
Do you have three major misunderstandings about children growing tall? How to tell if a child is tall or short? Poke in and see the answer

When the mother's jianghu competition, it all started from the "Xiuwa" of the sword and light sword shadow.

From the baby's academic performance to the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, to fancy sports, everything can be compared, and the most speechless thing is that it is even more than that! body! high!

After that, some mothers are overwhelmed, is there a good way to make their children grow taller?

Come on, come on, let the secret of making your child taller is here.

Do you have three major misunderstandings about children growing tall? How to tell if a child is tall or short? Poke in and see the answer

As the saying goes, a high covers a hundred ugly, and a short destroys everything. I believe that many parents agree with this sentence, and for this reason, they are looking for ways to increase their children's heights. As everyone knows, parents' excessive attention to height and high expectations will invisibly bring psychological pressure to children; and bad business culture uses people's "fear of shortness" to sell related products, increasing the "height anxiety" of parents and children. Rational understanding of height, correcting children's growth and development cognitive misunderstandings, alleviating "fear of shortness" and "height anxiety" require the joint efforts of parents, social and medical experts.

Three misunderstandings, you need to know

Factors that determine a child's growth include familial genetics, nutritional status, levels of various endocrine hormones, lifestyle, and environmental factors and disease influences, on the basis of which there are also large individual differences. In the face of children's height, parents may have the following common misunderstandings.

Myth 1: "Heightening Miracle Drug" achieves "ideal" height

"Height is not enough, increase the medicine to help", many parents hope that their children can be more upright. In the major e-commerce platforms can see a variety of auxiliary height of the drug or equipment sales are hot, parents expect "more than 1 cm long to calculate 1 cm", more believe that "height three points the day after tomorrow, customized height is not a dream", in order to make the child's height more ideal and turn to all kinds of "height increase drugs" or equipment.

Myth 2: "I have regrets, my children have to grasp it"

Many parents will be their own dissatisfaction with the hope of their children, "better grades", "better work", "better personality", "height a little higher", and height and parents' other "dream goals" seem to be more likely to achieve, so the formation of parents "their own regrets, children have to grasp" mentality.

Myth three: how high is the heart, how high is the baby

With the clinical application of recombinant human growth hormone for children with indications, such as growth hormone deficiency, idiopathic short stature, etc., parents without medical background believe that growth hormone is a "height increase needle" that can achieve height breakthroughs.

The above cognitive misunderstandings are widespread, coupled with the use of bad businesses, making a variety of "heightening miracle drugs", health care products and "long-term prescriptions" popular. This not only has no significant effect on height improvement, but also may lead to the use of drugs beyond the scope, delaying the timing of correct intervention, and even bringing serious health risks.

Whether it is tall or short, how to judge

There are two main types of indicators for the assessment of children's growth and development, one is the height at the time point of age, and the other is the growth rate (growth rate) of height per unit time. On the one hand, the evaluation of children's growth and development should be compared according to the Chinese children's height scale to understand the current level of children's height and weight; on the other hand, it is also necessary to understand the growth rate over a period of time and judge the child's growth status and trend.

Parents judge the child's high level of body as follows:

Do you have three major misunderstandings about children growing tall? How to tell if a child is tall or short? Poke in and see the answer
Do you have three major misunderstandings about children growing tall? How to tell if a child is tall or short? Poke in and see the answer

According to the above scale, the average height of normal people of the same race, same sex and the same age is negative 2 standard deviations (–2SDS) or the 3rd percentile is the passing line, and the height above the passing line is the normal range of medicine.

The second is the "average line" of the average height of normal people of the same race, sex and age, which is also the 50th percentile, that is, medium height.

The third is the "ideal height" In fact, it is only the expectations of parents for their children's height.

Short stature refers to similar living environments, the height of individuals of the same race, sex and the same age is below the "passing line", these indicators are related to the genetics of the child and the family, and the clinical assessment should not only consider the height at the time point, but also pay attention to the child's growth rate to be reasonably evaluated. When it is found that the child's height is below the passing line or the growth curve is seriously deviated from normal, the child is short.

Clarify the cause and manage it regularly

Do you have three major misunderstandings about children growing tall? How to tell if a child is tall or short? Poke in and see the answer

It is important to have a reasonable understanding of height, strengthen monitoring, and correctly judge growth. When a child is "short in stature", the cause should be identified, properly managed and treated.

Accurate judgment, clear cause

Children's growth and development have the characteristics of dynamic, continuous, phased and regular, and health management is particularly important. Parents, childcare institutions and schools should closely observe the growth and development of children, and regularly measure and conduct health check-ups. When your child's growth rate deviates from the normal curve or his height falls below the passing line, it is recommended to go to a specialist hospital for a regular consultation to find the cause.

Physiological causes include nutritional deficiencies or imbalances, lifestyle problems, etc.; pathological causes include a variety of genetic metabolic endocrine diseases and chronic diseases of various organ systems throughout the body. The cause can be defined to correctly intervene in treatment.

Many children diagnosed with "short stature" are often physiological reasons that can be intervened and corrected through balanced nutrition, lifestyle changes, and rational arrangement of exercise; for pathological causes, further clarification of the diagnosis, elimination of the cause, and targeted intervention are carried out. Pediatric experts can provide parents with correct child growth knowledge, guide and assist children to grow up healthily, and parents cannot blindly use so-called elevated drugs or appliances.

Accurate diagnosis and rational treatment

Growth hormone is by far the most commonly used and effective intervention for improving height. The application of growth hormone must be applied to patients who meet the indications under the strict guidance of a specialist, including growth hormone deficiency, small-for-gestational-age infants who have not been able to achieve height catch-up, idiopathic short stature, congenital ovarian hypoplasia syndrome, chronic renal insufficiency growth delay, Pradwilly syndrome and more than ten endocrine and genetic metabolic diseases.

For children who do need growth hormone intervention, parents should not "talk about hormone discoloration". The effectiveness and safety of growth hormone have been confirmed in decades of clinical application at home and abroad. Treatment data from relevant large-scale databases at home and abroad show that regular treatment with growth hormone under indications does not increase the risk of new malignant tumors in patients without tumors, nor does it directly lead to scoliosis, obesity or diabetes.

Standardize use and eliminate abuse

Growth hormone is not a universal "enhancement miracle drug", which requires professional doctors to strictly follow the guidelines, grasp the indications and contraindications, and strengthen monitoring and follow-up management, and must prevent the abuse of growth hormone. For the simple pursuit of the so-called "ideal" and "perfect" height of the appeal, there is currently no clinical basis to evaluate the actual effect of this intervention, and specialists do not recommend, advocate, or support the use of growth hormone in such cases.

Strengthen supervision and correct guidance

Multimedia and network popularization, non-medical people can quickly send information and obtain information through the network, resulting in network information "good and bad", in this case, we should guide everyone to form a correct understanding of children's height.

First of all, the society must have a healthy public opinion orientation, oppose height discrimination, promote fairness and justice in employment, mate selection, etc., and improve the soil that nourishes "height anxiety". Secondly, strengthen the standardized construction of the diagnosis and treatment process of medical institutions and the supervision of the use of growth hormone, strictly grasp the indications for medication, strengthen the construction of specialties and the cultivation of specialized talents, and avoid misunderstandings and abuses caused by medical reasons. Finally, parents should correctly understand the height of children, fully realize that personal ability and talent are the key elements to win the respect of others, and avoid "height involution".

(Source: Healthy China)

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