
The xingshou of the poem "Feeling Encounter", the wind bone of Chen Ziang

Original title: The Xingshou of the "Feelings" poem, the wind bone of Chen Ziang

Ye Jiaying talked about the ninth of poetry: Chen Ziang's position and role in the history of poetry evolution

The xingshou of the poem "Feeling Encounter", the wind bone of Chen Ziang

On October 17, 2015, the "Jialing Academy" built by Nankai University for Chinese scholar Ye Jiaying was officially opened, and Ye Jiaying delivered a speech to the visitors. Xinhua News Agency

We say that the early Tang Dynasty originally paid attention to the rhythm, paid attention to the carving and modification of words and sentences, paid attention to duality, and paid attention to ping, but Chen Ziang advocated retro. He said: "Han Wei wind bone, Jin Song Mo chuan ... Between Qi Liang, Cai Li competes with each other", and Qi Liang's poems after qi Liang have no wind bones. Traditional Chinese literary criticism likes to use some abstract concepts, such as wind and bone, fengshen, interest, shen yun and so on. There are two articles in my "Collection of Classical Chinese Poetry Reviews", one is about Zhong Rong's "Poetry" and the other is about "Human Words". In these two articles, I give a more rational analysis of the abstract concept of Chinese literary criticism theory.

I thought that "wind" was a force of emotion, and "bone" was the content and structure of the psalms. Because words are appearances, they are skin, and if you use a person as a metaphor, those ordinary and dual are appearances, which belong to the level of skin. The "bone" belongs to the level of content and structure, which includes syntax and chapters. From its content ideas, combined with syntactic rules and regulations to convey a kind of emotional power, this is called the wind bone.

Chen Ziang believes that the poems since Qi Liang only focus on appearance, but the content is empty, there is no power to feel, but the individual words are very beautiful, so he said "Cai Li Jing Fan", and the wind and bone of Han Wei and the Song Dynasty will not be passed on.

Chen Ziang not only advocated the wind and bone, but also advocated xingxing, that is to say, the poem should have the role of Bixing. We have said from the very beginning that Bixing is about the relationship between the heart and things, and the external objects cause inner feelings, called xing; first there is inner affection, and using external objects as metaphors is called bi.

The Confucians of the Han Dynasty said that Bixing had the role of "beauty thorn". The so-called beauty thorn is to have something to do with political indoctrination. They believe that politics is good and praises it with excitement; politics is bad and satirizes it with comparison. Poetry must have hidden meanings, there must be sustenance, and there must be beautiful thorns.

The Reader's Shi and Cain

We know Chen Ziang's poetic claims, as well as his position and role in the history of poetry evolution, let's look at his "Feelings" poem.

When I first started talking about Tang poetry, I said that Zhu Ziqing wrote an article, "The Guide to the Three Hundred Poems of Tang Dynasty". "Three Hundred Poems of Tang Dynasty" is one of the most popular anthologies of Tang poems in society, as the saying goes, "If you read three hundred Poems of Tang Dynasty well, you will not be able to chant poems." In the text, he proposed that no matter from which angle and method many Tang poems are written, one of the most important themes is the problem of "Shi" and "Cain". "Shi" means to come out and become an official, and "hidden" means to live in seclusion and not to become an official.

Because at that time, there was no other way out for the readers, from Confucius said, "Learning and excellence", saying that if you read well, your ideal should be to become a scholar. The Analects say that the "hundred workers" are those who do all kinds of work, those who do business and those who have land, and these "hundred workers" are "living in an arrogant way to accomplish their own things", and they have their own occupations in the market. But what is the purpose of reading a book? The purpose of reading books is to "cultivate oneself, build a family, govern the country, and level the world." Reading books is for the sake of reason, we can learn from the past, and we must arrange an ideal way out for the country and the nation, which is the responsibility of the readers. Therefore, Confucius also said, "Shidang regards the world as his duty."

It is not that all jobs are unequal, but that each has its own profession. So Mencius once had a debate with a man named Chen Xiang. Chen Xiang relayed the words of his teacher Xu Xing that if a person does not farm, he will not have food, so everyone should go to the field. Mencius said, your teacher is planting his own fields, but did he make his own hoes and plow rakes for farming? Chen Xiang said no, he exchanged it for grain. Mencius asked, the wooden furniture stools used by your teacher, are these all made by himself? Xu Xing said that it was not either. Mencius said that your teacher can't do many things at the same time, so why should people who govern the country still have to farm? So everyone has their own responsibilities.

"Shi Dang takes the world as his own responsibility", this is the responsibility and ideal of the reader. Therefore, at that time, the only way out for readers was to get out. However, there are many problems encountered in the chushi, and we now look at how Chen Ziang's poems reflect this problem.

