
The new season battle order skin was announced, level 1 white, level 80 Ming Shi Yin, doom mech won the battle order star yuan

After the announcement of the son of The Golden Court of the Lanling King's season skin, I believe that many players are particularly curious about which heroes will be given the battle order skin on the first day of the new season. Then according to the latest official release, the battle order skin of the s27 new season has been fully announced.

The new season battle order skin was announced, level 1 white, level 80 Ming Shi Yin, doom mech won the battle order star yuan

In terms of skin, level 1 is the white night monster, level 80 is Ming Shiyin's bard magic, and the star skin is given to Lü Bu's doom mech. So, let's take a brief look at it.

S27 Season Battle Order Skin announced

From the official release content, it can be concluded that this skin is an urban style, and if it is white, it is put on a suit, and the overall presentation can be said to be particularly handsome, and it cannot be seen from the image that this skin only belongs to the quality of the brave. However, the special effects of the skill are slightly more ordinary, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the original skin is discolored.

The new season battle order skin was announced, level 1 white, level 80 Ming Shi Yin, doom mech won the battle order star yuan

Ming Shiyin's level 80 Battle Order Skin Magic, just like the name of the skin, is made in a magical style. According to the official release, all aspects of the skin can really make people shine. The fact that the chain becomes a cloth strip haunting the magic element can be said to be completely new, and the release of skills in all aspects is also full of magical elements.

The new season battle order skin was announced, level 1 white, level 80 Ming Shi Yin, doom mech won the battle order star yuan

Lü Bu's Doom Mech's Battle Order Star Element, from the official presentation can be derived, this Star Element is based on the blue hue, and the overall is transformed on the basis of the orange-yellow of the post-doom mech after the redo. This actually indicates that after the redone of the doomsday mech, the time of the latest online official service can be determined. Players can definitely see it in the official suit on or before the first day of the new season.

The new season battle order skin was announced, level 1 white, level 80 Ming Shi Yin, doom mech won the battle order star yuan

Three battle skins, it can be said that the presentation of each one is bright. If the player is interested in one or all of them, then consider spending 388 bonds at the beginning of the s27 season in a few days. Even, for those players who only like doomsday mech battle star yuan, in the new season of the coupon cost, it is necessary to add the 710 coupons required for the doom mecha skin.

Battle Order Free Skins Are Baked

Since the main skins of the battle order have been announced, the official latest for the rest of the content of the s27 new season battle order has also been announced, of which most players are interested in the skin belonging of the battle order level 60 permanent skin self-selected treasure chest.

The new season battle order skin was announced, level 1 white, level 80 Ming Shi Yin, doom mech won the battle order star yuan

From the officially announced skins, players can choose one of the six free skins in the s27 season, namely Cao Cao's super-powered X-Men, the seventh puppet of The Gan general Mo Evil, Miyamoto Musashi's ghost sword Musashi, Su Lie's tenacity, Luban VII's Pinocchio and Athena's goddess of war.

The new season battle order skin was announced, level 1 white, level 80 Ming Shi Yin, doom mech won the battle order star yuan

If you want to choose later, then Miyamoto Musashi's ghost sword Musashi is the most suitable target. Because in addition to this skin being the highest quality of the six skins, it is more important because this skin is currently being redone and upgraded with Miyamoto. In this case, the back permanent skin selection ghost sword maizo is naturally the most suitable choice.


The battle order skin of the new season s27, anyway, the current official has been fully announced, as long as the player likes one of them, then the consumption of 388 coupons cannot run. Battle Order level 60 permanent skin selection, for now, the choice of ghost sword Musashi is definitely the most suitable and cost-effective.

Well, that's all for this time. What do the little friends think of the battle order skin of the s27 season? Welcome to leave a comment.

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