
"Children are too young to be around their parents, childcare reduces the pressure of bringing a baby", is the legendary childcare worth it?

Parent circles have long had mixed views on childcare.

Some parents believe that children who are too young to be around their parents will lose their sense of security.

However, some parents believe that childcare does reduce the pressure of bringing a baby and reduces the difference between families with a baby.

"Children are too young to be around their parents, childcare reduces the pressure of bringing a baby", is the legendary childcare worth it?

Because the children in childcare are relatively young, it is normal for parents to be distressed and entangled.

In the past two years, the content of childcare has emerged in an endless stream, and some people think that childcare is not to manage children to eat and drink Lasa? Others think that childcare is someone helping to carry the baby.

Therefore, parents need to know what childcare is, and then consider it after having a certain understanding.

Some common childcare Q&A

1. "Isn't childcare just someone to take care of, eat, drink, and lasa?" ”

This angle is very interesting, people are born to eat and drink Lasa, but this is only the basis for the continuation of life.

Don't say here, even if you go directly into the small class, these are also necessary.

But childcare is not just about taking care of children, but also about taking on the role of habitual parenting, cultivating sociality, and stimulating wisdom.

"Children are too young to be around their parents, childcare reduces the pressure of bringing a baby", is the legendary childcare worth it?

2. "Is there nothing else to gain but to have fun?" ”

A good early education not only lays a good foundation for future family upbringing, but also allows children to control life and cope with all aspects of life.

American psychologist Bloom also believes that receiving early education before the age of 3 is crucial to a child's life.

This conclusion is not out of thin air, Bloom has conducted a 20-year-long study of more than 1500 children aged 0 to 3 years.

"Children are too young to be around their parents, childcare reduces the pressure of bringing a baby", is the legendary childcare worth it?

The study found that children who received early education between the ages of 0 and 3 had an average IQ of 17% higher than those who had not received it.

When I once chatted with some kindergarten teachers, I found through the expressions of teachers:

Children who have had childcare experience are more likely to integrate into the new life of kindergarten, behavior habits have been formed, learning things quickly, basically do not need to worry too much.

Let's talk about the part that the head of the family is most concerned about, except for these childcares, where is the value? What can be reflected in what places?

Childcare values are cultivated in these six areas

Don't think that the child is still young, you can wait like this, and the good time to miss it will not come again!

★ Developmental aspects

Studies have shown that 0 to 3 years old is the most active period of brain development, and rich sensory stimulation and a good educational environment should be given.

At present, the family's parenting environment can only play a basic maintenance function, and parents are busy with work and cannot carry out comprehensive education.

"Children are too young to be around their parents, childcare reduces the pressure of bringing a baby", is the legendary childcare worth it?

Childcare can provide children with scientific and perfect educational programs and stimulate the healthy development of children's brains.

★ Eating aspects

Usually, 8 months is the golden age when a child eats on their own.

Of course, the specifics vary from baby to baby.

At home, some parents have bad feeding habits, which can easily make children dependent.

"Children are too young to be around their parents, childcare reduces the pressure of bringing a baby", is the legendary childcare worth it?

For example, chasing children to feed, often eating a meal for an hour or two.

Good childcare will train children to use tableware correctly and form good eating habits.

Some children who were originally picky eaters may gradually change this problem in their training.

★ In terms of admission to the park

Some parents believe that childcare hurts their children's sense of security.

In fact, the most hurtful thing about children's sense of security is to send children who do not have independent skills directly into kindergartens.

The difficulty of adaptation is also a big reason for the "phobia of entering the kindergarten".

"Children are too young to be around their parents, childcare reduces the pressure of bringing a baby", is the legendary childcare worth it?

The childcare has special teachers to take care of, which can help the child to get through the separation anxiety as soon as possible and care for the child's psychology.

Children can also quickly integrate into group life, and will also be more lively and confident.

★ Toilet aspect

1 to 2 and 3 years old is the period of children, and this concept may be relatively unfamiliar to parents.

The phase originates from the second stage of personality development that Freud divided into, and he believed that children at this stage cared about anal-related activities and were also a growing pleasure.

However, improper guidance at this time is likely to cause two kinds of personality:

"Children are too young to be around their parents, childcare reduces the pressure of bringing a baby", is the legendary childcare worth it?

Excretory personality and constipated personality, the former sloppy, unorganized, wasteful, and unbridled, the latter clean, cautious, attention to detail, excessive attention to organization.

He believes that the correct cultivation is very necessary in this period.

Reasonable exercise has certain benefits for the movement of children's hands and body, learning to cooperate and imitate.

The nursery is equipped with toilet equipment suitable for the size of the child, guiding the child to take the initiative to express his needs and take off his pants, trousers, wash his hands and other self-care skills.

★ Social aspect

Most families have only one child, and children lack the opportunity to socialize with their peers.

Even if you have occasional access to peers, it is not a short time, and you are not socially engaged independently.

"Children are too young to be around their parents, childcare reduces the pressure of bringing a baby", is the legendary childcare worth it?

1 to 3 years old is also a stage that cannot be ignored in the cultivation of social skills, if the lack of communication between peers, may lead to the formation of timidity, loneliness, squeamishness, dependence and other personalities.

Childcare can provide a social environment for children, rich group games, and can guide children to express themselves generously and take the initiative to communicate.

★ Sleep aspect

Children aged 1 to 3 years old generally sleep at night for 10 to 12 hours, sleep for 2 to 3 hours during the day, and basically have a nap.

However, in the family, the child's sleep is more random, and the sleep time is not regular.

Sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, and some for an hour, or for an afternoon.

"Children are too young to be around their parents, childcare reduces the pressure of bringing a baby", is the legendary childcare worth it?

Children in the nursery will sleep more regularly, most of them take a nap at twelve o'clock in the afternoon every day, and sleep for about three hours.

It can not only ensure adequate sleep, but also develop a good sleep pattern.

After today's comparison, I think parents can clearly see the difference between the two.

From a more scientific and professional point of view, good childcare brings more growth to children, so that children are happier, independent and more confident.

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