Chen Ziang's era was the era of Wu Zhou. The Jin Dynasty poet Yuan Haowen wrote in "On the Absolute Sentence of Poetry": "Shen Song crossed the Han ink field, and the wind did not abolish Qi Liang at the beginning. On the merits of the quasi-ping Wu example, co-authored the gold casting Zi Ang. "Shen" is Shen Qi, "Song" is Song Zhiqing, these two people "slanderous", with a flattering, horse-slapping attitude to serve Zhang Yizhi's brothers. Who are Zhang Yizhi's brothers? He is the favorite man of The Martial Queen. Shen Qiqi and Song Zhiqi were later expelled because of their devotion to Zhang Yizhi's brothers. Takego gave herself a name,—曌,pronounced zhào,a word that was not originally in the dictionary, but was made by herself, referring to everything and standing tall. She was originally a talented person of Tang Taizong, when Tang Taizong was ill, she had a relationship with his son, that is, the later Tang Gaozong, and later Tang Taizong did not trust her, let her cut off the family, and after Emperor Gaozong became emperor, he took her out and returned her to the palace. After returning to the palace, she was still a harem palace person, but because she gave birth to a son, Emperor Gaozong made her empress. After Emperor Gaozong's death, her son became emperor, and she became empress, but she was not willing to listen to the government behind her back, so she later deposed her son and became emperor herself, called Emperor Zetian, also known as Wu Zetian. In the past, China changed the name of the country as long as it changed a dynasty, so she changed the Tang to "Great Zhou", also called Wu Zhou.

The first Tang Dynasty two of the most praised articles

Wu Zetian himself became emperor and changed the name of the country to Great Zhou, which in the old Chinese tradition of thinking was to usurp the Tang Dynasty's Li clan, so some people rebelled at that time. Luo Binwang, one of the "Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty", once wrote an article entitled "Discussion on Wu Zetian", which is a text of the crusade against Wu Zetian. However, it was not Luo Bin Wang who led the troops out to fight, he wrote it for Xu Jingye, who was then rebelling against Wu Zetian, and the title of the text was "Seeking Wu Shuo for Xu Jingye". Xu Jingye was the grandson of Xu Shixun, the founding hero of the Tang Dynasty. Xu Shixun was credited with the founding of the country, and the Tang Dynasty once gave him the surname Li and called him Li Ji. Xu Jingye saw that Wu Zetian had usurped the world surnamed Li and changed the name of the country to Great Zhou, so he attacked her.

"Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty", Wang Yang Luluo, not only wrote good poems, but also wrote good articles. In the early Tang Dynasty, not only did the couplet of legal poetry prevail, but the article also advocated duality, called Piao Wen. At that time, the two most praised articles were Luo Binwang's "Seeking Wu Shuo for Xu Jingye".

I cite the simplest two sentences in it, "Look at whose family is in the realm of today." "Please see" is a beginning statement, and "actually" is also a beginning statement. "Today" to "whose home", "in the domain" to "the world". "Middle" is a part, "down" is a part, in this territory, under the whole world. These two sentences are dual, but they are written very powerfully. He scolded Wu Zetian in front of him, "Kill your sister and brother, and kill your mother." The envy of man and god, and the tolerance of heaven and earth", are written in duality, and the momentum is very strong. It is said that Wu Zetian praised this article as soon as he saw it, saying, "Why did the prime minister lose this person", how come such a literate person did not snare the imperial court?

In addition, there is an article by Wang Bo that is also very beautifully written and very famous, called "Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion". When Wang Bo was fourteen or fifteen years old, he once visited the Tengwang Pavilion in Jiangxi. Tengwang Pavilion is a very beautiful building, "Tengwang Pavilion Linjiangzhu", looking down at this river, the scenery is very beautiful. At that time, the local governor gathered many people here to drink and write poems, and originally this governor arranged for his son-in-law to prepare an article first, and then "write" it out in public to make his son-in-law famous. Unexpectedly, Wang Bo, a fourteen or fifteen-year-old young man, did not know the height of the sky, when the master was polite, saying which one was willing to write an article to record this grand event, he volunteered to say that I wrote, and the master turned his head in anger and went back. But the master asked the servant to pass on the draft written by Wang Bo to him at any time. In the first few sentences, he said mediocre, nothing remarkable. Later, Wang Bo had two sentences, "The sunset and the lone bird fly together, and the autumn water is long and colorful", the master said that it was indeed well written, so he came back and paid great respect to Wang Bo. Wang Bo was only a teenager at the time, and he wrote such a good article, and it was all Xiaowen and all dual.

