
Xiao He had always looked down on Liu Bang, and why did he vigorously elect Liu Bang as the leader during the uprising

After the uprising of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang broke out, PeiXian was also ready to launch an uprising. At that time, Xiao He, Cao Shan, and other civil servants persuaded Pei County to summon the exiled people back, first, to avoid these people from rebellion, and second, to form an army by these people and play a role in the uprising.

So Peixian County Order sent people out to gather those who were in exile. At that time, Fan Duo was sent to summon Liu Bang. When Liu Bang returned with more than a hundred of his brothers, Peixian County Ling saw that Liu Bang's people were numerous and a little frightened, so he closed the city gate and locked Liu Bang and the others outside, preventing them from entering the city. They were also ready to arrest Xiao He and Cao Gan.

Xiao He and Cao San quickly fled outside the city. So Liu Bang wrote a letter and shot it into the city. In the end, the people in the city killed the county order, and Liu Bang and others were able to enter the city.

At that time, there was no lord in the city, and Xiao He advocated the election of Liu Bang as the new Pei County Commandery and led everyone to revolt. At Xiao He's suggestion, the crowd agreed to this suggestion.

Xiao He had always looked down on Liu Bang, and why did he vigorously elect Liu Bang as the leader during the uprising

(Liu Bang stills)

Then, Liu Bang was just a pavilion chief at that time, and he was a well-known little, why would Xiao He recommend Liu Bang as the leader?

Besides, Xiao He actually didn't have any good feelings for Liu Bang. When Peixian County Order washed the dust for Lü Taigong, Xiao He was the host of the banquet. He set a standard, and all those who paid less than a thousand would sit down in the hall. It can be seen from here that Xiao He, a person, is actually a little snobbish, not the kind of person who looks up to the low-level hero.

At that time, Liu Bang casually said "He Qian ten thousand", and after Lu Taigong heard about it, he came out and personally welcomed him to the hall and sat down. At that time, Xiao He was still on the side to stop Lü Taigong and said that this Liu Bang had always run trains with his mouth full of mouths. Don't believe what he says. However, Lü Taigong did not listen to Xiao He and still welcomed Liu Bang in.

It can be seen from this that in fact, Lü Taigong is more discerning than Xiao He.

Xiao He had always looked down on Liu Bang, and why did he vigorously elect Liu Bang as the leader during the uprising

(Xiao Ho stills)

Then, why did Xiao He finally try to promote Liu Bang to be the county commander of Pei County?

Some people say that it is because Liu Bang has a different phase. The "Chronicle of History" records: "(Liu Bang) Long Zhuan and Long Yan, beautiful beard, left strands have seventy-two black children." That is to say, his forehead is high and bulging, his beard is beautiful, and he has 72 scabs on his left thigh.

Some people also said that Liu Bang had shown that he had great ambitions at that time. Also according to the "Records of History", once, Liu Bang saw Qin Shi Huang's traveling procession on the road, grand and luxurious, and not only sighed: "Oh, the eldest husband should be like this." ”

In ancient times, it was very superstitious, Liu Bang had a different appearance, and at the same time, he had extraordinary speech and great ambition, which could indeed show that Liu Bang was not an ordinary person. However, Liu Bang's alien appearance was born. Xiao He must have known it for a long time. There is also the sentence that Liu Bang said, Xiao He and Liu Bang are usually very familiar with each other, and they also know it. Xiao He knew all this, but at Lü Taigong's banquet, he still looked down on Liu Bang so much. It can be seen from this that Xiao He did not take Liu Bang's strange appearance and those peculiar manifestations as a thing.

Xiao He had always looked down on Liu Bang, and why did he vigorously elect Liu Bang as the leader during the uprising

(Statue of Liu Bang chopping the white snake)

Since Liu Bang was not taken seriously, why did he elect Liu Bang as a county order?

Some people also said that Liu Bang had killed the Great White Snake in the process of escorting prisoners, and there was an old woman who cried and said that Liu Bang had killed her son. Xiao He must have heard this before he saw that Liu Bang was not an ordinary person.

However, I am skeptical of the story of Liu Bang's beheading of the White Snake. Did Liu Bang kill a white snake at that time? Is that white snake big? This is possible. However, an old woman cried and said that Liu Bang had killed his son, which was certainly not true. It is very similar that after Liu Bang's uprising, everyone deliberately attached themselves to him in order to mythologize Liu Bang. The Chronicle of History also records this incident. After Liu Bang's uprising, "The Yellow Emperor of the Ancestral Temple, the sacrifice of clams is especially in Peiting, and the drum banner is red." By the serpent white emperor who killed, the killer was the red emperor, so the upper red". It can be seen from this that this was indeed deliberately said after everyone revolted, in order to show that Liu Bang's rebel army was extraordinary.

So, what was the reason, why did Xiao liu bang set up Liu Bang as the county commander of Pei County?

In fact, on this issue, there is also a clear record in the "Records of History": "The multitude does not dare to do anything, and Nai Liji (Liu Bang) is the Duke of Pei." That is to say, everyone originally wanted to take the lead, but they were all afraid that after failure, they would be punished, so they established Liu Bang as "Pei Gong". And Liu Bang, because he has great courage and at the same time has great ambitions since childhood, so he will push the boat along the water.

In fact, Liu Bang still took the initiative to take on this head. Because at that time, peixian county order was killed, everyone must have thought of liu bang as the "county order". But Liu Bang looked very high at the beginning, he was not just a county order, he wanted to be a "gong", so he was called "Pei Gong".

(Reference: Chronicle of History)

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