
China's earliest female soldiers, with only 2,000 people, founded a 400-year dynasty and sacrificed all of them

The people who can achieve great things in ancient Chinese history must be those who dare to make decisions at critical moments, and they can make the most favorable choices for themselves at the first time, even at the expense of the interests of others or even their lives. For example, Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, he was born in the countryside and the city, full of "evil qi", the "evil qi" here is to say that for ordinary people, Liu Bang's personality is indeed not ordinary, do not like to read, do not like farming, but like to drink and make friends, so his father thinks that Liu Bang is not as good as his brother, but Liu Bang is self-sufficient, and does not care about the views of others, and when he later started a military, Liu Bang's selfish character is even more prominent.

For example, in a major war, Liu Bang's 500,000 or 600,000 troops were defeated by Xiang Yu's attack, and Liu Bang did not care about the heavy casualties, and fled in a hurry in a carriage, and there were also a pair of sons and daughters of Liu Bang on the carriage, that is, the future Emperor Hui of Han and Princess Lu Yuan. In order to make the carriage run faster so that he could escape, Liu Bang pushed his children off the carriage several times, just to reduce some weight, how much weight the two children could take, but Liu Bang, as a father, abandoned his children three times and twice, fortunately, the coachman picked up the children back, otherwise the two children were bound to not survive, because behind them was the army that was chasing, and if the Chu army captured Liu Bang's two children, you can imagine what kind of torture they will encounter.

China's earliest female soldiers, with only 2,000 people, founded a 400-year dynasty and sacrificed all of them

From here, we can see that Liu Bang was selfish, but this is also his ruthless character that allowed him to win the final victory in the Chu-Han war, but the "Western Chu Overlord" Xiang Yu was somewhat indecisive, remembering the old feelings, and did not kill Liu Bang when he was developing, and when Liu Bang had the strength to match it, Liu Bang immediately turned against him and officially declared war. There was also a big battle between the Chu and Han armies, Liu Bang was defeated, in the process of his escape, this time did not throw the child, but buried the lives of two thousand women, which won Liu Bang the time and opportunity to live.

Why did two thousand women die on the battlefield of men? To know that ancient women have always been considered to be husbands and godsons, husbands are good boys on the battlefield, some dynasties also clearly stipulate, "there are no women in the military market", in addition to some special women in history, they led troops to fight, and there are special periods of the country, the imperial court will recruit some strong women, do some rear work, but it can not be a front-line battle, if you use women as soldiers, it may only face defeat.

China's earliest female soldiers, with only 2,000 people, founded a 400-year dynasty and sacrificed all of them

In fact, these two thousand women have extraordinary identities, they are all female soldiers, female soldiers are rare on the ancient battlefield, their physical fitness is not as good as male soldiers, so on the battlefield to resist and kill the enemy is generally men, but Liu Bang has established a female army, they blocked the knife for Liu Bang. Perhaps everyone can't imagine what role these two thousand female soldiers can play in the war, and history does not record why Liu Bang temporarily formed a women's team, and how could Liu Bang summon two thousand women to fight for him?

We don't know. But the role played by this female soldier is extraordinary, without them, I am afraid there would be no Han Dynasty. In other words, this female soldier team of less than 2,000 people inadvertently created a 400-year-old Han Dynasty, because without them there would be no Liu Bang, without Liu Bang, there would be no Han Dynasty - this is also the "butterfly effect" of history.

China's earliest female soldiers, with only 2,000 people, founded a 400-year dynasty and sacrificed all of them

The war was fought in Xingyang, when Xiang Yu listened to Fan Zeng's advice to attack Xingyang, Xiang Yu was caught in Chen Ping's divisive plan, causing Fan Zeng to leave, and fan Zeng fell ill and died on the way, so Xiang Yu attacked Xingyang for the second time, this time Xiang Yu was fierce, vowing to avenge Fan Zeng, at this time Liu Bang was still unable to resist, he was besieged in Xingyang. Fortunately, chen ping was by his side who gave him advice, and another person also provided great help for Liu Bang's smooth escape, this person was the general Ji Xin, who said to Liu Bang: "The subject has a way to let the King of Han escape smoothly." This method was to let Liu Bang take advantage of the night to disguise himself to escape, and Ji Xin pretended to be the King of Han by virtue of his similar height and body size to Liu Bang to attract the attention of Xiang Yu and the Chu army.

China's earliest female soldiers, with only 2,000 people, founded a 400-year dynasty and sacrificed all of them

After Liu Bangyi summed it up, he asked Chen Ping to write a letter of surrender to Xiang Yu, and then he would surrender at the East Gate, which made Xiang Yu relax his vigilance, and when the Chu army planned to enter through the East Gate in the middle of the night, as soon as the city gate was opened, they looked at the women who were flocking up, there were as many as two thousand people, for a while the Chu army was confused, and they didn't know what to do, but fortunately, when they saw "Liu Bang" on the dragon car, the Chu army cheered in unison until dawn. And Liu Bang had already taken advantage of the night to escape, and when Xiang Yu found out that the person sitting on the car was not Liu Bang, he was furious and shouted at the people in the car: "Who are you, why are you pretending to be the King of Han?" "Ji Xin replied, 'I am the Great Han General Ji Xin.'" The angry Xiang Yu had the dragon car burned, and Ji Xin was also burned alive.

China's earliest female soldiers, with only 2,000 people, founded a 400-year dynasty and sacrificed all of them

As for the two thousand female soldiers, the result can be imagined, they also need to bear the anger of Xiang Yu, on the battlefield, you will not be able to avoid death because you are a woman, on the contrary, as a woman, you can only lose more miserably. Poor people were originally just the daughters of ordinary people, just to buy Liu Bang time to escape, they were recruited to the city gate, paid their young lives, and did not even leave their names, and the culprit of all this was their Han King. Without their sacrifice, I am afraid that Liu Bang would have died in Xingyang, and there would be no future Han Dynasty.

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