Chen Ziang's choice

What about Chen Ziang, in literature, he was against puppets, and politically he wrote "Feelings". What is "encounter"? "Encounter" is to meet people to know, someone to know your talent, and to appoint your talent, is to meet people. And what about knowing? If you were born in the era of Wu Zetian, would you come out to be an official or not an official? You said that Wu Zetian usurped Li Tang's world, so I must not come out to be an official, such as Xu Jingye. But you have to know that life is only dozens of cold and hot, do you know how long Wu Zetian can be a son of heaven? If Wu Zetian was not dead at the time of your death and had always been Wu Zhou, then you would not be able to come out and become an official for the rest of your life. So now the question arises – why did you come out as an official? For their own fame and fortune, or for the country and the people? The reason why I want to say this is because of this complex involving readers of the old Chinese tradition. Is it a test, will you come out or not when the time comes?

We need to have a general understanding of Chen Ziang in order to know what he means by "feelings". That is to say, whether you have met a monarch who knows you, and whether you have met or not, whether it is lucky or unfortunate, it is difficult to say, so it is said that you have encountered. No encounter is sadness, and it is also sad to meet without meeting a good person, so there are all kinds of sorrows.

What kind of person is Chen Ziang? Chen Ziang was a native of Shehong, Zizhou, Sichuan, when Shehong was a remote county, far from the capital. He had money in his family, so when he was a teenager, he was actually a clumsy boy, willful and righteous, and did not like to read. After the age of seventeen or eighteen, one day he came to the township school in Sichuan by chance, listened to it outside, heard the books and truths of the ancients, was very moved, and worked hard to read, read in sections, and changed his past style. A knot is a complete change in all your characters, all your behaviors. After reading the book, Chen Ziang had the ideal of taking the world as his own responsibility.

I have read the biographies of some people in the Ming and Qing dynasties, saying that when the Manchu qing army came in at the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were many people who revolted in Jiangnan and many people who died. There was a man who entered school at the age of eight, and the teacher told a book about Confucius, and he asked Confucius who he was, and the teacher said that Confucius was a saint, so he talked about Confucius's truth. Where is Confucius now, he asks? The teacher said that Confucius had been dead for two thousand years. He cried and then stopped eating. So there are some people who, when they hear something good, are moved.

In the old days of China, readers practiced ideals and had several different personalities. This involves the affection complex of our Chinese readers, and poetry reflects this issue from different angles and aspects. When the Ancient Chinese talked about the sages, they could be divided into several types, including the holy purifiers, the holy ones, the holy sums, and the holy times. What is the Holy Puritan? That is to say, I will preserve my innocence, and if the monarch is not good, I will never be an official under you. How can I let my innocence be polluted by you? This is the Holy Pure. Therefore, Bo Yi and Shu Qi would rather starve to death on the Shouyang Mountain than live under the king of Zhou Wu, believing that they should preserve their innocence and integrity of their character, and could not leave a stain. Everyone knows the pursuit of external beauty, the house should be beautiful, how beautiful the furniture is, how the clothes are beautiful, but have you ever regarded your personality as a work of art to make it perfect? There really were such people in ancient China, who would rather not have a good house, not good furniture, but also pursue a truly perfect artistic character.

But there are also saints, such as Yi Yin. He said I would take responsibility for what kind of court you are, what kind of monarch you are. My own white shoes and white socks never get wet, but how do I rescue people in the mud pit? So I had to jump down and get muddy before I could get everyone out of the mud. So Yi Yin "five soup, five on the soup". Tang was an ideal and relatively good monarch at that time, and Jie was the last tyrant of the Xia Dynasty, and he hoped to be an official in Ji five times, and he hoped to be an official in Tang five times. If from a narrow moral point of view, this is not true, if you serve Xia Jie, you cannot serve Shang Tang; if you serve Shang Tang, you cannot serve Xia Jie. But Yi Yin said that whether it was Shang Tang or Xia Jie, whether he was good or bad, whoever could use me and fulfill my ideal of saving the people, I would come out.

Therefore, the ancients had various choices between Shi and Shi. And Chen Ziang? In wu zhou's time, Chen Ziang came out to become an official, and Wu Zetian admired his talent very much. Chen Ziang once worked as a Lintai orthographer, similar to the secretary of the state, and later worked as a right picker. The original is forgotten, lost, lost, and the scavenger is to pick it up, here is to say that the state has any negligence, what mistakes, you should correct. The Right Counselor was an advisor like the Control Yuan, advising the Emperor. If you look at Chen Ziang's biography, he also wrote articles praising Wu Zetian because Wu Zetian appointed him. However, he wrote many pieces at the same time, many of which were concerned about the people of the country and the safety and control of chaos. In terms of attitude toward war, the Tang Dynasty took the initiative to attack people's homes, and he opposed it. But when a foreign army invaded, he himself asked to join the army. So Chen Ziang has his political ideals.

