
White-seared shrimp

author:The world of food
White-seared shrimp

White-seared shrimp is a famous dish of Han chinese in Guangdong, which belongs to the Cantonese cuisine family. The word "white burning" refers to the original fresh shrimp directly into the water to cook, retaining the fresh sweetness and tenderness of the shrimp meat itself, and then peeling off the shrimp shell and dipping in the sauce to eat.

Ingredients and details

White-seared shrimp

1. Wash the shrimp, cut off the whiskers, slice the ginger and shred the green onion.

White-seared shrimp

2. Add oil to a pan, heat it up and sauté ginger slices and shredded green onion, then cook in cooking wine

White-seared shrimp

3. Add water

White-seared shrimp

4. When the water boils, put in the base shrimp and blanch

White-seared shrimp

5. Soak the cooked shrimp in ice water to make the shrimp more textured

White-seared shrimp

6. Finely chop the ginger

White-seared shrimp

7. Pour in seafood soy sauce, vinegar and sesame oil to form the sauce

White-seared shrimp

8. After draining the shrimp, peel off the shell and dip in the sauce

White-seared shrimp

9. Finished product photo

White-seared shrimp

10. Finished photo

White-seared shrimp

11. Finished photo

White-seared shrimp

12. Finished photo

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White-seared shrimp

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