
Winter simmered sea cucumber stew, shrimp love, shrimp seeds russet white


Winter simmered sea cucumber stew

Winter simmered sea cucumber stew, shrimp love, shrimp seeds russet white

Ingredients & Ingredients:

Sea cucumber, white radish, shallots, garlic slices, garlic grains, red pepper rings, dark soy sauce, clear soup, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, white pepper, sesame oil, salad oil


Cut the processed sea cucumber into strips, blanch the water and then boil it to drain the water, wash and cut the radish into strips, blanch for 8 minutes and remove it for cooling

Heat the oil, sauté the garlic to color, add the shallots, clear soup, sea cucumber, radish, season with dark soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, white pepper, cover and burn for 9 minutes

Open the lid and pour into a preheated casserole dish, simmer over high heat until the soup is thick, add water starch to decorate, drizzle with sesame oil, add shallots and garlic flakes, and red pepper rings to decorate

Winter simmered sea cucumber stew, shrimp love, shrimp seeds russet white

Shrimp love

Winter simmered sea cucumber stew, shrimp love, shrimp seeds russet white

Shrimp, pansies, orange juice, sugar, green pepper, yellow pepper, salad oil, water starch, salt

Cut the shrimp shelled abdomen with a knife, flushed and sizing

Heat the oil, add the shrimp with the good syrup and cook it, and remove the oil control

Leave the oil in the pan, add orange juice, sugar and salt and cook for 1 minute, add the shrimp and hang the sauce evenly

Cut the green and yellow peppers into small cubes, blanch them, and garnish with pansies to serve

Winter simmered sea cucumber stew, shrimp love, shrimp seeds russet white

Shrimp seeds are white

Winter simmered sea cucumber stew, shrimp love, shrimp seeds russet white

Russet, chicken broth, seafood soy sauce, shrimp seeds, salad oil, water starch

Peel, wash and cut into strips, pour into boiling water and blanch for 2 minutes, drain and set aside

Heat the oil, add the white oil to color it, remove it and put it in a bowl

Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add shrimp seeds and stir-fry until fragrant, add chicken broth, russet white, seafood soy sauce and cook until flavorful, add water starch to the pot

Winter simmered sea cucumber stew, shrimp love, shrimp seeds russet white

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