
He survived qin shi huang, survived liu bang, lived for 103 years, and became emperor before his death

The body is the capital of the revolution!

He survived qin shi huang, survived liu bang, lived for 103 years, and became emperor before his death

No matter what you do, you must have a body and a life. If you don't even have a life, what else can you do, everything is empty talk.

Why Sima Yi was able to successfully usurp the throne in the end, because he lived a long time and survived three generations of the Cao family's grandchildren.

Sima Yi killed Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Cao Rui, and everyone in the Cao family died, and no one could subdue Sima Yi, so he succeeded in usurping the throne.

If Sima Yi had died in the time of Cao Pi or Cao Rui, it is estimated that the Sima family would not have risen. The source of all this is because Sima Yi is super long standby, and the life chief will not die. However, the real long standby in history is not Sima Yi, but Zhao Tuo.

He survived qin shi huang, survived liu bang, lived for 103 years, and became emperor before his death

How long can he be on standby? Zhao Tuo boiled Qin Shi Huang to death, Liu Bang to death, and his own son to death, so he did not die, it was simply an existence against heaven.

Next, let's take a look at the life of this cattle man legend. Zhao Tuo (240 BC – 137 BC), originally a military general of the Qin Dynasty, later became the emperor of a country.

After Qin Shi Huang completed the unification of the world, he carried out two large-scale troop uses, the first was to send Mo Mengtian to the Northern Expedition against the Xiongnu, and the second was to send Zhao Tuo to the south to conquer the land of Baiyue.

After Zhao Tuo attacked the land of Baiyue, Qin Shi Huang asked him to stay there and not return to the Central Plains.

He survived qin shi huang, survived liu bang, lived for 103 years, and became emperor before his death

After the death of Qin Shi Huang, Hu Hai succeeded to the throne, and within a few years, the Central Plains were in flames and smoke, and rebels were everywhere.

In order to protect himself and prevent the land of Baiyue from being captured by the rebel army, Zhao Tuo killed the officials of the Qin Dynasty and replaced them all with his own cronies. During the Chaos of the Central Plains, Zhao Tuo also fought everywhere, expanding his territory and establishing the State of South Vietnam, calling himself the "King of Wu of South Vietnam".

After Liu Bang became emperor, he sent emissaries to the state of South Vietnam to make friends with Zhao Tuo. Zhao Tuo also did not want to fight, but only sought stability, so he accepted Liu Bang's canonization and made the State of Nanyue a vassal state of the Han Dynasty, and Zhao Tuo declared himself a vassal of the Han Dynasty.

The Han Dynasty and the South Vietnamese state interacted with each other and jointly promoted development. Liu Bang's means were soft, but after Liu Bang's death, Lü Yan's means were very poisonous.

He survived qin shi huang, survived liu bang, lived for 103 years, and became emperor before his death

After Liu Bang's death, Lü Yan took power, and she changed the way of diplomacy between the Han Dynasty and the South Vietnamese state, and she decided to unify the land of South Vietnam by force. Lü Yan first cut off the commercial trade between the Han Dynasty and South Vietnam, and then sent troops to invade the South Vietnamese state.

However, the Han Dynasty soldiers did not adapt to the climate of the South Vietnamese land, and they were sick before they arrived in the South Vietnamese country, so the Han army had to withdraw. Zhao Tuo saw that the Han Dynasty had the intention of annexing the State of Nanyue, so he declared his independence from the Han Dynasty and ascended the throne himself as emperor, known as "Emperor Wu of Nanyue".

The Han Dynasty had no choice but to allow Zhao Tuo to claim the title of emperor. After Lü Yan's death, Emperor Wen of Han succeeded Liu Heng, and he changed the diplomatic relations between the Han Dynasty and the State of South Vietnam.

He survived qin shi huang, survived liu bang, lived for 103 years, and became emperor before his death

Emperor Wen of Han reconciled with Zhao Tuo and built tombs for Zhao Tuo's ancestors, admitting that it was wrong with the Han Dynasty.

Emperor Wen of Han sent envoys to the State of South Vietnam to present his interests to Zhao Tuo, and zhao Tuo was persuaded at one time to submit to the Han Dynasty, and friendly relations between the Han Dynasty and the South Yue State were re-established.

Until the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Zhao Tuo still submitted to the Han Dynasty, and there were always friendly exchanges between the Han Dynasty and the South Yue Kingdom. In the fourth year of Emperor Jianyuan of the Han Dynasty (137 BC), Zhao Tuo died at the age of 103.

Zhao Tuo went through Qin Shi Huang, Liu Bang, Lü Yan, Han WenDi, Han Jing Emperor, and Han Wu Emperor in his life, and finally died.

He survived qin shi huang, survived liu bang, lived for 103 years, and became emperor before his death

References: "History", "Book of Han", "Qin Dynasty Early Ping Nanyue Kao" and so on

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