
Have you eaten shrimp seeds and bamboo, and if you haven't eaten them, hurry up and make them!

author:Lobson Hall
Have you eaten shrimp seeds and bamboo, and if you haven't eaten them, hurry up and make them!

It rained in Beijing these two days, it was quite cool, but I also knew that this was also a precursor to the arrival of hotter weather, so I got a small cold dish for everyone to drink, shrimp seeds and bamboo, but shrimp seeds seem to be a general place is not easy to buy, if there is no shrimp seeds, everyone chops the shrimp skin and uses it. Shrimp seeds are good things, good seeds are bright in color, full of aroma, but also a very precious thing, I bought here is also of general quality, about eighty a pound, shrimp seeds in addition to mixing cold vegetables, do hot dishes are also very delicious generally used for burning dishes, such as burning sea cucumbers, burning hoof tendons, burning winter shoots or whatever, the taste is really good

Have you eaten shrimp seeds and bamboo, and if you haven't eaten them, hurry up and make them!

Ingredients: 100 g dried bamboo 15 g shrimp seeds

Seasoning: Oil 20 g Salt 1 g Sugar 1 g Vinegar 5 g Green onion to taste

Have you eaten shrimp seeds and bamboo, and if you haven't eaten them, hurry up and make them!
Have you eaten shrimp seeds and bamboo, and if you haven't eaten them, hurry up and make them!
Have you eaten shrimp seeds and bamboo, and if you haven't eaten them, hurry up and make them!

After soaking the dried bamboo in cool water to soften, drain the water and cut the green onion into small pieces for later

Have you eaten shrimp seeds and bamboo, and if you haven't eaten them, hurry up and make them!
Have you eaten shrimp seeds and bamboo, and if you haven't eaten them, hurry up and make them!

Heat the oil in a wok and simmer until 60% of the onion is heated and simmer until the onion turns brown and then fished out, and the shallot oil is refined

Have you eaten shrimp seeds and bamboo, and if you haven't eaten them, hurry up and make them!

Put the shrimp seeds in a bowl, put a little pepper and a few drops of rice wine, burn them with hot shrimp seeds and shallot oil, stir quickly and let cool,

Cut the bamboo diagonally into sections, add salt, vinegar, sugar, pour seed oil, and finally put a little green onion and mix well


Dried bamboo is best to use cold water to slowly soak, so that the taste is strong, if you are in a hurry, you can use warm water to blister, but do not use boiling water to blister, it will all rot.

When boiling shallot oil, the oil temperature should not be too high, so that the shallot flavor has not yet been integrated into the oil and the onion will be charred, and the shallot oil will have no taste.

If you want to taste better, you can also release raw soy sauce without putting salt.

The oil temperature of the shrimp should not be too low, and it must be about 70% hot, otherwise the aroma will not be stimulated.

If you want to use shrimp skin to make it, you have to chop the shrimp skin Ha, the procedure is the same, that is, the shrimp skin is saltier, and the salt should be less

Have you eaten shrimp seeds and bamboo, and if you haven't eaten them, hurry up and make them!

My first food book, I hope you enjoy it!

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