At that time, there were foreign Khitans invading the Tang Dynasty, so Chen Ziang joined the army. Wu Youyi, who was leading the army at that time, was a nephew of Wu Zetian's family. Wu Youyi was very faint and relied on nepotism to climb up. Chen Ziang joined the army, but was under the control of Wu Youyi. Chen Ziang asked to take his troops out to fight the Khitans, but Wu Youyi stopped him. Moreover, Chen Ziang saw that many of the measures and punishments of Wu Youyi's army were improper, so he advised Wu Youyi, so Wu Youyi was very dissatisfied with Chen Ziang. As a result, Chen Ziang formed a vendetta against Wu Zetian's family. Therefore, Chen Ziang was later dismissed from office and returned to Sichuan, but the political persecution still did not spare him, and they called Duan Jian, the county commander of Shehong County, Zizhou, Sichuan, to snare and create Chen Ziang's crime, and sent him to prison, and finally died tragically in prison.

I don't know the sadness of the encounter

Knowing chen Ziang's life, we look at his "Feelings" poem, you know what he wrote. The first poem "Lan Ruosheng Spring and Summer" and the second "Jade Nest South Sea" of the "Selected Ancient Poems" are selected in the "Selected Poems of Ancient Poems", and Dai Junren's "Selected Poems" also selects these two poems. These two poems reflect a fundamental sentiment of Chen Ziang's hidden choice. Let's look at the first one.

"Lan Ruosheng spring and summer, Qian Wei He Qingqing." The lonely sky is forest-colored, and the vermilion is full of purple stems. Late day and night, the autumn wind is born. The years were shaking, and the meaning of the fang was not so great. ”

"Lan Ruosheng Spring and Summer", using fragrant herbs to represent beautiful life, beautiful talents, and beautiful ideals, is a tradition in Chu Ci's "Leaving Sorrows". "Orchid" is of course an orchid, "if" is Du Ruo, orchid and Du Ruo, these two kinds of herbs, born between spring and summer, "the east wind and drizzle come", spring is the time when life germinates. "Qianwei He Qingqing", "Qianwei", "Qingqing" are all lush looks, "He" is how, said you see how lush this orchid and Du Ruo grow. "Qingqing", you can pronounce jīngjīng, you can also pronounce qīngqīng. If this "qingqing" means green, then pronounce qīngqīng, if it means lush, then pronounce jīngjīng, through "jingjing".

"The forest color of the lonely sky, the purple stem of Zhu Rui", in terms of syntax, the poetry of the Tang Dynasty began to condense. Although Chen Ziang advocates retro, saying that I do not write rhythmic poetry, I write ancient poetry, but history, although cyclical, will never repeat. It's like a spiral, but it's never a dead circle in one place. Therefore, on the one hand, Chen Ziang opposes legal poetry and duality, he wants to be retro, but after all, it is the era of the Tang Dynasty, so his syntax has the condensed style of the early Tang Dynasty, which is absolutely different from "walking and repeating the line, and separating from Junsheng".

"Lonely Empty Forest", what is "Empty Forest"? "Forest" is a large tree, and if there is a large tree, there may be grass, trees, flowers and birds. How is it empty? The empty one, the one who has no one, that is, the one who has no one. What is "empty forest color"? The deserted mountain forest has a realm, a kind of interest. What kind of realm and interest? It's solitary. What is solitude? Xie Lingyun's poem says "subliminal and charming, feihong sounds far-reaching", what is called "you"? Content with loneliness. Some people can be at ease, such as Tao Yuanming, who said that "the body has been supported." But some people are not, his appearance is never stable, because he has not found himself, he does not know where he is, so he is always outward, affected by everything, transferred. The ancient Chinese said that "Lansheng Empty Valley, not for no one but not fragrant", it is born in a valley where no one is, it is also beautiful, so it is not fragrant for no one. That is to say, orchids and Du Ruo were born in the deserted mountain forest, and they have a quiet and lonely realm and interest that is content with loneliness and does not seek to be known.

