
Wu Zetian created 18 Chinese characters, of which 17 were abolished, why 1 is still in use today

Looking at the thousand-year-old country from afar, looking up at the historical starry sky, the brightest star among them, there is definitely one that belongs to the Tang Dynasty. Here, you can have a glass of wine with the poet Li Bai and say, "I am born to be useful, and the gold will be scattered and returned"; you can see the most prosperous Tang Dynasty, the song and swallow dance, the blowing of thousands of people, sighing: "This song should only be in the sky, and it is rare to hear it on earth"!

Wu Zetian, the only orthodox female emperor in China's history, was born in such a Tang Dynasty and opened up her world. In addition to political deeds, she also created 18 words of her own culture, although only 1 was left in the end, but it was of great significance.

Wu Zetian created 18 Chinese characters, of which 17 were abolished, why 1 is still in use today

Wu Zetian, self-named Wu Yao (武曌), born in 624, is the only orthodox female emperor in China's history and the oldest (ascended the throne at the age of 67). She was originally only the talent of Tang Taizong Li Shimin, but with superb means and clever brains, she ascended to the throne of the female emperor step by step, but these were not accidents and luck.

First of all, she had an amazing mother. Lady Rongguo was 44 years old before marrying the founding hero of the Tang Dynasty, The Famous General Wu Shiyan [yuē], is a rare "older leftover woman", not bound by the world from childhood, you must know that at that time the woman was married at the age of 14 or 15, she was full of poetry, constantly learning new things, even if she married at the age of 44, she was not welcomed by her in-laws, she did not care, and put all her energy into cultivating her daughter, Wu Zetian, was her daughter. Having such an extraordinary mother is Wu Zetian's luck.

Wu Zetian created 18 Chinese characters, of which 17 were abolished, why 1 is still in use today

Secondly, Wu Zetian looked beautiful. I have to admit that "good looking" is also a skill, in many ways it will be much easier, known as "Wu Mei Niang", Wu Zetian, has a "ticket". At the age of 14, she was recruited into the imperial palace by Tang Taizong because she heard that she was "rongzhimei", but she did not get the favor of Tang Taizong and worked for 12 years.

Most importantly, she has a smart mind. According to historical records, 14-year-old Wu Zetian was just about to enter the palace, and the usually strong Lady Rongguo, Yang Shi, wept at her, and the young Wu Zetian said: "It is saint Tomorrow's son who serves, don't you know if it is a blessing?" Why do you have to cry and cry as a child? At this time, she has shown an extraordinary calmness.

Wu Zetian created 18 Chinese characters, of which 17 were abolished, why 1 is still in use today

At that time, Li Shimin had a horse called "Lion Horse", which was fat but willful, and no one could subdue it at that time. Wu Zetian, who was beside him, said slowly, "I can subdue it." Li Shimin was slightly surprised and asked her to try it.

Wu Zetian asked for 3 things: one was an iron whip, the second was an iron rod, and the third was a dagger. First beat it with an iron whip, disobey, then beat it on the head with an iron rod, and if it does not, cut its throat with a dagger. The viciousness in it is unforgiving, we are obvious. After Li Shimin listened, he also praised Wu Zetian's ambition.

Although she was not favored by Li Shimin, the crown prince Li Zhi became her next target. At that time, Li Shimin was seriously ill, wu Zetian and Li Zhi established a relationship, experienced some twists and turns, and the two successfully married. As soon as Wu Zetian returned to the palace, he quickly cleared all obstacles, such as the favored Concubine Xiao Shufei and the Wang clan, who was already an empress, and she exhausted all means, and Empress Wang was directly deposed.

Wu Zetian created 18 Chinese characters, of which 17 were abolished, why 1 is still in use today

In October 660, Li Zhi's wind disease broke out, so serious that he could not handle state affairs, and Wu Zetian formally dealt with the government. After 30 years, in 690, she finally ascended to the highest position and became the female emperor of the ages.

After ascending to the throne, Wu Zetian made a bold move and wantonly killed the Tang Dynasty clan and staged a "cool official politics". But on the other hand, she was discerning and decisive, and her use of people was very accurate, and there were many talents at that time. Because she was influenced by her mother since she was a child, she herself is a talented woman, so she attaches great importance to talents.

Wu Zetian created 18 Chinese characters, of which 17 were abolished, why 1 is still in use today

At that time, she also created 18 Chinese characters, but with her death, 17 of them disappeared into history, but 1 word is still in use today. That is "Cao", is it particularly familiar? Yes, it appears at the beginning of the article, Wu Zetian named himself Wu Cao (zhào).

Wu Zetian created 18 Chinese characters, of which 17 were abolished, why 1 is still in use today

Although Wu Zetian was later deposed, but Tang Zhongzong Li Xian, Tang Ruizong Li Danke are her sons, no matter how the mother's name can not be abolished casually, China is a country known for "filial piety", whether the emperor, the people, are filial piety first, so this word is still used today.

References: Zizhi Tongjian Vol. 26, Ze Tianshun Sheng Empress Zhongxia, Old Book of Tang, Vol. 51

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