
Zhang Kamzhi and other 5 heroes supported Li Xian's launch of the Shenlong coup, but why did they die tragically within a year?

Zhang Kamzhi and other 5 heroes supported Li Xian's launch of the Shenlong coup, but why did they die tragically within a year?

Wu Zetian was the only female emperor in Chinese history, and during her reign she made many contributions to the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty by recruiting talents, opening up the way of speech, paying attention to imperial examinations, developing agriculture, and recuperating. But for her own rights, she appointed cool officials, which made people reproached.

However, regardless of gender factors, Wu Zetian can be regarded as a competent emperor, but unfortunately, in the later period of Wu Zetian's reign, he was forced to give up the throne in 705 AD because he was becoming older and addicted to pleasure.

In ancient China, there has always been a belief in the superiority of men over women, and Wu Zetian's self-promotion of women as emperors was full of obstacles, so in the early period of Wu Zetian's reign, in order to consolidate her power, she made a series of measures conducive to social development.

Zhang Kamzhi and other 5 heroes supported Li Xian's launch of the Shenlong coup, but why did they die tragically within a year?

Unfortunately, when her regime was stable, she began to indulge in pleasure, not only that, she also raised male pets, especially Zhang Changzong, Zhang Yizhi's two brothers, if it was only pampered, although the courtiers were dissatisfied, they would not say anything, but these two male pets were raised with a big heart.

The harem is not allowed to interfere in the government is the rule of the ancient Chinese royal family, wu Zetian rule barely maintained peace, after the two male pets finally broken, at first Wu Zetian let the two brothers do politics just to nourish the eyeliner, who knows after feeling the charm of power, the two also began to act without taboos.

With the favor of Wu Zetian, the two male pets are not only arrogant, but even provoke the relationship between Wu Zetian and his children, and even Wu Zetian's sons and nephews are afraid of the two.

Zhang Kamzhi and other 5 heroes supported Li Xian's launch of the Shenlong coup, but why did they die tragically within a year?

Li Xian finally understood the seriousness of the matter, the mere male pet could actually make the hundred officials afraid, if this continued, sooner or later their Li Dynasty would have to change their names, and Li Xian realized that he could not go on like this.

But how do you change that? The current Situation of Wu Zetian is old, even with unclear thoughts, if you directly accuse Zhang Changzong brothers, not only will not attract Wu Zetian's attention, but also make the already blunt mother-child relationship more and more embarrassing.

Zhang Kamzhi and other 5 heroes supported Li Xian's launch of the Shenlong coup, but why did they die tragically within a year?

Li Xian's real determination to change the status quo stemmed from the death of his children, and at that time, his children, just discussing the dictatorship of these two people, were rumored by the two of them at wu zetian's side, and eventually ended up committing suicide, so taking advantage of Wu Zetian's illness, Li Xian launched a coup d'état and directly killed the two male pets.

When confronted with Wu Zetian's questioning, Li Xianyi did not stop and directly forced Wu Zetian to take the throne. At this time, the relationship between the two could not be reconciled, and Wu Zetian was forced to hand over the throne to Li Xian.

Li Xian wanted to seize the throne, of course, he could not accomplish it alone, there were a total of five people involved in the coup, namely Zhang Kamzhi, Cui Xuanwei, Jinghui, Huan Yanfan, Yuan Shuji, relying on the efforts of these heroes, Li Xian successfully ascended to the throne.

Zhang Kamzhi and other 5 heroes supported Li Xian's launch of the Shenlong coup, but why did they die tragically within a year?

And what was the result of these heroes after Emperor Li Xiandeng? Initially, Li Xian crowned the five meritorious men as kings, which was also a reward for them. The five heroes thought they were going to sit back and relax, but they ignored a problem.

They expelled Wu Zetian from the throne, and the Wu clan must have hated them to the bone, they should have cut the grass and removed the roots, but Zhang Kamzhi thought that Li Xian should be allowed to do it himself, and eventually several people died at the hands of Wu Sansi.

Zhang Kamzhi and other 5 heroes supported Li Xian's launch of the Shenlong coup, but why did they die tragically within a year?

But is this really only Wu Sansi's handiwork? Not necessarily. In the royal society, the most powerful is the emperor, if there is no acquiescence of the emperor Li Xian, Wu Sansi, even if he has great ability, it is difficult to do such a thing under the eyes of the emperor.

