ideal ONEicon delivered 14,087 units, an increase of 130.0% year-on-year; NIO delivered 10,489 new cars, an increase of 49.7% year-on-year; Nezha Automobile icon delivered 10,127 units, an increase of 236%; and WM Automobile delivered 5,062 units of intelligent pure electric vehicles.

In 2021, the sales volume of new domestic car-making forces will compete, and the sales of Xiaopeng, Weilai and Ideal will exceed 90,000

From the fourth quarter of 2021, Xiaopeng Automobile delivered 41,751 units, an increase of 63% month-on-month and 222% year-on-year; Ideal ONE delivered a total of 35,221 units, an increase of 40.2% month-on-month, an increase of 143.5% year-on-year; WEILAI delivered 25,034 units, an increase of 44.3% year-on-year, achieving positive growth for seven consecutive quarters; and WM Automobile delivered 15,114 units.

From the perspective of annual delivery volume in 2021, Xiaopeng Automobile ranked first, with a total delivery volume of 98,155 units in the whole year, 3.6 times that of 2020; WEILAI ranked second, delivering 91,429 units in 2021, an increase of 109.1%; Ideal ONE delivered a total of 90,491 units in 2021, an increase of 177.4%; Nezha Automobile delivered 69,674 units in 2021, an increase of 362% year-on-year; WM Automobile delivered 44,157 units in 2021. Close to the sum of cumulative deliveries over the past three years.

It can be clearly seen that whether from the quarter or from the annual data, the performance of domestic new energy vehicles is very eye-catching, and the growth rate is very fast, which shows the rapid rise of domestic new energy vehicles.

And the above we all mentioned these manufacturers, the pricing is relatively expensive, many are more than 200,000, individual models even reach more than 300,000.

This also further verifies that new energy vehicles will become a major trend in the future, and the replacement of traditional fuel vehicles by new energy vehicles will be an inevitable trend, and on the new energy vehicle track, including Xiaopeng, Ideal, and Weilai have come out on top.

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