
About the oil car and tram This time I stand Li Bin | a long shot of Su Yunong

A few days ago, the words of Weilai founder Li Bin caused controversy on the Internet. He said the following:

First, I don't understand at all, why do you still buy oil trucks? How nostalgic will buy a gas car, in addition to being able to smell a little gasoline, what is good?

Second, in most scenarios, everyone is used to it, where there is so much anxiety. It is said that the anxiety of the power is the heart of the gasoline car user to operate the tram.

Third, Weilai and BMW Mercedes-Benz Audi oil car to fight, or very confident.

This passage made many users of fuel vehicles very angry, thinking that Li Bin was too crazy, too dressed, and even a bit equivalent to Jin Huidi saying "why not eat meat paste"?

Let's start with the problem of this passage, which is simply taken literally.

One is that it really does not take into account the diversification of geographical conditions, such as cold areas such as the northeast, such as remote areas, and users who are inconvenient to install charging piles, of course, there are many loyal fans of oil trucks.

One is that as an entrepreneur who serves traditional car companies, now doing new energy vehicles, he began to step on fuel vehicles, is it not too kind?

But I'm actually quite Li Bin.

First of all, the rapid development of new energy vehicles this year is indeed beyond expectations. Ouyang Minggao also said that now new energy vehicles have entered a "steep growth period". A few days ago, we just held an annual car evaluation, in the evaluation site of more than 60 new cars, new energy vehicles accounted for 1/3, the biggest feeling, is the sophistication of these cars, intelligent experience, compared with last year, the improvement is very significant. Although there is still controversy about whether new energy vehicles can continue to maintain a high growth rate next year. However, the status of new energy vehicles and market recognition have been formed. It can be seen that in recent months, Toyota, Honda, and Nissan have all released plans to comprehensively promote new energy vehicles.

Therefore, when more and more consumers buy new cars, it is only a matter of time before they actively and passively move closer to new energy vehicles. What Li Bin said was a little casual, but standing in the position of the head of a new energy vehicle company, there is nothing wrong with saying so, and it is not as big as Musk's scale.

Secondly, there are large differences in driving sensations between fuel vehicles and electric vehicles, and there are also many differences in the ecology of using cars. You can't look at charging with the way of thinking about refueling. A Weilai car owner told me that he chose the "energy worry-free" service, and ordered on the APP at night when he needed to charge, and then someone drove the car away to charge and sent it back before the morning. So never charged yourself, and there will be no charging anxiety. Of course, this service is charged more than 10,000 yuan a year.

For WEILAI users, there are indeed many service options. It's not that you have money or no money, but whether other companies have such services. Many electric car owners also told me that once they are on an electric car, it is difficult to use fuel vehicles. Most Tesla owners I know are also full of praise for Tesla's driving performance and intelligent experience. Therefore, in "Zhuangzi", it is mentioned that the son is not a fish, and the joy of knowing the fish is safe. We really don't want to talk about electric vehicles from the perspective of fuel vehicles.

Third, Weilai, a company, although recently affected by various impacts, sales growth has slowed down. But I still have a lot of admiration for Weilai. It is this company that can make its own brand high-end in just a few years, and other independent brands can't do it before that. It is this company that has created many new service models, such as power exchange, BaaS, user trust, etc., which are subversive innovations. Spending so much money, many of Weilai's service layouts are "burned out", which can be one step ahead. All enterprises have their own problems, and there are many problems in Weilai, but Weilai's innovative ability and distinctive service characteristics are still a model for other enterprises. It can also be said that without the leading role played by enterprises including Weilai, wave after wave of "new car-making forces" will not develop so quickly. Moreover, there is no standard answer to the topic of user operation and user co-creation, and Weilai is using its own forward-looking attempts to trial and error. Including some of the controversies that have recently caused, they are paving the way for the overall progress of industry awareness.

Fourth, there's nothing wrong with talking about controversial topics, as I've said on previous shows. The leaders of China's car companies are subject to the restrictions of the joint venture parties or the atmosphere of state-owned enterprises, and most of their speeches are cautious or routine. Only the boss who can be the master of his own can make amazing remarks. In fact, looking at Li Bin's previous remarks, there are many explosive ones, which should be a popular interview object, and the risk of this kind of public opinion should also be controlled within the enterprise.

In the second half of 2019, Weilai was almost drowned by spit stars at the most difficult time, and some so-called big Vs were exaggerated and difficult. At that time, I said that falling into the well was disrespectful to innovative enterprises. Where have all those people gone now?

Therefore, if you don't like new energy vehicles, you can not buy them, after all, fuel vehicles are still the majority. In the past few years, some owners of new energy vehicles have actually suffered losses, and their infrastructure and technology are not yet mature. Because of the license plate, or was fooled, Bought a new energy vehicle. Today, the product and market are more mature, and the insurance coefficient is also large. At least, several leading new energy companies have entered a stable stage of development, giving consumers more protection. New energy vehicles are now also rolled in, competing for consumers, which is a good thing for users. However, before buying a car, we must try more and compare more, consider our own economic conditions, as well as the way to solve the charging problem, travel habits, and maximize the value of new energy vehicles.

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