
Do you know the average height of your child now? If parents do not pay attention, they drag the child's height hind legs

Do you know the average height of your child now? If parents do not pay attention, they drag the child's height hind legs

Parents are generally very concerned about the problem of children's height, because with the improvement of people's living standards, food and clothing are no longer a problem, more people have begun to pursue health and appearance, so the basic condition of height has been paid attention to by all aspects, and many positions in many industries have limited the minimum height.

Not long ago, the topic of #No. 1 in East Asia for The Average Height of Chinese Men and Women rushed to the Weibo hot search list, and many people can't help but ask, the height of Chinese teenagers is already the first in East Asia? The topic stems from a new study published in the journal The Lancet that says Chinese has gotten taller over the past three decades, with Chinese men in particular becoming one of the fastest-growing groups in the world.

Do you know the average height of your child now? If parents do not pay attention, they drag the child's height hind legs

So what factors determine the height, the big brother first introduced to you.


A person's height is determined by genes. Various online prediction formulas for calculating the height of children based on the height of parents, such as:

Boy height (cm) = (father height + mother height + 13) / 2

Height of girl (cm) = (height of father + height of mother - 13) / 2


Boy height (cm) = (father height + mother height) × 1.08 / 2

Height of girl (cm) = (height of father + height of 0.923 × height of mother) / 2

These formulas are based on statistical studies in different regions and different populations. Not everyone can fully match these height prediction formulas. And these formulas ignore the influence of factors other than genetics on the height of the child, and are only suitable for making a very rough prediction.


In addition to heredity, the amount of nutrient intake can also affect a person's height.

Do you know the average height of your child now? If parents do not pay attention, they drag the child's height hind legs


Exercise can help with height growth.


Height is mainly affected by growth hormone, if the pituitary gland decreases or stops secreting growth hormone, human growth will inevitably be affected.

So knowing the reason, if parents can do these points well, they will not drag the child's height hind legs.

First of all, understand the development of children at various stages, timely control the height development table, and if the development is delayed, timely intervention should be carried out.

Do you know the average height of your child now? If parents do not pay attention, they drag the child's height hind legs

Parents should ensure that their children are nutritionally comprehensive. In daily life, parents can not lack nutrition in the process of taking care of their children, let alone excess nutrition, to ensure that the daily intake of balanced nutrition.

Parents help their children establish healthy and regular lifestyle habits. Ensuring adequate sleep is crucial for children, so children can grow tall with high-quality sleep.

Parents urge their children to do outdoor sports. Exercise helps growth, and the sundeck promotes calcium absorption to ensure that adequate outdoor exercise can make children grow up healthily.

Do you know the average height of your child now? If parents do not pay attention, they drag the child's height hind legs

Finally, the big brother wants to say that although the gene is strong, the day after tomorrow can make up for the innate deficiency, so parents must pay attention to every stage of the child's development, and do not leave regrets for the child's height.

This article is original by the parent-child life big brother, welcome to pay attention, take you along with long knowledge! Follow the author, forward the comments, like and collect valuable information!!!

Do you know the average height of your child now? If parents do not pay attention, they drag the child's height hind legs

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