
Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp delicious has a knack, the original method is all here, no wonder the restaurant is so delicious first of all the preparation of raw materials. Next up are the production steps. Next up are the main points of making this dish.

author:Chef Jiang Yizhou
Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp delicious has a knack, the original method is all here, no wonder the restaurant is so delicious first of all the preparation of raw materials. Next up are the production steps. Next up are the main points of making this dish.

Make braised shrimp, cold water or hot water? Chef: None of it is right, no wonder the shrimp meat is fishy and tasteless, it is very difficult to eat. Dear friends, hello everyone, I am Chef Jiang Yizhou, and today it is time to share the food with you again. Are you ready?

Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp delicious has a knack, the original method is all here, no wonder the restaurant is so delicious first of all the preparation of raw materials. Next up are the production steps. Next up are the main points of making this dish.

This dish of white-seared shrimp. The taste is salty and fresh. The shrimp meat is tender and tight, not only in restaurants. There are also many friends in the family, and they also like to buy a little shrimp and make white-seared shrimp to eat. But white-boiled shrimp is definitely not the same as white-boiled shrimp. The cooking skills in it are no less than those of other dishes. Today, I will share with you the correct method of white-seared shrimp. What seasonings are needed? Is it a pot under cold water or a pot under hot water? Today, I will share it all with you. Well, I don't talk much nonsense, and then I'll go straight to everyone to dry goods.

Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp delicious has a knack, the original method is all here, no wonder the restaurant is so delicious first of all the preparation of raw materials. Next up are the production steps. Next up are the main points of making this dish.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > first of all the preparation of raw materials. </h1>

16 fresh shrimp (about 400 grams), a little green onion, a little ginger, a little tender ginger, and a little vinegar. A little peppercorns. A pinch of fine salt. A little cooking wine. A little sesame oil.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > next is the production step. </h1>

1. First remove the shrimp whiskers, then remove the knife from the head of the shrimp and open its back. Then put it in an empty basin, the old shallots, ginger squeeze out the water by hand, drizzle on the shrimp, and then add a little salt, cooking wine and peppercorns, mix well with the shrimp and marinate for 30 minutes. The purpose of this step is to add flavor to the shrimp and add flavor to the fishy, so that the shrimp that is eaten in this way does not taste monotonous.

Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp delicious has a knack, the original method is all here, no wonder the restaurant is so delicious first of all the preparation of raw materials. Next up are the production steps. Next up are the main points of making this dish.

2: Then boil water in a pot, add a little, sliced green onion and ginger, peppercorns, cooking wine and salt, and then pour the marinated shrimp into the pot. Boil water for 2.5 minutes. Everyone should pay attention to the fact that the shrimp itself contains umami, so this dish must remember not to put MSG and chicken essence.

Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp delicious has a knack, the original method is all here, no wonder the restaurant is so delicious first of all the preparation of raw materials. Next up are the production steps. Next up are the main points of making this dish.

3, use this two and a half minutes of time, let's prepare a ginger sauce dipping dish. Prepare a piece of tender ginger cut into finely chopped pieces, put in an empty bowl, add a little vinegar, a little sesame oil, and then put the seared shrimp on the plate, put the ginger juice dipping dish, you can plate into a dish.

Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp delicious has a knack, the original method is all here, no wonder the restaurant is so delicious first of all the preparation of raw materials. Next up are the production steps. Next up are the main points of making this dish.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > next is the main point of making this dish. </h1>

1, the shrimp must remove the shrimp whiskers, and then open the back to marinate, so that not only to ensure the beauty of the dish, but also to ensure the shrimp meat, the taste of eating is not monotonous and bottom-flavored.

Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp delicious has a knack, the original method is all here, no wonder the restaurant is so delicious first of all the preparation of raw materials. Next up are the production steps. Next up are the main points of making this dish.

2, the shrimp must be placed onion and ginger slices, cooking wine and salt seasoning, and then boil the underwater pot. This is the correct white shrimp step. Everyone must remember that it is certainly not wrong to make a taste according to this step.

Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp delicious has a knack, the original method is all here, no wonder the restaurant is so delicious first of all the preparation of raw materials. Next up are the production steps. Next up are the main points of making this dish.

3, ginger sauce dipping dish can be played at will, you can also change the ginger minced, from minced green onion and coriander can be. This is entirely based on personal preference, and everyone can play freely.

Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp delicious has a knack, the original method is all here, no wonder the restaurant is so delicious first of all the preparation of raw materials. Next up are the production steps. Next up are the main points of making this dish.

Okay, a fresh and firm dish. Shrimp meat flavor. The white-seared shrimp that is not fishy at all is ready! Follow this method to make sure that the taste you make is as good as the restaurant's.

Cantonese-style white-seared shrimp delicious has a knack, the original method is all here, no wonder the restaurant is so delicious first of all the preparation of raw materials. Next up are the production steps. Next up are the main points of making this dish.

Thank you for your patience to read, if you like this article, then please like the collection comments, and share it, let more good friends see it, I am Chef Jiang Yizhou, we will see you next issue.

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