
Before the child is 18 years old, parents must tell their children 3 secrets, see early and benefit early!

Before the child is 18 years old, parents must tell their children 3 secrets, see early and benefit early!

The growth of children is inseparable from the correct teaching of parents,

Educating children is a process that accompanies children's growth.

Parents should not only pay attention to their children's grades,

Pay more attention to the shaping of children's quality,

The education of thought and the cultivation of habits.

So before the child turns 18,

Be sure to tell him 3 secrets,

It will benefit him for the rest of his life!

Before the child is 18 years old, parents must tell their children 3 secrets, see early and benefit early!

1. Put thank you on your lips

Everyone you meet in life, including your parents, is under no obligation to help you. Empathy is to stand in the position of others, intuitively perceive the feelings of others, that is, put yourself in the shoes of others to see the problem with the eyes of others, and experience the feelings of others. Without empathy, the belief that someone can generate the idea of gratitude, at least not on the most meaningful level, is grateful for what is around them.

So once someone has helped you, be sure to sincerely thank them. When others don't help you, there's nothing to complain about, just continue to be yourself. Always have a grateful heart, in order to live happier.

Before the child is 18 years old, parents must tell their children 3 secrets, see early and benefit early!

2, reading is the only shortcut

Child, your hardship, in fact, parents see in the eyes, pain in the heart. But children, you must know that life always has to suffer, with bitterness to know sweet, with bitterness to know how to cherish.

The suffering of reading is temporary. The efforts you have made, the sweat you have paid, and the suffering you have suffered will never be in vain, and one day God will compensate you. The old saying has clouds, the book has its own Yan Ruyu, and the book has its own golden house. Reading can make you more excellent and smarter!

Before the child is 18 years old, parents must tell their children 3 secrets, see early and benefit early!

3. Rely on yourself for everything

On the way a child grows up, there will always be a variety of situations. As parents, we can't always clear the obstacles for them on the front line, and more often we have to rely on our children to solve them.

Tell your children that your parents can accompany you for a while, but they can't accompany you for a lifetime, your parents will one day quit your life, and you will grow up after all, and the road of life must be walked by yourself. You need to learn the ability to be independent and brave to face the world, and the burden of life must be borne by yourself.

Before the child is 18 years old, parents must tell their children 3 secrets, see early and benefit early!

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