
Children's excessive dependence, such as unwillingness to walk on their own, and wanting to be held by their parents, may be a manifestation of regression!

Children's excessive dependence, such as unwillingness to walk on their own, and wanting to be held by their parents, may be a manifestation of regression!

After the child gets love and freedom, he may behave more ignorantly, more like a baby, this is regression, regression is actually a good phenomenon, indicating that the child's past trauma is healing, such as some children from childhood is brought up by grandparents or grandparents, and so he returns to his parents has been 6 years old, at this time parents should take care of him as a 6-month-old baby, if the child does not regress, it means that the parents' love is too little, he can not feel his own safety and be allowed, The trauma of childhood separation can only be suppressed, and the consequences of repression may appear in a more terrible form of collapse.

Children's excessive dependence, such as unwillingness to walk on their own, and wanting to be held by their parents, may be a manifestation of regression!

Some children will have transitional dependence, must be the mother to sleep, or some children will reproduce the sensitive period, shouting, etc., these phenomena may be the performance of regression, in the face of the child's regression, many parents will feel anxious, can not understand why their children are different from other children.

First, if the child has regression:

On the one hand, it shows that there is psychological trauma

On the other hand, it shows that the love and freedom given by parents are more, and children begin to believe in love before they dare to release the trauma.

The earlier the trauma is released, the better the psychological healing, the easier it is to integrate with the people around them, in real life, there are many people who have been afraid and depressed to live around their parents, dare not express any dependence and anger, until the love begins to regress, an adult is heavily dependent on another adult, often making angry attacks on each other, and the relationship in love marriage can be imagined. So, if your child is undergoing regression, then congratulations, the seeds of healing within him are germinating.

Children's excessive dependence, such as unwillingness to walk on their own, and wanting to be held by their parents, may be a manifestation of regression!

Pay attention to me, I am Jiayi, learning a little psychology every day.

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