
Why didn't the Eighth Route Army and the Devils have a large-scale campaign? Then listen carefully to what the veterans have to say

History is written for the living. After searching the pockets of the deceased, the living people marched forward on the body of the deceased. - Romain Rolland (French)

The roar of the South Manchuria Railway being deliberately blown up by the Japanese army carried through the whole night of Shenyang, and before the people could react to it, the Japanese army's minions had already roared and shredded the entire northeast, and the Japanese army's deliberate atrocities of invading China began. The great China was gradually reduced to a Japanese laboratory, a puppet Manchukuo under the bayonet of the Japanese army. Fourteen years of resistance against Japan, how much bloodshed and sacrifice, how much bitterness and bitterness, finally drove these dehumanized Japanese out of China completely and completely. The two main forces interspersed throughout the history of national resistance in modern China are the Nationalist government army of the Kuomintang government and the Eighth Route Army led by the Communist Party.

Why didn't the Eighth Route Army and the Devils have a large-scale campaign? Then listen carefully to what the veterans have to say

At the same time, we have also seen in history textbooks that the War of Resistance was divided into two battlefields - the frontal battlefield and the rear battlefield. As an orthodox army, the main battlefield of the Nationalist government army was a frontal battlefield of direct confrontation with the enemy, while the Eighth Route Army mostly attacked in the battlefield behind the enemy. As a frontal battlefield, the two armies collided and broke out countless major battles, although China lost many battles, and every time it was tragic, it never gave up resistance. Compared with the large-scale battles on the frontal battlefield, this situation rarely occurs in the battlefield behind the enemy, but most of them are small battles characterized by short time and small scale. This situation is not so much that the National Government Army likes to be tough and rigid, but rather that current events are so-called and forced by reality.

Why didn't the Eighth Route Army and the Devils have a large-scale campaign? Then listen carefully to what the veterans have to say

Veterans who participated in the War of Resistance Against Japan said so, and we have heard teachers say these words in the history class, and I think they are derived from the accounts of these veterans who have experienced the War of Resistance. First, the Eighth Route Army was not a formal army at that time, and the Nationalist government at that time always refused to recognize the legitimate status of the Eighth Route Army, which was initially composed of militias and was small in number. In the face of the menacing Japanese army, the sheer number of troops made it impossible for the Eighth Route Army to resist head-on. If they had to engage in a head-on confrontation with the Japanese army, the small number of the Eighth Route Army would undoubtedly hit the stone with a pebble, not only could not defend the homeland, but also made the soldiers sacrifice meaninglessly.

Why didn't the Eighth Route Army and the Devils have a large-scale campaign? Then listen carefully to what the veterans have to say

Second, because the Eighth Route Army was not a regular army at that time, the training intensity and weapon allocation were far inferior to those of the Nationalist government army at that time. In the case that the well-trained and well-equipped Nationalist army could not defeat the Japanese army head-on, the Eighth Route Army should not try to fight the frontal battlefield.

Why didn't the Eighth Route Army and the Devils have a large-scale campaign? Then listen carefully to what the veterans have to say

Knowing their own weaknesses and defects, but also knowing their own strengths, the Eighth Route Army, as the main militia, is actually equivalent to the master, and under the premise of taking the masses as the basis, the Eighth Route Army can make full use of the local geographical advantages, attack and retreat. On the battlefield behind enemy lines, guerrilla warfare and tunnel warfare, which are known as fast and accurate, are undoubtedly more suitable choices. Therefore, the Eighth Route Army often launched tunnel warfare that caught the Japanese army off guard, and then carried out guerrilla warfare that was tug-of-war, disrupting the deployment of Japanese troops and consuming the strength and morale of the Japanese army. Although this kind of battle was basically a small-scale battle, the number of victories was quite large, which was of great significance for driving the Japanese army out of China.

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