
Chen Ping used 2,000 young girls to save Liu Bang's life, knowing that he had damaged Yin De's prophecy: his descendants would perish because of the woman's defeat

The reason why ancient military experts and strategists were often able to stand in an invincible position was that in addition to their proficiency in the art of war and the use of tactics, they were often able to skillfully exploit the weaknesses of human nature.

Although it is said that "victory and defeat are common to soldiers", in many cases, once defeated, they will die and there will be no day of resurrection, so in order to win, many emperors and strategists have to use strange tricks to help themselves through the crisis moment.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, there were many talents in the world, and among them, only 6 people were listed by Sima Qian in the list of "Strategists of the Ages", but only Chen Sheng, Xiao He, Cao Shan, Zhang Liang, Chen Ping, and Zhou Bo were listed. Chen Ping was one of Liu Bang's advisers, he had almost no serious military merits, and was known for his good manners and conspiracies and tricks in his life, and Chen Ping's schemes were "unheard of in the world" under Tai Shi Gong's pen.

Chen Ping used 2,000 young girls to save Liu Bang's life, knowing that he had damaged Yin De's prophecy: his descendants would perish because of the woman's defeat

Although Chen Ping, a wise man who "knows the times," was able to stand on the four dynasties and never fail by virtue of his resourcefulness and smooth handling of affairs, the excessive use of conspiracies and tricks inevitably would damage yin morality and affect the fortunes of future generations.

Chen Ping, one of the founding heroes of the Western Han Dynasty, was listed as the "Marquis of Xian"

Chen Ping was born at the end of the Qin Dynasty, a native of YangwuHu Muxiang, born a humble man who loved to read and was known for his superior wisdom and brains. As the founding hero of the Western Han Dynasty, the "Records of History" refers to Chen Cheng Xiang, Chen Ping's official title of Qu Rebellion Marquis before his death, and his posthumous title was "Marquis of Xian".

Liu Bang, the King of Han, had many talents under his command, and the most famous among the strategists were Zhang Liang and Chen Ping. However, compared with Zhang Liang's repeated plots, Chen Ping's life was known for his cunning and sinister schemes.

According to historical records, Chen Ping has successively made six plans to help Han: one plan to get rid of Xiang Yu's strategist Fan Zeng, one plan to capture Han Xin, two plans to save Liu Bang who was in danger, and two plans to pacify the world in four directions.

Chen Ping used 2,000 young girls to save Liu Bang's life, knowing that he had damaged Yin De's prophecy: his descendants would perish because of the woman's defeat

Such outstanding feats are unique in history, but throughout the ages, the world's evaluation of Chen Ping is far inferior to that of Zhang Liang, who is also a strategist, and the two are both Liu Bang's humeral ministers, and the reputation gap is really not small. If we talk about a central committee, we can get a glimpse of one thing or two.

Han Xin, Xiao He, Zhang Liang, Zhou Bo and Chen Ping all had a definite contribution to the Western Han Dynasty, but when it comes to personal endings, it is Chen Ping who is the most powerful, he can navigate the treacherous and changeable political field in the early years of the Han Dynasty, be good at itself, and then go through the 4 dynasties of the early Han Dynasty and finally retire from the merits, rich and old, it is indeed an immortal legend.

After Zhang Liang's death, he was posthumously honored as "Marquis of Wencheng", while after Chen Ping's death, he was given the title of "Marquis of Xian". Carefully reading the titles of these two counselors, it is not difficult to find that Zhang Liang's titles are very generous and upright, while Chen Ping's nickname "Dedication" is extremely ordinary and unusual, and what stands out is only the characteristics of Chen Ping being able to contribute ideas and suggestions.

Chen Ping used 2,000 young girls to save Liu Bang's life, knowing that he had damaged Yin De's prophecy: his descendants would perish because of the woman's defeat

Zhang Liang is from an aristocratic background, he is virtuous and elegant, and he is good at using decent strategies to help han, while Chen Ping was born in the countryside, his sense of morality is not strong, and because he has been accustomed to the weak and the strong since childhood, the pattern is not high, most of his wisdom is small wisdom, and most of his strategies are conspiracies and tricks. Therefore, although Chen Ping was highly relied upon by Liu Bang, the King of Han, his reputation was not very good.

Shi Ji helped Liu Bang break through the siege, but innocently sacrificed 2,000 girls

The reason why Chen Ping was deeply trusted and relied on by Liu Bang had a great relationship with the fact that he had twice helped Liu Bang escape from death. In the past, Chen Ping used a trick of "golden cicada out of the shell" to successfully help Liu Bang, who was in danger, escape from his life, but innocently sacrificed 2,000 young girls.