Although it is unique, it is beautiful. How beautiful? "Vermilion", "Rui", originally meant that the flowers bloomed very luxuriantly, and the parts of the flowers had a drooping appearance. When you look at the ephemeral flower with buds, it is upward, but the flower is a little sagging when it is in full bloom, and now whether it droops or not, this "russ" represents the flower. "Zhu", is red. "Vermilion", "Mao" is to grow out, red flowers growing from the stems with dark purple. Therefore, "vermilion sprouts purple stems", there are dark purple flower stems in the green, and red flowers bloom out, which is extremely beautiful. We say "Lansheng Empty Valley, not for no one but fragrant", so its own fragrance and beauty are not changed. But when we say "feelings", we can look at it from two aspects, no one appreciates you, and you don't give up on yourself. But a beautiful thing, after all, someone appreciates it is good, in order not to live up to your beauty.

Therefore, Chen Ziang said later, "Late day and night, the autumn wind is born." "Delay", slowly, day by day, "late day and night", accumulating time into days, accumulating days into months, and then months passed, and the seasons changed. Therefore, "the autumn wind is born", and the autumn wind blows up. "Yuanyuan" is the way the wind blows. When "the autumn wind is born", "the years are shaking down". Whether you have "Zhu Rui", whether you have "purple stems", your year's fanghua is beautiful - the grass and trees are only one year of fanghua, so it is called "years of hua" - "shake down", it is completely scattered.

"The years are shaking down, and the meaning is so great", you have such a beautiful quality and such a beautiful ideal in vain. "Fangyi" is the affection of flowers and plants, the kind of beautiful affection that combines from your essence to your ideal. "What the hell did you accomplish?" Although you are beautiful, but you have not accomplished anything, has not your life been lost? You have a wonderful talent, so you should finish it. This poem is about knowing the encounter. If you don't know what to do and no one appreciates, then your life will be lost. The loss of life is, of course, deplorable.

Sadness that cannot be encountered

Chen Ziang's debut was not a horse, he wanted to do something for the people of the country. But what about the result? In another poem, "Feelings", he said:

"Emerald Nest South Sea, male and female pearl groves." How to know the beauty of the will, proud love than gold. Kill yan zhou, wei Yu Yu tang yin. Beautiful jewelry, rotten brocade. Isn't it far away, Yu Luo suddenly saw it. Many materials are tired and sigh this rare bird. ”

"Jade nest South China Sea, male and female pearl forest", jadeite is a bird, the feathers are very beautiful, can be decorated, decorated on the head, it is called "jade warp", decorated on the quilt, it is called "jade quilt". He said that the bird of jadeite originally nested in the South China Sea, and "nest" was originally a noun, which was used as a verb here. The "South China Sea" is China's Nansha, and it is said that their lives are originally very happy and happy. Male and female birds, who nest on the "pearl grove", say that the leaves of this tree are as beautiful as a pearl.

"How do you know the meaning of beauty", but where did you think of a beauty, she likes to use the feathers of the emerald bird as her own decoration. "How do you know the beauty of the heart, proud love is more than gold", he said where do you know, there are beautiful people who value jade feathers and compare it to gold as precious. Because everyone decorates with jade feathers, jade feathers become very precious. And this beauty only likes to use the bird's feathers as a decoration, does not attach importance to the life of the kingfisher bird, so "kill in Yanzhou", "Yanzhou" is also the south, that is, close to the South China Sea, so the emerald bird was killed in the South China Sea yanzhou.

Then "commission feather", "commission" originally means to fade, that is, to shed the hair and pull out its feathers. "Yutang Yin", bringing its feathers under the Jade Hall where the precious and beautiful woman lived, "Yin" is the hall under the hall, in the hall. What to do under the Jade Hall? "Beautiful jewelry", "beautiful jewelry", is the appearance of Meisheng, that is, a lot of feathers are decorated on their jewelry and decorated on their heads. "Crab leaf rotten brocade", "leaf mantle" was originally the appearance of a flower, but also a beauty, here is a feather ornament, there are feathers as a decoration. "Rotten" is splendid, originally an adjective, now used as a verb, meaning to make it brilliant, to increase its brilliance. "Rotten brocade", the silk quilt becomes a green quilt, decorated with a green quilt.

"Isn't it far away", isn't the place where this bird originally lived is not very far away? It is not in the jade hall of beauty, but in a place so far away in the South China Sea, but even if it is so far away, it does not avoid the disaster of killing, so it is "not far away". "Yu Luo suddenly saw and sought", "Yu" is a Yu person, yu people are seen in the Zhou Li. The Zhou Li talks about the system of some officials in the Zhou Dynasty. Yu Ren was a kind of official, "the official in charge of the mountains", in charge of all the products of the mountains and waters, responsible for collecting precious products between the mountains and the sea for the nobles of the imperial court. "Yu Luo" is the snare of the Yu people. Although this bird is so far away in the South China Sea, because those nobles are interested in its feathers, they ask the people who manage The Mountain Ze to take the snare, "suddenly see and look for", and suddenly find the birds and catch them.

