
Curry beef vermicelli soup to be prepared

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Curry beef vermicelli soup to be prepared

by Xiaocai Cuisine Academy 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】

Millet pepper 2 pcs

Parsley 25 g

1 tablespoon salt

1 tablespoon oil

Water 1500 ml

Beef brisket 400 g

Vermicelli 50 g

Curry powder 5 g

Oil curry 60 g

50 g onion

1: Put the vermicelli into cold water to soften, take out and set aside.

Curry beef vermicelli soup to be prepared

2, onion shredded, beef over water, put half of the onion, ginger in the water, after the water boiled, take out the beef and wash (good quality beef do not put wine), coriander cut into sections.

Curry beef vermicelli soup to be prepared

3: Add 1500 ml of water to the pot, add beef, green onion and ginger, cover and simmer for about 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Curry beef vermicelli soup to be prepared

4: Pour oil into the pot, pour in the onion, add curry powder, oil curry and millet pepper and simmer thoroughly.

Curry beef vermicelli soup to be prepared

5: Simmer the beef for about 1 hour, add the ingredients from step 4 to the soup pot and bring to a boil, add a little salt.

Curry beef vermicelli soup to be prepared

6: After the beef is cooked, take it out and cut it into small pieces, put it back in the soup pot and simmer for about 5 minutes, then add the soaked vermicelli, and finally sprinkle with parsley (the beef is cooked and then cut, otherwise it will retract).


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