
In the rush of toil, accompanied by four children slowly grew up

In the rush of toil, accompanied by four children slowly grew up

Image source: Visual China

In May 2021, the state issued the "Three-Child Policy". This year is also the fourth year that our family has started the life of four children.

I remember when my wife, who went to the pregnancy test alone, sent a message that she was pregnant with triplets, I was in the classroom of a working graduate student at Peking University. Because it was too unexpected, at noon I came to the unnamed lake and sat in a daze for two hours. It can be predicted that the birth of triplets will inevitably completely change the lives of my wife and me.

There are four children in the family, and happiness will naturally be magnified. Every day when I came home and opened the door, four children rushed up to hug me, which made me feel like I was infinitely "needed". When holding their small bodies and listening to them share interesting things that happened at school in a cute voice, the pressure of belonging to adults seems to disappear.

There are many happy moments of raising babies in such a "four-part" manner. For example, my daughters who have just started kindergarten can write, speak English, get the first award in their lives, and bring back works from school every day for me to appreciate. Although my son is only 7 years old, he can already have very deep conversations with me, with clear logic and rich vocabulary, which is beyond my imagination.

Every change in their eyes, every upturn in the corners of their mouths, and every word they use made me see their growth. Immerse yourself in their world and everything is happy. This gives me a fulfilling sense of happiness and gives me the energy to bear and overcome the pressures of reality.

Everyone has multiple social roles, and this year, when all four children reach school age, my role as a father, son, husband, and employee has changed.

As a father, the most important responsibility is to accompany and educate the child. Attach importance to the education of children, I am serious. To this end, I studied the educational philosophy of the main schools at home and abroad, resigned from the central unit to do educational entrepreneurship, contacted a wider range of children and families, and tested the results of education on a larger scale. In 2020 I obtained my Early Childhood Teacher's Certificate and in 2021 I obtained my Secondary School Chinese Teacher's Certificate.

However, the most important basis for all these achievements to work for four children is time. It is only during my time with my children that they can truly benefit from my professional abilities. So, every morning and evening, I have to spend my life with my children. In both time periods, everything else is in the back seat.

As sons, they are certainly happy to be able to add so many grandchildren to the elderly. Just taking care of so many children, it is difficult to complete without the help of the elderly. Now we have a family of nine: four children, my wife and I, and my grandfather, grandma, and grandma. The two sides of the elderly live under the same roof, although they are reasonable, take care of each other, but after all, there will be differences, a few years later, the elderly also bear a lot of psychological pressure. In the family, the children are really put in the center, and I don't take much care of and communicate with the elderly. In contrast to the standard of filial piety, I am still far behind.

As a husband, more than a decade of love and married life, did not make me numb. In my heart, my love for my wife is still the same as when I first started falling in love, and I have not changed. Only in terms of action, because work and children occupy most of the time, it is true that it is rare to arrange a separate time to accompany the wife, fail to understand the wife's working environment and pressure well, fail to care for and listen to the wife's worries and worries in family life, and fail to shield her from the wind and rain. I feel guilty about this all the time.

As an employee, in 2021, I ended my entrepreneurial status and came to my current unit, starting from scratch. It is not easy to keep up with the rhythm of young people and complete set tasks. The dream of innovation in my heart has pushed me to strive to build an innovative work platform that breaks through the existing model. Therefore, time is tight and heavy tasks are the norm, and often after taking care of the child to fall asleep, I turn on the computer again and continue to fight. Fortunately, with the support of leaders and colleagues, the new situation has begun to appear, and the dawn has come into view.

It can be seen that the life of multiple children will be doubly happy and happy, and it will also bring about a certain amount of life and work pressure. In my experience, the government can raise the fertility of young people in terms of both eating and living. For example, in terms of eating, underage children can be provided with milk, eggs and other nutritious foods necessary every day. In terms of housing, consideration could be given to providing family housing subsidies based on the number of minor children. These two are the factors that affect the happiness index in the daily life of multi-child families, especially in first-tier cities such as Beijing. Only by further building a social environment conducive to the smooth and harmonious operation of multi-child families and providing more policy support can we form a fertility atmosphere that encourages and is willing to have children.

Source: China Youth Daily client

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