"Multi-material letter is tired", "letter" is true, sometimes a person with good talent will indeed become a burden to himself, because you have talent, so it is used by others. "Sigh this rare bird," and the bird was killed like this, so he said I sighed for the bird.

We talked about Chen Ziang's two poems "Feelings", the first one is written about the years of Hua Hua shaking, saying that people's lives, the life of grass and trees, those beautiful days are very short, and they are shaken in the blink of an eye. "How can you become", wait until one year, you are really old, towards death, you look back and ask yourself what you have accomplished in this life? Therefore, people of intelligence hope to have a chance to be known, which is the so-called "encounter". For example, the Jin Dynasty poet Zuo Si said, "Lead knife is expensive to cut", he said that even if I am a knife made of lead, not a steel knife, but since I am called a knife, I should always cut it. The value of a lead knife lies in cutting it. Have you ever shown your own talents in this lifetime, and what works have you completed? Even the lead knife had to be cut once, but the years were shaking and there was no success. Therefore, "Lan Ruosheng Spring and Summer" is written about the sadness of not encountering, you have not been given the opportunity to know, and your life has been wasted. This is the sadness of not encountering.

What about the "Emerald Nest South Sea"? It's about encountering. Beauty appreciates you, but what she appreciates is not your true value, but making you into her decoration. Although you meet people who appreciate it, you don't really get the value you deserve. Chen Ziang was also a man of wisdom at that time, and he thought that he should contribute to the country and society. Therefore, although Wu Zetian changed the name of the country to Zhou as emperor, many people opposed Wu Zetian, but Chen Ziang did not hesitate to come out as an official. He thinks that I am the world that assists you in the wu surname, and I will also govern your world well. But this ideal could not be realized, so he was ostracized, and finally framed and died in prison. Some people recruit talents in the hope of decorating themselves, rather than really appointing them according to your ideals.

Not only Chen Ziang, but also Li Bai, China's most famous poet. Li Bai was a genius and pretentious, and Tang Xuanzong at that time did not appreciate Li Bai at all. History says that Tang Xuanzong invited Li Bai to sit on the Bed of Seven Treasures, "The Bed of Seven Treasures Gives Food", and the Emperor personally mixed the soup and personally gave him soup. But Tang Xuanzong admired Li Bai and asked Li Bai to do what? Just let him write a few poems. I believe that if Li Taibai had known about the underground, he would not have been willing to be recited by others, that is, the three poems of his "Qingping Tune". "Yun wants to dress and flowers, and the spring breeze blows Revlon", when Yang Guifei went to see the peony flowers, Xuanzong said such a beautiful spring, such a beautiful concubine, such a beautiful peony flower, we can't sing the general secular tune, call that genius, and write us a few beautiful new songs. Therefore, Tang Xuanzong treated Li Bai like the feathers of this emerald bird, using his genius as a decoration for pleasure, and for Li Bai to "advocate excellence and accumulation", and fed him as a kabuki dancer. Although Li Bai was valued by Emperor Xuanzong and did Hanlin in the Hanlin Courtyard, Li Bai was not willing, so he resigned and did not do it: Why do I make your decorations? What Chen Ziang wrote about is another kind of sadness - that the monarch likes you, but does not respect your ideals and talents, but treats you as his decoration.

Self-indulgent and lonely perseverance

What Chen Ziang wrote about was two aspects of grief. I take this opportunity to say another person, Zhang Jiuling, in passing, to introduce another situation. Zhang Jiuling was a famous chancellor during the time of Tang Xuanzong, and although he had talent and ideals, he was still defeated by villains in political struggles. Because villains use means, plots, and slander, and gentlemen cannot. After Zhang Jiuling was overthrown by Li Linfu, he was demoted from the status of prime minister to the governor of Jingzhou, not a county official, but a subordinate official under the county chief.

The reason why I want to talk about Zhang Jiuling is because he also wrote a group of poems called "Feelings". What kind of "encounter" do you think he wrote about? He said, "Orchid leaves are spring and the guihua autumn is clean." I am glad that this business is a festival. Who knows the forest perch, smell the wind and sit together. Grass and trees have their own hearts, why ask for beauty to fold."

