
This father's review, many parents have tears after reading it (poke the pain point)

This father's review, many parents have tears after reading it (poke the pain point)

The parent in today's article is a teacher father, in his eyes, his son is a child with poor academic performance - doing homework grinding and rubbing, long time stunned, often consuming ten to eleven o'clock... Therefore, it is inevitable to scold or even scold.

However, scolding is often followed by regret. Because he is engaged in education, this father has been reflecting on his own education methods, and made a "review" of himself at a parent-teacher meeting, which resulted in many parents' pain points.

Here's what the teacher's father said:

Hello friends!

Today's parent friends must represent different levels, I am probably speaking on behalf of the parents of children who are more backward, but are making progress, so the first half of my speech may be more like a review.

My child's mother and I care about our children's learning and give a lot, but it is not a pleasant process.

This father's review, many parents have tears after reading it (poke the pain point)

I am an educator, full of educational ideals, educational theories, so at the beginning I tried not to interfere in the child's learning, hold the principle of more observation, more encouragement, more guidance, adhere to not reporting for classes outside, believe in their own education, as a result, I saw the child's grinding and rubbing, often the brain like a broken line, a long time stunned, homework often consumed to ten to eleven o'clock.

So, I finally gave up the original concept and began to accompany school and tutor, and since then, the family has been full of reprimands, dissatisfaction and crying.

I can't accept the fact that all teachers know that I am not afraid of your stupidity, I am afraid that you lack willpower, I am afraid that you will not learn, I am afraid that you do not have a compact, self-managing good habit.

The emotion of failure is easy to transform into irritability, and I also beat children when I am poor in donkey skills, and sometimes I have a heavy hand.

Whenever I have beaten a child, especially when I am more brutal, my mood is extremely bad, I see the child curled up in the corner, very helpless, crying silently, seeing this usually so beautiful and lovely child, and he is far from being able to fight with me in terms of physical strength and intelligence, just because of learning, he has to bear the psychological and physical destruction, and this he is my baby, his only, at this time pity, regret, heartache, it is difficult to explain.

Until now, whenever I think back to that year, looking at the articles I wrote back then, I still feel very sorry for my children, and my children often read my articles, and he knows that his father's regrets are true.

What I can afford him is dad's persistence and tenacity to never give up.

In the second half of the speech, the father put forward several educational views based on personal experience, which caused many parents to ponder -

This father's review, many parents have tears after reading it (poke the pain point)


Accept our child's present, no matter what the present and the future, but you always have to do your best to educate him.

Not good parents must have excellent children, just like ordinary parents may also have different children, otherwise this human society is too unfair, and the structure of this society is too unstable.

Not all good habits are given by parents, or why children of the same parents can be very different.

Not all the bad things are due to poor parenting, as my experience exemplifies.

God has given you what you can only have, complain for a lifetime, you will suffer for a lifetime.

Since this is our child and we bring him into this world, we can only love him or her the most and give him the best education you can give him.

This father's review, many parents have tears after reading it (poke the pain point)


Don't torture each other with possible happiness into pain.

Maybe both of these situations could be happiness.

If your child is smart, beautiful, has good habits, is good at self-control, never lets you worry about learning, the teacher praises you for teaching your children, and you yourself feel very accomplished, you are indeed very happy.

But there may be other cases:

I remember when I was studying, my companions could only go to junior high school in my village, and I was the only one in the village who was admitted to the county middle school, and my father died proudly, but only my mother felt that she might be unhappy. When I had to leave home every week with pancakes on my back, she was so reluctant to touch my back and said, "Child, you study well, you have a good job, but in the future you will have to work in the sky, and your mother will see you less."

This sentence of the mother is unfortunately a proverb, when the mother died, we were not by her side, this is not a curse, this is a possibility.

If your child is not so good, you have to educate, you have to educate repeatedly, you have to grind your ears, you spend more time with your child, you say a lot, I think all the heavens are together, isn't this happiness? When the child is an adult, there are fewer opportunities to be close to each other, and when he is a minor, a little more time with his own child than others may be happiness, and don't let the scolding and crying become the mainstream voice like I did before, and turn the possible happiness into mutual torture.

Only the closest people in the world can hurt the people closest to them, and it will last.

This father's review, many parents have tears after reading it (poke the pain point)


Every child is different, I am talking about various aspects, children can not do sometimes not attitude, is ability.

No one beats a child every day because the child's height is not as high as others; no one scolds the child every day because the child can't run Liu Xiang, because the difference in appearance can be seen. We acknowledge that the progression rate has nothing to do with this, and the school does not discriminate against children because of this. But because you can't swallow this breath because of learning, you refuse to let go of your children, why are you bitter?

Invisible differences also exist, otherwise why don't we become Einstein? Efforts for the future of the child are deserved, do not worry too much about the future of the child, the tree can be towering, the grass can also become green. Why are you losing everything? Why is it so rubbish? Why can't I remember? He said it a thousand times, played several times, he was still him, why didn't he listen?

Parents and friends, the child has a problem, it is likely not because of the attitude, just like the growth is not high, can not run fast, we only have to help him with time management, with him to study and life planning, with the form, with the summary to help him, and there is no way to blame him.

This father's review, many parents have tears after reading it (poke the pain point)


The problem is not qualitative, to solve things, the truth should not be talked about, the child needs specific help; do not talk about the method, all the skills lie in the process and accumulation of doing specific things, doing specific topics.

This, in fact, everyone knows, the child already knows too much, not that he does not recognize these truths, but he can not do it, the truth has no shock and persuasiveness, can only be transformed into disgust, in fact, they need specific help, just like I did before.

I especially want to say that the tutoring classes that the children report are effective, do you want to think about it, I think, if he can't listen at school, can he listen outside? Moreover, once a week, the interval is too long, the content is self-contained, inconsistent with the content of the school teacher, can not be consolidated, it is better to deal with the daily homework, which is synchronized with the teacher's teaching, and mutual consolidation, a college student may be able to do it.

Of course, there is no one way to adapt to all children.

This father's review, many parents have tears after reading it (poke the pain point)


Education is a myth that I prefer to believe that my children are late in life.

For the education and help of my children, I was prepared for slow progress, ready for what would never work, and there was no way, because he was my child.

The longer I was a father, the longer I was a teacher, the more I felt that there was almost no introduction to educating me, which was not modest at all, it was true.

Although I am ready to persevere, I still don't know when to see the effect, maybe I can't see the effect when I try, maybe at some point when I am not prepared, the child suddenly grows, even if he grows, I can't covet the merits of heaven, I feel that it is my own success, how many factors affect life, who can say clearly?

However, I insist that just like the height of a person, there is early and late development, maybe IQ, emotional intelligence is also the same, I would rather believe that my children are late.

To the elderly, we often say that the tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not stopping, and the son wants to raise and not to be kissed, which is a pity.

For the child, if I give up lightly, then in case the child's life is not satisfactory in the future, I will feel guilty and regret, and I did not help him when he needed it most.

(This article is transferred from the global boutique digest, the copyright belongs to the original author, if there is infringement, please contact us to deal with)

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