
This person is Li Shimin's entrusted and lonely subject! One-handed calligraphy is like "flying immortals outside the sky", not losing Wang Xizhi

Twenty-three years after the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong Li Shimin came to the end of his life, and this emperor who single-handedly created the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty could not escape the end of old age and illness.

On the occasion of his death, he called the eldest grandson Wuji and Chu Suiliang to the bedside and began to take care of the orphan, he said: "Qing waited for the loyal martyrs, and Jane was in the heart." Xi Hanwu sent Huo Guang, Liu Beituo Zhuge and the aftermath of the fall, one to the secretary. Crown Prince Renxiao, as the Secretary knows, must sincerely assist and protect the Zongshe. ”

This person is Li Shimin's entrusted and lonely subject! One-handed calligraphy is like "flying immortals outside the sky", not losing Wang Xizhi

Then he said to the crown prince Li Zhi: "With the presence of the eldest grandson Wuji and Chu Suiliang, I can rest assured." ”

After saying this, the dragon rode Bintian, and the eldest grandson Wuji and Chu Suiliang lost their voices and wept bitterly.

These two entrusted lonely ministers, the eldest grandson Wujie, is naturally familiar to everyone, the head of the twenty-four meritorious heroes of Ling Yange, outstanding merit, and Chu Suiliang, who may not be mixed with the calligraphy circle, is not very familiar with this name.

This person is Li Shimin's entrusted and lonely subject! One-handed calligraphy is like "flying immortals outside the sky", not losing Wang Xizhi

He was a well-known calligrapher during the Tang Dynasty, and he was one of the four great masters of the early Tang Dynasty, and his calligraphy was extraordinary and shocking. The Tang Ren Book Review calls his characters as: "The character is golden, the line is jade, the law is gentle, and the beauty is multi-faceted." ”

Even the top madman in the history of calligraphy, Mi Fu, was pleased with him and praised him: "Nine dances, a heron filling the court, a jade song, and a combination of qi." ”

This person is Li Shimin's entrusted and lonely subject! One-handed calligraphy is like "flying immortals outside the sky", not losing Wang Xizhi

His calligraphy, all the famous masters, Wang Xizhi, Yu Shinan, Ouyang Inquiry, he has dabbled, his calligraphy is characterized by both square and round, natural waves, more square knots, with the pen to emphasize the virtual and real changes, the sense of rhythm is stronger, the more in his old age, the more colorful and flowing, the change is colorful.

He wrote a small kai masterpiece called "The Book of Lamentations of Emperor Wen", which was written in the twenty-third year of Zhenguan, which is a masterpiece of Chu Suiliang's later years, written for him after the death of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin, praising his life's merits.

This person is Li Shimin's entrusted and lonely subject! One-handed calligraphy is like "flying immortals outside the sky", not losing Wang Xizhi

Before Li Shimin's death, Chu Suiliang was very much appreciated by this emperor of the ages, so after Li Shimin's death, Chu Suiliang was deeply sad in his heart, confused, and thousands of emotions, so that after the next dynasty, he rode on horseback, and the horse mistakenly entered the people's homes without realizing it, which shows how much Li Shimin's death has caused him.

This person is Li Shimin's entrusted and lonely subject! One-handed calligraphy is like "flying immortals outside the sky", not losing Wang Xizhi

Therefore, this small Kai "Book of Lamentations of Emperor Wen", Chu Suiliang integrated his feelings into it, and added the quaint and elegant interest of Lishu to the Tang Kai paradigm, which has the charm of Wang Xi, and in the degree of beauty of the pen, it has the true transmission of Wang Xi, with the meaning of "Holy Order", soft and skeleton coexist, not stained with the atmosphere of dust, there is a kind of immortal posture, like a flying immortal outside the sky, which can be called a superior masterpiece in the history of calligraphy.

This person is Li Shimin's entrusted and lonely subject! One-handed calligraphy is like "flying immortals outside the sky", not losing Wang Xizhi

This work is definitely a good model for practicing small calligraphy, and is now in the collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing for the world to enjoy.

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