
Delicious recommendation: Fish and shrimp, Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp, sauce tofu, oil residue stir-fried vegetable moss method

author:Splendid v Shandong

Spring returns to the earth, everything recovers, breathing in the breath of spring and feeling the temperature of spring and tasting the taste of spring", spring ingredients are often the most tender in the year. Although fresh vegetables can now be eaten no matter what season, the vegetables in the greenhouse growth environment cannot be compared with the vegetables that have been moistened by spring wind and spring rain! And some dishes are unique varieties in spring, missed, and have to wait for another year!

Pork belly steamed cabbage

Delicious recommendation: Fish and shrimp, Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp, sauce tofu, oil residue stir-fried vegetable moss method

Ingredients: pork belly, Chinese cabbage, green onion, ginger, salt, ingredients, peanut oil, soy sauce, oyster sauce, MONOS Glutamate: 1. Slice pork belly, Chinese cabbage hand torn into slices. 2. Cut the green onion and ginger into strips. 3. Add boiling water to the pot, after boiling, put in the pork belly, change color and fish out, and put the cabbage into the pot. 4. Add green onion, ginger, ingredients, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, oyster sauce and peanut oil to the pork belly and marinate for 15 minutes. 5. Place the marinated pork belly on top of the Chinese cabbage and pour in the marinated juice together. 6. Put the pork belly cabbage in the steamer. 7. After the water is boiled, steam for 10--15 minutes.

Fish and shrimp

Delicious recommendation: Fish and shrimp, Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp, sauce tofu, oil residue stir-fried vegetable moss method

Ingredients: 0.75 grams of shrimp, 6 garlic, 6 dried chili peppers, cooking wine, seafood soy sauce, sugar, balsamic vinegar, salt, chicken essence 1.Prepare the ingredients, mix the sweet and sour sauce: 1 spoonful of cooking wine, 2 spoons of seafood soy sauce, 3 spoons of sugar, 4 spoons of balsamic vinegar, 5 spoons of water, 1 tsp of salt, 1 small spoon of chicken essence 2.Add hot oil and stir-fry the minced garlic until golden 3.Add shrimp and stir-fry evenly 4.Add dried peppers when the surface of the shrimp has just turned red 5.Stir-fry the shrimp 6.Add sweet and sour sauce, collect the juice on high heat. Let's eat it out of the pot

Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp

Delicious recommendation: Fish and shrimp, Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp, sauce tofu, oil residue stir-fried vegetable moss method

Method 1: Wash the shrimp, remove the shrimp whiskers, drain and set aside. 2. Heat a little oil in the pan. 3. Stir-fry the ginger and shallots in the oil and add the water, and add the cooking wine. 4. Wait for the water to boil and add the shrimp. After about 5.2 minutes, the shrimp turns red and can be fished out. 6. Quickly soak in ice water for 10 minutes after fishing out. 7. Finely chop the ginger and garlic separately. 8. Then add the extremely fresh, vinegar and sesame oil and stir well to make the dipping sauce. 9. After draining the shrimp, place on a plate and dip in

Tofu in sauce

Delicious recommendation: Fish and shrimp, Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp, sauce tofu, oil residue stir-fried vegetable moss method

Ingredients: Tofu, fungus, carrot, chives, tomato sauce Recipe: 1. First cut the tofu into 2 cm square pieces and soak in light salt water for 10 minutes. 2. Shredded fungus foam hair, shredded carrot, chopped chives, minced garlic. 3. Mix 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 spoonful of vinegar, 2 spoons of tomato sauce, 2 tablespoons of water, and 1 spoonful of soy sauce to set aside. 4. Drain the tofu from the brine, heat the pan with cold oil, add the minced garlic and stir-fry, put the carrots and wood ear fungus and stir-fry, after hearing the sound of the wood ear fungus bursting. 5. Stir-fry the tofu for 1 minute, add the sauce and simmer over low heat until viscous. 6. Put a spoonful of salt and mix well, put it out of the pot and plate it, sprinkle with chives.