All the writing is Bixing, all using grass, trees, birds and beasts as a metaphor, and then there is sustenance in it - Chen Ziang's "Feeling Encounter" and Zhang Jiuling's "Feeling Encounter" are all this kind of style. He said that the leaves of the orchid are "leafy" in the spring, which is very lush. "Guihua autumn is clean", he said that the osmanthus blossoms are very brilliant in autumn, because the osmanthus flowers are yellow in color and very bright. "Xinxin this business", "Xinxin" is lively, lush, business booming; "business" is a force for the growth of life; "Xinxin" is very beautiful. We describe the lush vegetation as thriving. Sometimes we say flowers are smiling, and if they bloom well, the flowers look like they are smiling. If the flower is already very haggard and withered, you will see it as if it were crying. "Zi'er is a festival", what is "Zi'er"? He said orchid leaves and osmanthus flowers, and they each have their own festivals, beautiful seasons. The first two sentences are right, an orchid leaf is lush in spring, a osmanthus flower is lush in autumn, you have your life, he has his life, you have your talent, he has his talent, "rejoice in this business, take it as a festival", they each have a beautiful life, each has a beautiful season.

"Who knows the forest perch, smell the wind and sit and please." But where do you think of some people, here are metaphors, referring to people who are hidden in the mountains and forests. Chen Ziang talked about the emerald bird, using a metaphor to say, "Who knows the meaning of beauty, pride is better than gold", he is using beauty to compare people to the dynasty. In fact, whether it is a beauty or a forester, the owner of the appreciation refers to the person who is in the dynasty. The "Lin Qi" ostensibly refers to the reclusive person, but in this poem there is originally Bixing, there is sustenance, in short, it is the person who appreciates Lan Gui, that is, the person in the imperial court who appreciates you and knows you. "Who knows the forest perch", who knows that there is such a category of people who appreciate the beauty of orchids and osmanthus flowers. "Smell the wind and sit together", the fragrant aroma of orchid leaves and osmanthus flowers drifts with the wind, and the forester smells the incense and comes to find the orchid leaves and osmanthus flowers. "Sitting" means this, and sometimes the ancients sinned, saying "sitting sin" is what sin he committed because of it.

Zhang Jiuling said that "grass and trees have their own hearts", whether it is orchid leaves or osmanthus flowers, they all have their own life, their own fragrance, and this fragrance is part of its life. Qu Yuan said, "Yu Du is good at cultivating for granted," and everyone in the world has their own pleasures, some people like fame, some people like profit, and what I pursue is the perfection of morality. "Repair" is beautiful, and it is perfect and complete. There is also Du Fu's poem that says, "The sunflower tilts the sun, and the physical nature is inexhaustible." Sunflowers and weed leaves, they are always facing the sun. Are you going to make it to the sun? Is it to curry favor with the sun? No. He said that "the sunflower tilting the sun" is "material nature", is the nature of things, "solid" is a certainty, "Mo" is not, you must not "grab", "grab" is to use force to change. Therefore, the leaves of the orchid, the purity of the osmanthus flowers, and their beautiful fragrance are the nature of the grass and trees. "Why ask for beauty to fold", why do you want someone who appreciates it to fold it?

Now you look at these three poems of "Feeling Encounter" - Chen Ziang's "Lan Ruo" is not met, "Emerald Bird" is the sadness of encountering and cannot be met, and Zhang Jiuling's writing is that there is no need to seek use, it is a kind of perseverance of self-willingness and loneliness. As Tao Yuanming said, "Knowing that the voice does not exist, there is no sorrow." No one knows that it is enough, why should I let people appreciate and appoint, I can complete the perfection of my character.

Great poets all have one thing in common

Chen Ziang also has a very famous poem that we want to briefly look at, because this poem is very distinctive.

Chen Ziang's retro achievements in poetry have been recognized by everyone in the Middle Tang Dynasty. One of Han Yu's poems, "Recommenders", has two sentences like this: "The national dynasty is prosperous, and the son is high." "It is said that the Tang Dynasty was the golden age of Chinese poetry, and there were already many famous authors in the early Tang Dynasty, each with its own characteristics." Zi Ang began to go high", he said that until Chen Ziang appeared, "Zhi" was to step on it, and Chen Ziang took a higher step. There were some other authors in the early Tang Dynasty who only paid attention to the workmanship of words, but What Chen Ziang showed was the essence of affection. And the poem that best expresses chen Ziang's grasp of the essence of affection is "DengyouZhou Tai Song". In the two poems of "Lan Ruo" and "Jade" in "Feelings", he uses the techniques and techniques of Bixing and Sustenance. Literature must have skills and techniques, otherwise how to express it? However, "DengyouZhou Tai Song" really wins with the essence of affection.

