
Labor is not only the field of cultivating material harvests, but also the noble hoe that opens up the field of the soul

【Peace of Mind】

Dear parents and friends, good afternoon! I am very grateful to the school for giving me such an opportunity to communicate with parents, and we will discuss effective family education together.

This year's family education is the most important year in Chinese history. On October 23, the state also promulgated the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Family Education.

Family education activities are in full swing across the country. There are thousands of methods of family education, and the basic methods of family education are: persuasion education law, behavior training law, family regulation and restraint law, objective evaluation method, practical exercise method, self-education law, model model law, environmental edification method, and art cultivation method.

What are we going to say today? Let's talk about a very practical and effective exercise method.

Education should be an activity that teaches people to become human beings. Man, what is it? The children opened the Xinhua Dictionary and turned to the page of "Human": "Man is a high-level animal that can make and use labor tools." ”

Dear friends, our children have received unprecedented love from our families today, but how many parents and teachers have carried out education according to the essence of human beings?

In "Remembering My Mother", Jude said, "I love my mother, especially her hard-working life, and many things are worth remembering forever." ”

"I owe a debt of gratitude to my mother, who taught me the experience of fighting difficulties. I have already experienced hardships in my family, and this has never again made me feel difficult in my military and revolutionary life for more than thirty years, and I have not been intimidated by difficulties. My mother gave me a strong body, a habit of hard work, that made me never feel tired.

I owe a debt of gratitude to my mother, who taught me the knowledge of production and the will of the revolution, and encouraged me to embark on the path of revolution in the future. On this road, I have come to know more and more day by day: only this knowledge, this will, is the most precious property in the world. ”

Fan Minteng, a student of the third class of my sixth grade, vividly expressed his joy of field labor in his essay "Happy May Day", and I was pleased with this. Children who love to work are not bad for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, the first of the actual exercise method is: labor training.

Allowing children to participate in labor, cultivating labor habits, labor views, and the thoughts and feelings of loving and cherishing the working people are the common ways of practical training.

Today's children are pampered and treated well, waiting for their parents to do everything, and cultivating the idea of good and bad work, and the fundamental reason is the lack of labor exercise. The time spent per person participating in housework per day is 1.22 hours in the United States and 1.1 hours in Thailand, and the average daily working hours of children in our country are much lower than those of children in other countries. In 1994, Beijing Youth Daily conducted a survey of students and parents aged 6 to 14, and 85.7% of children thought that labor was unnecessary; in the parent questionnaire, what do you value most about your children? 71.4% of parents answered yes to their children's learning. Only 14.3% of parents are concerned about their children's labor. In many ways, we Chinese parents are the parents who love their children the most in the world, but they are also the parents who do not love their children the least.

The developed capitalist countries attach great importance to the cultivation of children's labor quality, because they know that this matter is of great importance, not only about the future of children, but also about the future of the country and the nation, and if the younger generation wants to be invincible in the big stage of international competition, it is necessary to pay attention to the cultivation of labor quality.

Therefore, parents should consciously cultivate their children's labor habits, which not only enables children to obtain a ability to survive, in labor, children can know the world, know themselves, get exercise, growth, talent, and more importantly, complete the forging of others.

What are the benefits of learning to do housework?

The first is filial piety. Children can experience that it is not easy for parents to pay from doing housework, which will produce a grateful heart, which is conducive to enhancing parent-child feelings. The second is to enhance the ability to live independently. Through doing housework, children enhance their initiative and independence in life, rely less on their parents, and their self-confidence is enhanced. The third is to stimulate creativity, doing housework is very cumbersome, very tired, and auspicious to avoid harm is the instinct of people, delicious and lazy to do is human nature, therefore, in order to escape, but also find ways to trick, some creations and inventions are born. People invented washing machines without washing clothes, people invented dishwashers when they didn't want to wash dishes, and people invented cars without wanting to walk. The fourth is knowledge activation. You can teach children to do several tasks at the same time, such as boiling water and washing dishes, making tomato scrambled eggs, sweeping the floor before doing things, first imparting the knowledge of overall planning, and then training to know that children will do all things in the shortest possible time, which is the best way to train children to develop and use the whole brain, and cultivating children to "multi-purpose" is of great benefit to children engaged in various tasks in the future.

The second method of practical exercise is social practice

There are plans and purposes to let children go to society, go deep into society, and come into contact with workers, peasants, intellectuals, and the vast number of members of society in a wide range of social practices. After your parents have been nursing their children for a period of time, they want their children to leave themselves and go outside to break in, and if the little fox does not go, the parents will bite him away, they understand that if they do not do this, the little fox will not grow up, will not hunt independently, and it is difficult to survive. In recent years, the emerging frustration education in some places has allowed children to live in difficult places to find hardships, and many of them have come back to generally know how to save, know how to care for people, and have strong ability. Social practice is not simply to go to nature, do not think that a trip, a suffering can achieve the desired effect, it should be very natural and often from home, starting from the community around the service, with the growth of ability, nature extends to a broader social world.

This can encourage children to actively participate in social practice activities organized by schools or society, such as some technical labor, public welfare activities, warm activities, etc., this kind of afforestation activities, community labor environmental sanitation so that children learn to use their own strengths to serve others, such as singing, dancing, playing musical instruments for the elderly to listen to make handmade gifts for others to take children to the nursing home welfare home orphanage for children to familiarize themselves with the disabled peers to perform programs for everyone, so that children can experience their own labor, The joy and happiness brought to life, through these social service labors, cultivate children to care for others, care about the quality of society, increase children's sense of social responsibility, and cultivate children's virtues of compassion and kindness.

"Labor creates the world", "Labor creates mankind". Labor can play a very good role in promoting the all-round development of children, and participating in labor from an early age can cultivate children's sense of labor and love for the people, cultivate their good behavior habits, and enlighten their wisdom in labor, cultivate their hands-on ability, and cultivate their strong will.

Third, assigning specific tasks and assigning responsibilities is conducive to cultivating a sense of responsibility. Entrusting children to complete some specific tasks is also an important way, parents consciously teach children some specific tasks, let children complete, create opportunities for children to practice, such as going shopping, to borrow things, to borrow things to buy tickets to pick up people and so on.

Children have time to do more things, and even give Li Jia's rights to children, let children manage their finances at home, so that children can learn to plan expenses, learn simple meals, know how to cherish finances, and honor their parents.


First, we must be willing to let children suffer. If you don't let your child suffer now, your child will suffer even more in the future.

Second, we must focus on the practice and exercise of daily life. Strict requirements for perseverance. Fourth, believe in the child's ability. I'm going to allow my child to make mistakes. Respect the fruits of children's labor and practice.

Pascal said, "Do not think of labor as merely a field of material harvest, but as a noble hoe that at the same time opens up the wilderness of our hearts." In any case, we can strengthen our minds and bodies through labor, get rid of all kinds of evil weeds that spread in our hearts, and then sow the seeds of happiness and joy here, and the four seasons flourish to the point of blossoming. ”

Labor is not only the field of cultivating material harvests, but also the noble hoe that opens up the field of the soul

(Author: Li Yuanlan, Outstanding Teacher of Dongping County Experimental Middle School, Member of the National Class Teacher Growth Research Association, Director of the Moral Education Research Branch of Primary and Secondary Schools of the China Education Association, Host of The Heart Language Home Visit Studio.) )

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