Stir-fried beans with green peppers

Delicious recommendation: Fish and shrimp, Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp, sauce tofu, oil residue stir-fried vegetable moss method

Ingredients: a little lard, 2 green peppers, about 360 grams of beans, a little salt, a little cooking oil, a little oyster sauce and so on. Directions: First peel off the old stems by hand, boil the pot with water, add the beans and cook for a few minutes, fish out and cut into thin wires for later. Peel the garlic and cut into fine minces, cut the green pepper into thin strips and set aside, prepare the green pepper and the beans to start cooking the dish. Add a spoonful of lard to the pan, sauté with garlic and sauté with the beans until tender. Add some green pepper shreds, add some salt, a little soy sauce, a small spoonful of oyster sauce, a little chicken essence, use a spatula to evenly sauté, this nutritious and healthy, delicious health of green pepper fried four seasons beans are ready, after the Spring Festival to eat it is the most healthy. Tips: Four seasons beans, also known as kidney beans, is a green legume ingredients, refreshing and delicious, delicious and healthy, which contains a lot of nutrients, which vitamin C and vitamin K content is very high, calcium content is higher than milk, is an important substance to accelerate the growth of children, accelerate calcium absorption, grow the role of size. Secondly, green peppers and seasonal beans are a perfect match, not only dredging people's blood vessels, the dietary fiber substances inside help clean the intestines, make your intestines more unobstructed, and the stomach is not bulging, the more you eat, the thinner you are.

Pour the juice on the rapeseed

Delicious recommendation: Fish and shrimp, Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp, sauce tofu, oil residue stir-fried vegetable moss method

Ingredients: rapeseed, minced garlic, soy sauce, salt, chicken essence Recipe: 1, rapeseed clean, cut from the middle. 2: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, after the water is boiled, put the rapeseed into the pot, cook until it becomes soft, drain the water and put it on the plate. 3: Add an appropriate amount of oil to the wok, after the oil is heated, add the minced garlic and stir-fry the aroma. 4: Add salt, soy sauce and chicken essence and stir-fry evenly. 5: Pour the sautéed juice on top of the blanched rapeseed.

Stir-fried vegetable moss in oil residue

Delicious recommendation: Fish and shrimp, Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp, sauce tofu, oil residue stir-fried vegetable moss method

Ingredients 1 handful of bitter vegetable moss, 1 small bowl of oil residue, 1 spoonful of lard, 3-5 dried chili peppers, salt to taste. Method 1, pick and wash the vegetable moss, boil a pot of boiling water, add a little salt after the water is boiled, blanch the water into the vegetable moss, blanch the water time is not more than half a minute, and you can fish it out with a boil. 2, blanched vegetable moss over the cold water, so that the dish will be very green. 3: Squeeze out the water, cut into sections of about one centimeter, and cut the pepper into sections for later. 4: Heat the lard and simmer the lard. 5: Add dried chili peppers and stir-fry for aroma, add moss to high heat and stir-fry a few times. 6: Stir-fry evenly, add the right amount of salt, stir-fry for a while to get out of the pot.

Shredded fish and meat

Delicious recommendation: Fish and shrimp, Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp, sauce tofu, oil residue stir-fried vegetable moss method

Ingredients: 300 grams of pork tenderloin, 1 green pepper, 1/4 carrot, 1/2 winter shoots, 6 black fungus, marinated meat seasoning (5ml light soy sauce, 5ml cooking wine, 20ml water starch), fish sauce (5ml light soy sauce, 15ml vinegar, 45 grams of sugar, 1 gram of salt, 20ml of water starch), salad oil 80ml, green onion, ginger, minced garlic, Sichuan pickled pepper 4-5 method: 1, pork tenderloin cut into thin strips, add cured meat seasoning marinate for 10 minutes. 2: Cut the green pepper, carrot and winter shoots into fine strips, and the black fungus is softly washed and cut into fine strips for later. 3: Mix the fish sauce and set aside, finely chop the green onion, ginger and garlic and set aside, and chop the pickled chili pepper for later. 4: Put enough oil in the pot, when the oil is 60% or 70% hot, put in the shredded meat on high heat and quickly slip until it turns white, and put it out for later. 5: Put a little oil in the pot, add green onion, ginger and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add spicy and spicy minced and stir-fry the red oil. 6: Stir-fry carrots, winter shoots and fungus for 2 minutes, then add pepper and stir-fry evenly. 7: Add the sautéed shredded meat and stir-fry quickly.

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