
Letter to Parents: What is most important for a good parent?

Hello everyone, I am a bear baby who loves to learn. What do you want to share with you today is what is most important as a good parent?

Letter to Parents: What is most important for a good parent?

Did you know? Every baby is an angel from heaven who lands on earth. As parents, we are undoubtedly lucky to be chosen, which is one thing worth everyone's happiness. But the trouble that comes with it is how do we do the role of "dad" and "mom"?

Getting pregnant in October is hard work, and babies that can be born to their mothers are lucky. But with that comes the parenting style of parents and the family, and as a parent, do you know what you need to do first?

As a qualified parent, the first thing you need to adjust your mindset is, yes, you read that right, it's the mindset. Why? Mindset adjustment actually starts early in pregnancy.

Letter to Parents: What is most important for a good parent?

As new fathers and mothers, are we excited when we know that there will be one more member of the family? Did you start imagining a child born like a little more when you learned the news? Like Dad or Like Mom? Is it a boy or a girl? What do you want to teach him/her when you grow up? Is it to learn piano, electronic keyboard, painting, martial arts or what? During pregnancy, every pregnancy test is always extremely stressful, worried about what problems will be told by the doctor. In the third trimester, worry about the baby's umbilical cord around the neck, premature birth. Even if it has been a seizure to produce, there will be various worries, worried about whether there will be various problems in the production process. So it is said that parents are difficult, do you see if we have begun to "work hard" since the beginning of pregnancy? From the beginning of pregnancy to childbirth, a good attitude is very helpful to the mother and the fetus, which can alleviate the pressure of the mother, whether it is physical or psychological, but also has a great impact on the neurodevelopment of the fetus.

After the baby is born, our "work" officially begins, will face a variety of problems, such as common diseases of infants and young children, such as diarrhea, jaundice, eczema, etc., if our mentality is anxious, whether it is the care of the family or the baby, it will bring great trouble, do you see that the mentality is very important?

Children grow up day by day, in the process of growing up, there will be a variety of problems, picky eating, partial eating, do not love sports, love to eat snacks, do not listen carefully to lectures in class, do not love to write homework, these are the situations that make us as parents troubled. In any situation that occurs in the process of children's growth, we must know that this is not a personal problem of the child, and to a large extent, it is closely related to the parents' feeding, education methods, and the family's educational environment. It is also inseparable from the mentality of parents.

The good mentality of parents not only has a great impact on the child's body, but also has an inseparable psychological impact on the child. In the process of parenting, we know that one of the most common problems for children is "spleen and stomach disharmony", what is spleen and stomach discord? It does not refer to the two organs of the spleen and stomach alone, but refers to its overall state, including a strong stomach and weak spleen, children eat more but do not digest, stomach bloating These are all spleen and stomach discord caused by physical dysfunction. The cause of spleen and stomach discord is caused by bad emotions and stress with parents. See here parents understand? A good attitude can make the child's health good, and it is also conducive to the establishment of a good parent-child relationship.

Letter to Parents: What is most important for a good parent?

So in the process of children growing up, in fact, as parents, we are learning process, we are all learning from each other, so why vent your bad emotions to your children? Good parents need to adjust their mentality, deal with emotions, and cannot use their children as your "punching bag".

May every parent "escort" the growth of their children on the road to health!

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