
Sautéed broccoli, blanched or directly fried? Don't make the method wrong, otherwise it is not crisp and not flavorful to fry broccoli, blanched or directly fried? The original mistake in the method, no wonder it is crisp and not into the taste [fried broccoli]

author:Sister Tong's food diary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > fried broccoli, blanched or directly fried? It turned out that I had made a mistake in my approach, so I had to be crispy and tasteless</h1>

Broccoli is a very common food in our lives and is also a very nutritious thing. Its body is also rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, carotene, trace elements, dietary fiber, etc., eating more is very beneficial, men and women of all ages.

Sautéed broccoli, blanched or directly fried? Don't make the method wrong, otherwise it is not crisp and not flavorful to fry broccoli, blanched or directly fried? The original mistake in the method, no wonder it is crisp and not into the taste [fried broccoli]

When it comes to the way to eat broccoli, in fact, in many cases, it is used as a "foil", whether it is to eat in a restaurant, or order a takeaway, you can always see a flower or a circle of broccoli in the meal, it will look more beautiful.

In fact, broccoli, stir-fried to eat is also good, the taste is crisp and flavorful, delicious and nutritious.

Sautéed broccoli, blanched or directly fried? Don't make the method wrong, otherwise it is not crisp and not flavorful to fry broccoli, blanched or directly fried? The original mistake in the method, no wonder it is crisp and not into the taste [fried broccoli]

So when frying broccoli, there is a question that needs to be clarified, whether it needs to be blanched, or directly put it in the pot and fry it? Next, after reading the correct method, everyone will sigh, it turns out that the method I used before is wrong, no wonder it is not crisp enough, nor is it tasteful.

Sautéed broccoli, blanched or directly fried? Don't make the method wrong, otherwise it is not crisp and not flavorful to fry broccoli, blanched or directly fried? The original mistake in the method, no wonder it is crisp and not into the taste [fried broccoli]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > [fried broccoli].</h1>

Recipe: Broccoli, garlic, starch, sugar, soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, cooking oil

1, prepare broccoli, break each one off, and then put it in water to clean it, because the bones of broccoli are relatively dense, so there will definitely be some dirty things left inside, so we want to make it cleaner, but also need to soak in salt water.

Sautéed broccoli, blanched or directly fried? Don't make the method wrong, otherwise it is not crisp and not flavorful to fry broccoli, blanched or directly fried? The original mistake in the method, no wonder it is crisp and not into the taste [fried broccoli]

2: Cut the garlic and set aside, cut into minced garlic, and set aside the minced garlic first. Then let's make a sauce, 1 spoonful of soy sauce, half a spoon of oyster sauce, half a spoon of starch, half a spoon of sugar, a little water, a small half bowl, stir it well and set aside.

Sautéed broccoli, blanched or directly fried? Don't make the method wrong, otherwise it is not crisp and not flavorful to fry broccoli, blanched or directly fried? The original mistake in the method, no wonder it is crisp and not into the taste [fried broccoli]

3, the next is a very critical step, so is the broccoli directly fried, or first to blanch a little? It's all wrong, look at my correct approach, after the pot is heated, nothing needs to be added, just put the broccoli in it and sauté, dry until it changes color and then put it out.

Sautéed broccoli, blanched or directly fried? Don't make the method wrong, otherwise it is not crisp and not flavorful to fry broccoli, blanched or directly fried? The original mistake in the method, no wonder it is crisp and not into the taste [fried broccoli]

4, then start the pot to burn the oil, after heating, put the garlic into it to fry the incense, and then you can pour the broccoli in, then pour the sauce we just prepared into it, start to stir-fry non-stop, fry until the broccoli becomes soft, fried, you can put out the pot.

Sautéed broccoli, blanched or directly fried? Don't make the method wrong, otherwise it is not crisp and not flavorful to fry broccoli, blanched or directly fried? The original mistake in the method, no wonder it is crisp and not into the taste [fried broccoli]

Broccoli is fried like this, although there is no meat, it is a simple vegetable, but I also like it, crisp and flavorful, and it is particularly delicious to eat. If you also like to eat fried broccoli, try me this method.

Sautéed broccoli, blanched or directly fried? Don't make the method wrong, otherwise it is not crisp and not flavorful to fry broccoli, blanched or directly fried? The original mistake in the method, no wonder it is crisp and not into the taste [fried broccoli]


Fry broccoli, what is the process? The correct operation should be, do not blanch or directly pour in the pot to fry, but need to be put into the hot pot in advance to dry sauté, in order to be more crisp, and maintain the emerald green color.

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