But why would Li Xian do this, and would it be good for him to kill his supporters? In fact, the reason is very simple, the emperor is suspicious of nature, since Zhang Kamzhi can support him as the emperor, can he also support other royal children?

What's more, he had seen the male pets chaotic because they were deeply troubled by the emperor's heart, and he was also afraid that these people would do whatever they wanted in the court with the merit of protecting the dragon.

Zhang Kamzhi and other 5 heroes supported Li Xian's launch of the Shenlong coup, but why did they die tragically within a year?

What's more, Wu Zetian had said to Li Xian that the five people were just greedy and supportive of the merits, which coincided with Li Xian's worries and also aggravated Li Xian's worries.

But Li Xian could not do it himself, otherwise the courtiers would think that he unloaded and killed the donkey, which was obviously not conducive to his rule, and Wu Sansi just happened to be the best use of it, so these five heroes died at the hands of Wu Sansi.

Although Li Xian was supported by the meritorious people to become emperor, in fact, Li Xian was not a qualified monarch, and after he took the throne, in addition to distrusting the heroes, he made a stupid move to let the empress participate in the government.

Zhang Kamzhi and other 5 heroes supported Li Xian's launch of the Shenlong coup, but why did they die tragically within a year?

Wu Zetian eventually became a generation of empresses because of the harem's participation in politics, and then Wu Zetian's male favorites participated in politics and disrupted the court. It can be said that Li Xian suffered a lot because of his harem participation in politics, but he did not learn his lesson, and now he allows the empress to participate in politics, which is really stupid.

And he almost did not make any merits during his reign, although Wu Zetian was a little faint in the late period of her reign, but she did do the responsibilities of a monarch in the early period of her reign, perhaps she was not a good monarch, but felt that she was a qualified monarch.

Zhang Kamzhi and other 5 heroes supported Li Xian's launch of the Shenlong coup, but why did they die tragically within a year?

It is said that the tiger father has no dogs, and it is reasonable to say that with such an excellent mother, Li Xian should not be worse, but Li Xian is very useless, most of his life has been thinking about how to defeat Wu Zetian, and even said when he took the throne, how about giving the world to Wei Xuanzhen?

It is really irresponsible for an emperor to be able to say such a thing, and it is no wonder that Wu Zetian is reluctant to give him the throne.

Zhang Kamzhi and other 5 heroes supported Li Xian's launch of the Shenlong coup, but why did they die tragically within a year?

After he seized the throne, he was even more incompetent, he paid attention to his feelings with Empress Wei, and gave Empress Wei enough rights, but he did not know that Empress Wei and Wu Sansi were close, so that later Li Xian could not contain Wu Sansi at all.

An emperor made a nest sac. Eventually, after his death, the empress was also killed by the Li clan.

The Tang Dynasty was a very powerful dynasty in Chinese history, and under the leadership of Tang Taizong, this dynasty was once proud of the world, but unfortunately, all things could not escape the law of prosperity and decline. Li Shimin paved a good road for future generations, and in the end he was defeated by his descendants one by one.

Zhang Kamzhi and other 5 heroes supported Li Xian's launch of the Shenlong coup, but why did they die tragically within a year?

Wu Zetian as China's first and only serious female emperor, everything she did is actually remarkable, aside from the later fainting, she is a qualified emperor, but unfortunately the ancient idea of male superiority and female inferiority is deeply rooted, even if she is an emperor can not change.

As for the five Zhang Kam-chi who launched the Shenlong coup, for whatever reason, they did help Li Xian seize the throne. Without their help, Li Xian would have had a lot of difficulties in taking the throne.

Zhang Kamzhi and other 5 heroes supported Li Xian's launch of the Shenlong coup, but why did they die tragically within a year?

Unfortunately, these five people looked away, and thought they had followed a wise lord, but in the end they found that Li Xian could not stand up at all, and the five of them ended up with a tragic death. Maybe they have the intention of overhead Li Xian, but unfortunately, everything is uncertain, and the plan cannot catch up with the changes.

As for Li Xian, he did not perform his duties in his position, and he was even extremely stupid, if he were not the son of Wu Zetian, where would he be turned to sit in this world?

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