"I don't see the ancients before, and I don't see the comers after me." Thinking of heaven and earth, alone but weeping. According to the rhyme of the ancients, this poem is a rhyme of sound. This "shang" word does not pronounce shàng, but shǎng. The upper voice is the third sound of Mandarin. This "who" word and "down" word, these two rhymes are the rhyme of the third sound of the upper sound, I said that every rhyme has a name, "person" and "down" belong to the upper sound of "Ma Yun".

Before we talk about this poem, let's first see where Youzhoutai is. Youzhou Terrace has an alias called Yantai, and another alias is Called Jibei Lou. Yantai was built by King Yan Zhao during the Warring States period, also known as the Golden Terrace. What did he do when he built the Golden Platform? "To seek the sages of the world" means that King Yanzhao built The Yantai to visit the sages of the world. King Yan Zhaowang did recruit many sages, such as Le Yi and other very famous generals. Therefore, the golden platform built by King Yan Zhao, later generations called Yantai.

So how did Chen Ziang come here? When did he ascend to the Youzhou Platform? The capital of the Tang Dynasty was originally in Chang'an, but at that time there were border troubles in the north and khitan attacks, and in order to defend the country, Chen Ziang asked to join the army. Chen Ziang had a very good strategy, but Wu Youyi, who was leading the troops at that time, did not accept it. And it just so happened that they passed through Youzhou along the way when they went to attack the Khitans. So he climbed the Youzhou platform and lamented that he did not know the use. The reason why Qu Yuan is sad is that if the country is peaceful and prosperous, it doesn't matter if you don't have to, the country is fine. But obviously the country is in danger, and I have a way to save the country, or I don't need to use it, which is the reason why Qu Yuan wept bitterly. Therefore, Chen Ziang sighed at that time and wrote "DengyouZhou Tai Song".

"Dengyouzhou Tai Song" has only four sentences, and it is not neat, and he put down all literary techniques, leaving the most basic bit of emotion. It's so short, so plain, but so sincere, and very to the point.

"I don't see the ancients before, and I don't see the comers after me." Thinking of heaven and earth, alone but weeping. ”

It is the longevity of time, the blankness of space, the vast world, and the leisurely universe. You have a short life of only a hundred years, although you have such a beautiful ideal, such a beautiful intellect, but what have you accomplished? Once you disappear, you disappear from the universe forever. There hasn't been before, and there won't be you in the future. In this contrast between the longevity of time and the vastness of space, it shows the smallness of human beings and the brevity of life. After all, human life is not free from failure, no matter how beautiful you are, no one knows your loneliness and sorrow. He gathered so much sorrow, and the sorrow common to all people with intelligence and ideals, and wrote it in such a simple and short sentence.

It's really a good poem, and it's a good poem out of the ordinary. It is not five words or seven words, it is a long and short sentence. It is not in the carving and modification, it is not in the bixing sustenance, it is very concise to grasp the point. "I don't see the ancients before, and I don't see the comers after me", which is the common sorrow of intelligent people, so the poems of the ancients often write this kind of sadness.

The Song Dynasty poet Xin Shuyi once wrote: "I don't hate the ancients, I don't see, I hate the ancients who don't see my crazy ears." He said I don't regret that "the ancients are not seen", the ancient people I can't see. "Hate the ancients and don't see my crazy ears", but with such a hard abandonment disease as me, I thought that someone in ancient times should also understand. He admired Tao Yuanming and wrote that "I used to know Yuanming when I was old, but I saw it in my dreams", saying that I didn't know Tao Yuanming's goodness before, and when I experienced the hardships and hardships of the world, I realized Tao Yuanming's goodness. "In my dreams, I saw a jagged one", I saw Tao Yuanming in my dreams. But although I admired Tao Yuanming, Tao Yuanming could never see it, and he didn't know that there was something in the world that I had given up.

All these outstanding great poets have one thing in common. Wang Guowei wrote that genius is different from ordinary people, saying that genius does not care about trivial matters. What does genius care about? It is a direction that is higher and longer lasting. For example, if a person is with some insects, insects are within two steps, and what they see is much clearer than what we see, but they can't see the mountains and seas that people can see five steps away, and it can't see clearly, because it can only see this. Wang Guowei said that the difference between people is here. Some people put all their energy into this kind of calculation, and the lofty, the larger one cannot be seen, but the genius can see higher. So the more talented the poet, the more he has this lonely sorrow. (To be continued) (Ye Jiaying taught By Yu Jiahui and Li Xiaonan, zhang Haitao reviewed)

This paper is one of the results of the major commissioned project of the National Philosophy and Social Science Foundation "'Chinese Poetry Education' and the Inheritance of Excellent Traditional Culture" (project number: 18@ZH026).

Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph

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