
Xue Rengui swore allegiance to Li Shimin to the death, and why did his grandson Xue Song defect to An Lushan to rebel against the Tang Dynasty

The historical prototype of Xue Gang is Xue Song, the grandson of Xue Rengui, derived from folk interpretations, the sons of Fan Lihua and Xue Dingshan, who are heroic and famous for their arm strength. He defected to the rebels of An Lushan, tired of fighting and meritorious service, and was awarded the title of Envoy of Yi Commandery. After the defeat of the Yi army of the Later Shi Dynasty, Xue Song surrendered to Tang with the four prefectures of Xiang, Wei, Huan, and Xing, and was given the title of Zhaoyi Jiedushi Envoy. Emperor Tang died of illness in the eighth year of the Tang Dynasty (773).

Xue Rengui swore allegiance to Li Shimin to the death, and why did his grandson Xue Song defect to An Lushan to rebel against the Tang Dynasty

In history, Xue Rengui did have his own person, a lifetime of horse racing, competing for hegemony, making great military achievements, his personal deeds were widely praised, Xue Rengui had a little grandson named Xue Gang, but Xue Gang was anti-Tang after that, why is this? Perhaps some friends want to say that Xue Rengui is a heroic figure, but who dares to ensure that his descendants have each one?

Just like the individual kings of China's feudal society who have opened up the territory and expanded the territory, such as dragons and phoenixes, their descendants do not have genes to inherit his high-quality genetic genes, and each generation is not as good as the next, resulting in dynastic changes. Xue Gang is not anti-Tang, just anti-Wu Zetian, and the key is the following three reasons.

Xue Rengui swore allegiance to Li Shimin to the death, and why did his grandson Xue Song defect to An Lushan to rebel against the Tang Dynasty

The first is revenge, when Xue Was born, his father Xue Dingshan and his mother Fan Lihua were originally ministers of the country, and they were highly valued by the emperor and their official positions were not low. Xue Gang is a typical second-generation official, who spends all day hanging out with fox friends in the streets and alleys, doing something self-conscious and prestigious.

Unexpectedly, it annoyed the exaggerated children of the same second generation of officials and caused trouble. In order to better crack down on the Xue family camp, taking the opportunity of the Lantern Lantern, Xue Gang was led to the edge of the Wufeng Building, kicked the crown prince to death, and was shocked to death, causing the Xue family to be beheaded and set up an iron mound tomb.

Xue Gang was lucky not to die, and went into exile, and later joined forces with the crown prince Li Xianbing, who would fight a family, take the generals of the Six Kingdoms of Sanchuan, force Wu Zetian to lie in Li Xian, open the iron hill tomb, and rehabilitate Zhaoxue for the Xue family.

Xue Rengui swore allegiance to Li Shimin to the death, and why did his grandson Xue Song defect to An Lushan to rebel against the Tang Dynasty

Second, to help Li Tang regain Jiangshan, perhaps, Xue Gang, who had just fallen into exile, had the idea of revenge in his mind, and there was no idea of repairing the high-end atmosphere of Li Tang's world.

However, the world was changeable, and after experiencing repeated trials and tribulations, he found that it was really difficult to achieve the purpose of revenge by relying on his own strength, and he had no choice but to use the treasure to repair Li Tang's weapons, and join forces with Li Xian, who had degraded the official Luling, to recruit Wu Zhou against each other.

Endangered by the divine right of kings and the concept of male superiority and female inferiority, social development, including the high demand for the restoration of Li TangTiandi by the important officials of the government, everyone wanted to overthrow the female emperor. Therefore, after a hundred responses, the grand goal was finally completed.

Xue Rengui swore allegiance to Li Shimin to the death, and why did his grandson Xue Song defect to An Lushan to rebel against the Tang Dynasty

The third is to seal the wife and shadow. Learning wen and martial arts well, selling goods to the emperor's family, mixing with an official and a half-job in the official palace, and shining lintels, it is the greatest perfect pursuit of the literati and generals in which period.

Xue Gang is not excluded, his ancestors are such heroic figures, coming to his generation not only did not have a successful career, but dragged down the martyrdom of his relatives, and he himself was forced to live in the rivers and lakes, all day long in fear, to avoid the attack of the official government, he did not want to one day boost the wind at the door of Xue's house, complete the turbulent daily life.

Coinciding with Wu Zhou Dangxing, the voices of social development resistance rose and fell, and he saw that he took advantage of the void and was willing to take the risk and stepped into the path of cutting Zhou Xingtang.

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