
If one of the couples has type O blood, what are the characteristics of the baby born?

Among the four major blood types, O blood is more popular, and some people even think that if one of the parents is O blood, then the baby may be very lucky, so what are the characteristics of the baby born of O blood combined with other blood types? Let's take a look.

If one of the couples has type O blood, what are the characteristics of the baby born?

If one of the couples has type O blood, what are the characteristics of the baby born? It is recommended to understand

【Blood type O + Blood type AB】

If a person with blood type O and a person with type AB combine later in the child, a situation that may occur is the simple presence of antigen A or the simple presence of antigen B on the membrane of erythrocytes.

Therefore, the blood type displayed by the child can be A blood type or B blood, and it is generally not possible to produce children with type O blood or AB blood, but there may also be a small chance of mutation.

Such people have some of the characteristics of blood type A and type B blood, have a complex and changeable personality, have a clear tendency to "not force themselves", but at the same time have the changing characteristics of self-vigilance and alienation consciousness.

A calm, balanced socialist who treats friends with extreme enthusiasm, gives people an elegant, idyllic, and soft impression, never easily shows his emotions, and can usually make calm judgments no matter what the situation.

If one of the couples has type O blood, what are the characteristics of the baby born?

【Blood type O + Blood type O】

According to the theory of genetic biology, if both husband and wife are O blood, then only children with O blood can be born, and it has been reported that a couple with O blood has given birth to a type A blood child, which is one in ten million, which is very rare.

The advantage of blood type people is that they are full of vitality, and they have strong practical ability, they will do it immediately as soon as they have an idea, and they are competitive, this kind of personality can also play a positive role in the work, even if they encounter difficulties, they will not easily give in and do their best to change the status quo.

If one of the couples has type O blood, what are the characteristics of the baby born?

【Blood type O + blood type A】

The baby's blood type can only be O type blood or A blood type, due to the genetic law of blood type, O is recessive, A is dominant, the mother's blood type is O, can be considered as 2 O, Dad's blood type is A type, can be considered O and A2 genetic factors, a total of 4 genetic factors are combined.

Mom's O and Dad's O and A are combined to form OO, OA, Mom's other O and Dad's O, A are combined, forming OO and OA, it will form 2 OO, which is O type blood, 2 OA, manifested as A type blood, so the child's O type blood accounts for 50% of the possibility, A type blood accounts for 50% of the possibility.

The combination of the two blood types will make the temperament of the sincere and frank O blood type more prominent, and the child of the father O + mother A is fully committed to everything and hates hypocrisy.

Therefore, as long as the child of the father O type + the mother A type is out of the horse, there will be many people who think that they can not hide it, take the initiative to ask for communication, and are likely to become the best in the future work and study.

If one of the couples has type O blood, what are the characteristics of the baby born?

【Blood type O + Blood type B】

The blood type of the baby born of type blood and type B blood can only be type B blood or type O blood, of course, the probability of the possibility of blood type O is relatively large, the probability of the child's blood type is type B blood, which is one in four, and the probability of type O blood is three-quarters.

Because of the open-mindedness, generally what will be seen or heard, will be said without reservation, so it will often be misunderstood by everyone, but they will not pay attention to it at all, will act as if nothing has happened, the heart is very open-minded, it is precisely because of this frankness, so it will always gain people's trust.

If one of the couples has type O blood, what are the characteristics of the baby born?

Second, what can be done to give birth to a healthy baby?

1. Try to avoid pregnancies at an advanced age, i.e. at or over 35 years.

2. Rational nutrition, avoid overnutrition, and control weight, because overweight affects pregnancy.

3. In the first 3 months of pregnancy, take folic acid 0.4-0.8 mg/day or a multivitamin containing folic acid.

4. Use drugs rationally and avoid drugs that may affect the normal development of the fetus.

5. Avoid contact with toxic and harmful substances in the living or professional environment, and avoid close contact with pets.

6. When trying to conceive, you should go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination, such as measuring blood pressure, weight, cardiopulmonary auscultation, and routine gynecological examination.

7. Exercise in moderation, through moderate exercise, maintain physical health function, only do these preparations, and pay attention to the precautions during pregnancy, in order to have a healthy baby.

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