
A 48-year-old man eats broccoli every day, what is his physical condition after 1 year?

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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On an ordinary weekday morning, 48-year-old Wang Daming couldn't help but sigh as he stood in line to register, "This health is really worrying." "Wang Daming is an ordinary driver.

Last year, after a health lecture, Wang Daming decided to start eating broccoli every day as a way to improve his frequent indigestion and weight problems.

His decision caused quite a stir in the circle of friends, and everyone was half joking and half curious to see if he could stick to it.

A 48-year-old man eats broccoli every day, what is his physical condition after 1 year?

Time flies quickly, and a year has passed in the blink of an eye. Today, Wang Daming came to the hospital for a physical examination, and in the process of waiting, he couldn't help but recall the bits and pieces of this year.

Wang Daming's living habits have indeed undergone earth-shaking changes. From the greasy meals he used to have to eat a high-fiber, low-fat diet now, broccoli has become almost a regular on his table.

A 48-year-old man eats broccoli every day, what is his physical condition after 1 year?

Under the influence of these habits, Wang Daming felt that his body had changed a lot. However, what surprised him even more was that he began to notice that his weight was slowly losing and his appetite was much better than before.

After the examination, the results made Wang Daming and the doctor very happy. The doctor looked at his examination report and was amazed.

A 48-year-old man eats broccoli every day, what is his physical condition after 1 year?

"Mr. Wang, your blood lipids and blood sugar levels have improved a lot, which is very rare in your age. The doctor asked as he spoke, hoping to learn his secret.

During the conversation, Wang Daming shared his eating habits in detail, especially his decision to stick to eating broccoli every day. "I read a lot about broccoli, which is rich in vitamins and minerals that can help lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease. ”

A 48-year-old man eats broccoli every day, what is his physical condition after 1 year?

The doctor nodded in agreement, adding: "It's true that broccoli is not only rich in vitamin C and vitamin K, but also a compound called sulfur cabbage, which has been shown to have some positive effects in fighting cancer. ”

At this time, although Wang Daming was satisfied, he still had a question: "Doctor, I want to know, in addition to broccoli, do I need to add other foods or vitamin supplements to further improve my health?"

A 48-year-old man eats broccoli every day, what is his physical condition after 1 year?

The doctor thought for a while, and then found some clues from Wang Daming's previous health files. "Depending on your situation, I would recommend eating more deep-sea fish, and as for vitamin supplements, you need to do detailed blood pressure monitoring before deciding, if necessary. ”

He also learned from his doctor that broccoli was indeed a treasure. However, there is more than one treasure in life, Zhang Wei asked with curiosity: "Then in addition to broccoli, do I have any other foods that are simple and can add points to health?"

A 48-year-old man eats broccoli every day, what is his physical condition after 1 year?

The doctor shook his head with a smile and said meaningfully, "Actually, each food has its own unique benefits. For example, tomatoes and carrots, they are rich in vitamins and are very good for the body.

However, what I want to introduce to you today is an often overlooked superfood – red cabbage. "Purple cabbage?" Wang Daming was a little surprised, he didn't eat this vegetable much before.

A 48-year-old man eats broccoli every day, what is his physical condition after 1 year?

"That's right, red cabbage. The doctor went on to explain, "The health benefits of purple cabbage are also very numerous. Purple cabbage is rich in anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants that can effectively slow down cell aging and prevent cardiovascular disease. ”

Doctors say that people who regularly consume red cabbage have a more than 15% lower incidence of cardiovascular disease than those who don't eat it regularly. In addition, the fiber in purple cabbage can also help with intestinal health and prevent constipation.

A 48-year-old man eats broccoli every day, what is his physical condition after 1 year?

Wang Daming couldn't help but nod after hearing this, feeling that today's harvest was more than expected. Before he was about to leave, he thought of another question: "I've heard that eating too much purple cabbage can cause thyroid disorders, is that true?

The doctor said, "It's a little, but as long as you don't eat it every day, it's generally fine."

A 48-year-old man eats broccoli every day, what is his physical condition after 1 year?

I recommend that you can include red cabbage as part of your diet with other vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, etc., so that you can get various nutrients and avoid possible side effects. ”

Through this medical consultation, Wang Daming not only confirmed his health improvement, but also received more professional advice, which drew a perfect end to his healthy life.

A 48-year-old man eats broccoli every day, what is his physical condition after 1 year?

Wang Daming also has a more comprehensive understanding of his diet and new insights on how to use food to improve health.

What do you think about broccoli?

A 48-year-old man eats broccoli every day, what is his physical condition after 1 year?

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