In that year, the Chu and Han armies confronted each other in Xingyang, and Liu Bang was trapped in the city, besieged by Xiang Yu's tens of thousands of troops. Chen Ping racked his brains and finally thought of a "strange plan": order someone to pretend to be Liu Bang, and then select 2,000 young women in the city, let them change into military uniforms, take up weapons, and go to the east gate of the city to pretend to surrender. While the Chu army rushed from the other 3 city gates to the East City Gate, Liu Bangfang led a small group of elite soldiers to break through from the other city gates and escape to heaven.

Chen Ping used 2,000 young girls to save Liu Bang's life, knowing that he had damaged Yin De's prophecy: his descendants would perish because of the woman's defeat

Ji Xin was a loyal warrior under Liu Bang, and because his stature and appearance were most similar to Liu Bang's, Chen Ping asked Ji Xin to disguise himself as Liu Bang and walk out of the East City Gate to surrender to the Chu army.

When the general of the Chu army saw the "King of Han" come out and surrender, he was overjoyed to grab him and offer it to Xiang Yu, who saw that it was not Liu Bang himself at all, and shouted that he was deceived.

After Ji Xin was captured, he would rather die than reveal Liu Bang's whereabouts, so he was burned alive by Xiang Yu. Liu Bang was grateful for the loyalty of the memorial letter, and later held a memorial service with super high specifications for him.

This scene of the golden cicada shedding its shell sacrificed the loyal Ji Xin, but what about the 2,000 innocent girls?

Chen Ping used 2,000 young girls to save Liu Bang's life, knowing that he had damaged Yin De's prophecy: his descendants would perish because of the woman's defeat

In the chaotic world, ordinary folk women, except for the love of their families, other people regard civilian women as ordinary and lowly "objects". The Chu army and the Han army had faced each other in Xingyang for more than a year, and those Chu generals who were in their prime had long had the heart of a tiger and a wolf for women, in addition, xiang Yu had long been doing the slaughter and looting of the city under his command since he opposed Qin, and in addition to being loyal to Xiang Yu, the Chu army had long become greedy and tyrannical. Once these fierce generals saw so many weak women, it was inevitable that the beast's heart would rise and they would be excited and crazy.

Those female prisoners who had become spoils of war must have become the targets of the Chu army's generals vying to ravage and vent. After being carried out by the beast, the end of the 2,000 women did not mention half a point in the history books, and the poor innocent girls who were in the flower season disappeared silently into the dust of history.

The use of yin and evil tricks damaged yin virtue too much, and Chen Ping's descendants eventually perished because of the woman

As the founding hero of the Western Han Dynasty and the "savior" of Gaozu Liu Bang, Chen Pingfeng was the Marquis of Worship, and enjoyed all his honor and wealth in his life, and after his death, he was honored as "Marquis of Xian", and the title of Marquis was also inherited to his descendants, but in fact, Chen Ping's descendants did not get a good death, and only lasted for 3 generations before they fell.

Chen Ping used 2,000 young girls to save Liu Bang's life, knowing that he had damaged Yin De's prophecy: his descendants would perish because of the woman's defeat

After Chen Pingshou died, his son Chen Mai inherited the throne. Chen Ping's life was short, and he died in 2 years for Hou, and his son Chen Hui inherited the throne. Chen Hui died about 23 years after hou, and his son Chen He inherited the throne.

Originally, Chen He was still blessed and had always been a marquis in a smooth manner, but in his 23rd year as a marquis, he was sued to the imperial court and sentenced to death for forcibly occupying the wives of others.

Since then, the marquisship of the Chen clan in the early Han Dynasty has been abolished and can no longer be inherited downwards. Chen Ping's great-grandson was named Chen Zhang, who was not willing to become a commoner, and once wanted to use the power position of his in-laws Wei to help the Chen family restore the title of marquis, but in the end he failed to achieve it.

After helping Liu Bang to highlight the siege of Xingyang, Chen Ping suddenly felt extremely sad one day because he recalled his own sinister plan, and Sima Guang also wrote in the Zizhi Tongjian - Chen Pingyan said: I have many conspiracies, which is forbidden by the Taoists. My world is ruined, and it is over, and it will never be able to rise again, and I will have many evils.

Chen Ping used 2,000 young girls to save Liu Bang's life, knowing that he had damaged Yin De's prophecy: his descendants would perish because of the woman's defeat

Chen Ping's sentimental meaning is: Most of my life has used conspiracies and tricks, which are strategies banned by Taoists. Once the official titles of my descendants are abolished, it will be difficult for them to prosper again, because my generation has planted many evil roots.

Although it is said that Chen Ping had realized in his lifetime that his actions were sinister and greatly damaged, and predicted that he would inevitably lose to women in his future life, it was indeed fulfilled. However, this does not mean that Chen Ping's clever calculations and prophecies are like gods, but it can only be said that the law of victory and decline, the cycle repeats, no matter how rich and virtuous the family, it is difficult to ensure that the generations will enjoy the blessings forever and will not be defeated and immortal.

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