
The mother indulges her child to watch TV for 10 hours a day, in exchange for the worst result: the words will not be said

Text/Babe Bean Parenting Classroom (original article, welcome to reprint and share)

Most mothers are aware of the harm of electronic products to children, but most parents will not reasonably control their children's time, and even spoil their children and indulge them in endless contact with electronic products.

Watching TV, playing mobile phones, the most common behaviors in daily life, parents may feel irrelevant, the biggest harm is the loss of vision, and wearing glasses can solve this problem later. As everyone knows, the harm caused by these electronic products is far more terrifying than you think.

The mother indulges her child to watch TV for 10 hours a day, in exchange for the worst result: the words will not be said

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The mother indulges her child to watch TV for 10 hours a day, in exchange for the worst result: the words will not be said

Ms. Zhang's child Tao Tao just entered the kindergarten this year, but less than a week after entering the kindergarten, Ms. Zhang received a notice from the kindergarten: to withdraw. Ms. Zhang, who did not know why, rushed to the school and asked why she dissuaded the child, and the kindergarten teacher said the reason:

"Your child is 4 years old, and it is reasonable to say that the children at this stage are particularly lively and active, and their language skills are also very good. However, every time whether it was playing games or attending classes, Tao Tao was like a wooden chicken, his language logic ability was very poor, and it was very difficult for the teacher to communicate with him.

And in such a short period of time, he has to wet his pants at least twice a day, we are really worried about not being able to take care of your children, please find a better school for your children. ”

The mother indulges her child to watch TV for 10 hours a day, in exchange for the worst result: the words will not be said

Ms. Zhang is in business, and in order to facilitate the care of the children, she will take him to the store early in the morning. At first, the child was not happy to stay there crying all day, but then he turned on the TV and let the child watch cartoons, and he instantly became well-behaved and obedient. Since then, every day when he arrives at the unit, he lets his children watch TV and go to work by himself, more than 10 hours a day, and children basically spend watching TV.

At this time, Ms. Zhang was anxious, and quickly took the child to the hospital, and the final examination results showed that in addition to the serious decline in vision, the child's intelligence was also significantly lower than that of his peers. Moreover, the most terrible thing is that children cannot communicate with people, and even if they say three or two sentences, they are vague and do not know what they want to express.

The mother indulges her child to watch TV for 10 hours a day, in exchange for the worst result: the words will not be said

Children who watch TV for a long time, sensory system disorders are inevitable, and language, behavior, and intelligence will be limited

In our opinion, what kind of harm can long-term tv watching to children cause, at most, it is a myopia. In fact, the harm caused by watching TV does not stop there, and parents should be vigilant.

Primary hazard - Sensory system disorder is inevitable

We all know that the TV set will produce a strong light in the working state, and usually when the human eye encounters a strong light, it will consciously close its eyes and turn its head to avoid it.

However, children who watch TV for a long time, long-term strong light stimulation will make the eyes lose this ability, when encountering other strong light reflections, they usually do not have any reaction, which indicates that the child's normal sensory system has been destroyed. Excluding congenital factors, most of them are caused by acquired environment and human factors.

What is sensory system disorder? Sensory system, known as sensory integration, is a function of the brain, usually refers to a process of the body and brain to cooperate with each other, sensory system disorder represents the brain this dysfunction, we also call it learning ability disorder.

For example: jump rope is a simple exercise, children with sensory system disorder do not know when to jump up, and the coordination of hands, feet, and brains cannot be effectively coordinated, so it often causes continuous jumps.

The mother indulges her child to watch TV for 10 hours a day, in exchange for the worst result: the words will not be said

Intermediate hazards --- decreased physical resistance

Watching TV is a very relaxing and enjoyable thing, and children are often deeply attracted to TV content, so that they will sit still for a long time. First of all, such actions can easily lead to cervical spondylosis, which is why cervical spondylosis is now aging.

Secondly, children who sit and watch TV for a long time will lack the opportunity to exercise, which will lead to their obesity and decreased resistance, either three days of colds and illnesses at both ends, or sluggishness and poor mental state, which will directly affect their physical and mental health development.

Heavy hazards --- language, behavior, and intellectual ability

If you think that the harm of the primary and intermediate levels is nothing, do you think that the lack of language communication ability, behavioral activity disorder, and intellectual development limitation are still small things? It is a terrible thing to imagine that your child cannot communicate with people normally, does not know how to make friends with others, and does not have the ability to think independently.

After such children enter the school and society, whether they will be bullied because of their own factors, or unable to survive in society, these are all questions worth pondering for parents.

The mother indulges her child to watch TV for 10 hours a day, in exchange for the worst result: the words will not be said

▍ TV is not impossible to watch, mobile phone is not impossible to play, to be reasonable control, moderate training

In this era of electronic products blooming everywhere, it is impossible to let children get rid of mobile phones and televisions, after all, some of the puzzle content in these electronic products can indeed make children grow a certain insight. However, parents should learn to control reasonably, watch TV and play mobile phones for no more than 30 minutes a day, so that children can no longer immerse themselves in the magic barrier of electronic devices.

Secondly, parents should also carry out targeted sensory integration training for their children, not only to enable them to establish good learning ability, but also to make their sensory integration ability more and more coordinated, so as to become more and more intelligent.

If your child has these problems:

Have a lot of problems with dressing and eating, and don't like to participate in group activities?

Timid, anxious, and angry for no reason?

Inattention, language skills with disorders?

... .... Then you may wish to take your child to do sensory integration games, through the training game will easily solve these problems, in order to cultivate an excellent, healthy, happy, positive baby.

Because parents are busy with work, they often let their children watch TV, play mobile phones, or the elderly at home dot on their children and endlessly meet all the needs of their children, which have become shadowless killers that hurt their children. Children who lack companionship and lack of sensory stimulation in the right brain not only have a great impact on themselves, but also affect the relationship between parents and children.

The mother indulges her child to watch TV for 10 hours a day, in exchange for the worst result: the words will not be said

Put down work, take a little time to accompany children, take them to appreciate the beauty of nature, take them to immerse themselves in the ocean of books, take them to run, go climbing, all of which can be done, so that they know that childhood is not only TV, mobile phone, but also many scenery and knowledge worth watching and learning.

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