
"No Regret Huaxia" Lü Yan - The Brush King of the Spring and Autumn Qin Kingdom

This lineup has a hard indicator is Lu Lu (if not, then you bring a Zhang Yi) The advantage is that you can brush the good feeling fragments very happily, and the experience is really cool.

This lineup combines the use of the room and the low corruption flow perfectly, and experience the 7-day lineup by the way, that is

You can take it

35 gold crushes!

(Provided you have to have a gold card for each character bit)

The country chooses the State of Qin, and the special skill card of the State of Qin has a strong fighting power and can cut off about 1/4 to 1/3 of the blood bars on the opposite side, which is very fierce, and the Zhou Dynasty is similar to the body feeling. And the location is particularly good, whether it is eastward or recruiting.

It comes with four courtiers

People with Xihe, Xiao He or Chang'e, Xi and Xiao He have nothing to say, priority brushing the sky, none of them choose Chang'e, Chang'e two skills are very easy to use, the enemy can be thrown when they get together, more than three times the group damage, and it is particularly cheap and cheap.


The first one is not to take Sun Wu!

Second, don't take Sun Wu!!

Third, don't take Sun Wu !!! The reason is behind

Then the first push is the punishment day, the axe in the early stage of the war belongs to the existence of reversing the situation, and Chang'e's two skills to cooperate, before the battle can cut 1/3_1/2 of the blood, cross-level beating people must be strong pushing magic skills, followed by white up (because white up and waiting is very difficult, but now there is none) and then if there is no such thing as a day, take a day, with a want to brush the fragments. (Small tip, when your own troops collapse is invincible, the axe is harmless, if you will not go out of position, you will wait until you are scattered) The axe is used as a decisive battle skill, but don't use it all, otherwise your military heart

。 Qin Guo A is originally very strong, can A die do not open the axe, rabbits are casually put, it is recommended to pick up the soldiers and Qin Guo skill card together, clear blood bar disappearance technique. In the later stage, when the white is recruited, it is arbitrary, winning a 2 military heart, and the axe-4 military heart is almost without shortcomings

Politics, Lu Lu, one star is enough, three stars are better.

Scholars, the first to recommend the ghost valley so that there is no need to find the ghost valley is very labor-saving. If you don't have to pull a gold you want to brush, it doesn't matter if you have a loop skill, after all, you will often be an alliance, and you will be an alliance once 15 good feelings.

okkk, because the brush sky shatters the lineup, so in fact, the summary is one, the political belt Lu Lu, the other with the sky.

My lineup is

"No Regret Huaxia" Lü Yan - The Brush King of the Spring and Autumn Qin Kingdom

The emptiness was left for Bai Qi, why not take Sun Wu, because the Sun Wu pulled in the bureau was five-star, and the skill was complete. Methods continue later.

Early - rapid eastward expansion

That's right, this is the first step in the early stages

Click on the Tech Tree in the military

The four then began to move east

In the early stage, a goal destroyed the Wei kingdom and Korea, because it was the early stage, and he also had Chang'e jumping and the execution axe, so there was no pressure really. Because 80% of the people without Sun Wu were recruited in the State of Wei, the first step was to rob Sun Wu, and once the State of Wei was destroyed (Korea was in the way), Sun Wu could be recruited, and once he succeeded, he would get the full body of Sun Wu

The skill is also complete, and the difficulty is not high, so it is better to bring individual military

Then turn around and destroy the Shu kingdom Yiqu and Shanrong, it is really easy to fight, there will be a round of government decrees in the middle, and the selection of Old Qin can have a lot of soldiers, without material trucks.

The last step in the early stage is to open a meeting and then develop with peace of mind

"No Regret Huaxia" Lü Yan - The Brush King of the Spring and Autumn Qin Kingdom

Technology consumes the horse's point three level, the other two levels of the scholar are similar to my point (use the non-use point)

Then the early stage of pointing out Old Qin's characteristic troops was over. Because it takes 8 disciples, so the disciples only point two levels, such a large plate is actually quite impressive for the disciples.

Presumably the plate is like this

Even the technology did not point out the second-level soldiers, the first-level soldiers can lay the whole world, after all, they still have to wait for the white brush fragments, so they will release water.

Medium-term - recruit to brush goodwill and make trouble for the princes of the Central Plains

The first step in the middle of the middle period is to squat a martingale (low corruption core) in the hometown (capital city) with its own ghost valley (with a middle stream core), and those who do not have it can also be recruited, so that the early trouble is a little, you can also bring Sun Wu and then recruit ghost valley, but this will not enjoy the full level of Sun Wu.

Because we have Lü Hou, Lü Hou can recruit one and then remove it, without occupying the fragment position. So a star Lü Hou can choose one to play from the use room and low corruption, choose Zhang Yi from the use room, Zhang's birthplace is in the capital of the Qin Kingdom, later than Shang Martingale, and low corruption brushes a Wu Qi and then points out the skill to remove (because we have Shang Martingale)

Samsung Lu Hou's words are all wanted

Use between gameplay

Ghost Valley + Sun Wu Complete Body + (Zhang Yi)

Skills are useful for all three people

"No Regret Huaxia" Lü Yan - The Brush King of the Spring and Autumn Qin Kingdom
"No Regret Huaxia" Lü Yan - The Brush King of the Spring and Autumn Qin Kingdom
"No Regret Huaxia" Lü Yan - The Brush King of the Spring and Autumn Qin Kingdom

Total level +4, +50 combat power

Combined with Sun Wu's victory and plunder prestige, the trigger conditions are not difficult.

In addition, enjoy special interpersonal skills to break the vertical, continuous horizontal and subtly plot

Enjoy and you're done

Low corruption (low popularity) gameplay

Shang Martingale + Punishment Heaven + (Wu Qi)

Because the martingale in corruption is low and the people's hearts are low, so let you bring a punishment day, the second skill can be used in the later stage 100%.

Skills aspect

"No Regret Huaxia" Lü Yan - The Brush King of the Spring and Autumn Qin Kingdom
"No Regret Huaxia" Lü Yan - The Brush King of the Spring and Autumn Qin Kingdom
"No Regret Huaxia" Lü Yan - The Brush King of the Spring and Autumn Qin Kingdom

Wu Qi is based on 2 stars

Shang Martingale combat strength +40, Punishment Heaven gives 40, Wu Qi gives 55 + 35

A total of 170 combat strength

Summarize the next sub

Playing with the inter-stream is also enjoying the 80 combat strength and the use of the inter-game given by the Shang Martin punishment day, which gives a total of 130 battles to improve

The low corruption is its own +170 and Sun Wu 20, Ghost Valley 15, a total of 200+ improvements

But in terms of experience, I recommend one-star Luhou to play with the room, and Samsung Luhou will enjoy it all. In addition, there are 7 prestige and 2 military hearts (Bai Qi + Sun Wu)

The princes fight what I fight

Harvest 5x (Xi He/ Xiao He / Chang'e + Punishment Heaven / Other Heavenly Grade Fragments + Lü Yan + Ghost Guzi + Bai Qi + Sun Wu + Shang Martingale)

Fragments of 6 to 7 Heavenly Grade Masters

That is, 30-35 days to crush

Needless to say in the later stage, cut melons and cut vegetables and earth dogs tile chicken, this is not to kill crazy.

About the location of the recruiter

"No Regret Huaxia" Lü Yan - The Brush King of the Spring and Autumn Qin Kingdom

Sun Wu was beaten down, Ghost Valley had not studied it, it was all in his own home, and it was very simple to complete.

True- Heavenly Regiment

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