
Couples of these two blood types, the children born will have a high IQ, netizens: win at the starting line

Parents want to have a child with a higher IQ, so what to do to improve the child's IQ, find a smarter other half, or receive early education during pregnancy, or choose a nutritious diet?

The data shows that today's children are not only physically strong, but also have higher IQs. Many people sighed: "The children now are getting better and better, much stronger than our generation." "Recently, I also learned some cold knowledge about IQ and blood type: if a couple's blood type is more compatible, then the children born together will be more superior.

Couples of these two blood types, the children born will have a high IQ, netizens: win at the starting line

These two blood types of couples, the child born will have a high IQ, netizens: win at the starting line!

So the question is, which two blood types are combined to produce a child with a higher IQ? Why are some parents very smart, but the children born are somewhat mediocre and do not achieve the effect of strong alliance? Don't children with low IQs have a chance to develop? With these questions in mind, we wrote the following popular science articles.

Biologists say that human blood types vary, and they vary with the environment humans live in, the food they eat, and the climate. At present, there are four common blood types in humans, namely: A, B, AB and O, each with its own origin.

Couples of these two blood types, the children born will have a high IQ, netizens: win at the starting line

Blood type O is currently the oldest blood type:

Among the four common blood types, the earliest and initial appearance of type O blood, people's main food is bugs, grass and some wild fruits. Later, human beings learned to hunt in practice, expanding the scope of activities little by little, so that human beings have a broader space for development.

People with blood type O are generally cheerful and sometimes show some eagerness. Nevertheless, people with blood type O have a very enviable advantage, they have an amazing memory and learning ability, which is unmatched by other blood types.

Couples of these two blood types, the children born will have a high IQ, netizens: win at the starting line

Blood type A is known as the most learned blood type:

Blood type A appeared relatively late, when humans had learned to grow grain and domesticate wild animals, and began to change their diet. They are the third in number and third in IQ.

People with blood type A are very considerate, they can work with others at the expense of their own interests, and they can get things done well. People with blood type A are well aware of the truth that one plus one is greater than two.

Couples of these two blood types, the children born will have a high IQ, netizens: win at the starting line

Blood type B is the most adaptable:

Under the strong climatic contrast and change, blood type B came into being. Blood type B ranks second in numbers. In terms of personality, they are more extroverted and good at interacting with people, but their IQ is a bit ordinary, ranking fourth.

But people with B blood often have unexpected ideas, are curious about new things, and are very creative. In the face of difficulties, type B blood is also a very reliable partner, they can often come up with different solutions, giving people a lot of surprises!

Couples of these two blood types, the children born will have a high IQ, netizens: win at the starting line

Ab blood type is the "youngest" blood type:

The AB blood type appears the most recently and exists for less than a thousand years. They are a combination of type A and type B. People with AB blood type are generally in good health and have few problems. They are also the smallest, but their average IQ is the first. People with AB blood are active in thinking, calm and objective in their hearts, and have strong logical abilities that others do not have.

Like careful observation, you can see the essence of the problem through the phenomenon. In summary, the IQ ranking of blood type is: AB>O> A>B, and the child's blood type is closely related to the parent's blood type, so the husband and wife blood type will also affect the child's IQ level. You might think that when two smart blood types are combined, the child must be smart, but the actual result is not so simple.

Couples of these two blood types, the children born will have a high IQ, netizens: win at the starting line

What kind of blood group binding is best?

1, AB + AB depends on luck

As can be seen from the table, if two children with AB blood types are born, there are three possibilities for the child's blood type: A, B, ab. Whether a baby inherits the high IQ blood type of his parents depends entirely on luck. This also explains why some families have parents with high IQs, but the children they give birth to are mediocre.

Couples of these two blood types, the children born will have a high IQ, netizens: win at the starting line

2. O+A and O+B results are ordinary

The two cases are similar, in that in the combination of these two blood types, children are more likely to inherit their parents' IQ levels, where the probability of type B is very high and does not predominate in IQ.

3, O + AB, the result is not general

The combination of these two blood types is unlikely to give birth to a baby AB. They give birth to children with A and B blood types, and the best outcome is to give birth to a blood type A baby with the third highest IQ.

Couples of these two blood types, the children born will have a high IQ, netizens: win at the starting line

4, O + O, the most "good" combination

After comparison, it was found that when both husband and wife are O blood type, the baby has only one blood type, that is, O type. Therefore, the IQ of the children born of this combination must not be too bad.

Couples of these two blood types, the children born will have a high IQ, netizens: win at the starting line


High IQ is a child's strength and may provide some help for their learning life. However, high IQ is not the decisive factor in judging whether a child is excellent or not, nor does it mean that a child with a high IQ will necessarily be able to become a "leader".

There is no difference in blood type in physiological nature. No matter what the child's blood type is, as long as he is willing to study seriously and work hard, he will be able to play his own strengths, stimulate his own advantages, and be able to make a difference in the field of learning and work.

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