
How hard is it to be a wet nurse? In addition to good looks, the key is to give up one important thing!

With the improvement of living standards, the confinement industry is becoming more and more popular, their main job is to take care of children and maternity, due to the monthly income of more than 10,000, tens of thousands of women began to choose this industry.

However, in ancient China, there were also similar moon sisters-in-law, but their lives were not very beautiful, and sometimes they would suffer from the torture of their masters.

How hard is it to be a wet nurse? In addition to good looks, the key is to give up one important thing!

Nursing mothers are also called nursing mothers, nannies, grandmothers, grandmothers, grandmothers, grandmothers, aunts, tits, etc., with various names, and different names due to different eras. But all in all, she is a profession dedicated to breastfeeding and nursing babies for others.

The profession of nursing mother appeared very early, and there is a saying in the Book of Rites that "the son of a scholar has a mother". The heirs of the powerful were raised by nursing mothers, and during the feudal period, there was also a "milk house" outside the palace, and there were dozens of young women who had been recruiting for many years, most of them rural women who had just given birth to children between the ages of fifteen and twenty and had sufficient milk.

Because of the low status of women in ancient times, no one paid attention to it, but once they were selected into the palace, they were fed by the crown prince and the phoenix, and since then they have also become "people on top of people," and the saying "once elected, they will be rich for life", which refers to this generation.

How hard is it to be a wet nurse? In addition to good looks, the key is to give up one important thing!

I believe that everyone must not understand that women will definitely have milk after giving birth to a child, why should they ask a nursing mother to feed the child?

In fact, the answer is very simple, in ancient times, the people who could afford to hire nursing women were the families of princes and nobles, and after the children of these magnates gave birth, if they fed their children with their own breast milk, it would lead to physical deformation or premature aging.

Ancient men liked three wives and four concubines, and if they wanted to catch a man, they must have a good appearance, so in order not to affect their flower appearance, many wives of high-ranking officials and nobles would not breastfeed their children.

How hard is it to be a wet nurse? In addition to good looks, the key is to give up one important thing!

In ancient times, the lactation period of children was very long, generally until the age of three or four, if the biological mother nursed the child, within three or four years, the woman could not pass on the generations for the husband, so in order to make time for the child, the general nobles would ask the nursing mother to take care of the child, so that they could give birth to the child wholeheartedly.

In addition, in ancient times, the society of male superiority and female inferiority was also full of power desires, so when the minister invited countless nursing ladies to feed a child, he could not only show his glory and wealth to the public, but also avoid certain power struggles.

How hard is it to be a wet nurse? In addition to good looks, the key is to give up one important thing!

As the saying goes, "The mother is precious by the son", especially in the palace, if the child is born and let the biological mother raise it, over time the mother and child have a deep affection, the concubine will use the child to influence the government.

The purpose of handing the child over to the nursing mother is to alienate the feelings between them and prevent the concubine from using the child for benefits.

Coupled with the fact that the nursing lady has no power and no power, and there is no one to rely on in front of the court and in the harem, so the emperor naturally does not have to worry about these things.

How hard is it to be a wet nurse? In addition to good looks, the key is to give up one important thing!

However, when large households choose a nursing mother, they must first look at whether the woman's body is strong and healthy, followed by whether there is more milk, then whether the woman's temper is good or not, and finally whether the nursing mother looks good.

Although being a nursing mother can eat and wear without worry, but at the same time, she must also give up some important things, that is, her own children, because some nursing mothers often abandon their own children in order to ensure that the children of large families have milk to eat, so that these abandoned children eventually die of malnutrition or starve to death, it can be said that their hearts are also very tormented.

Although the nursing mother has the opportunity to become a superior person, it is basically more tragic, during the Qing Dynasty, Cixi's nursing mother was basically killed, because she was afraid that the nursing mother would reveal her secrets. Therefore, "the most ruthless imperial family".

How hard is it to be a wet nurse? In addition to good looks, the key is to give up one important thing!

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