
Whether boiling mutton soup or haggis soup, remember "2 do not put 2 tips", soup delicious and tasteless boiled lamb soup 2 do not put boiled lamb soup 2 tips [mutton soup method]

author:Small crispy meat delicacy

Waxing moon is the season of eating lamb, in this season, come to a bowl of steaming lamb soup, drive away the cold and relieve hunger. Every season, the business of the sheep soup restaurant is always exceptionally good, but now the price has been rising, a bowl of ordinary lamb soup at least 20 yuan, a bowl of haggis also cost 15 yuan, and there is no meat to eat.

Whether boiling mutton soup or haggis soup, remember "2 do not put 2 tips", soup delicious and tasteless boiled lamb soup 2 do not put boiled lamb soup 2 tips [mutton soup method]

In fact, if you like to drink mutton soup, you may wish to try to make it at home, spend less money, taste good, and eat it enjoyably. Many friends like to drink mutton soup, but the taste of the mutton soup they make at home is always not very good, either the soup is too clear or the taste is fat. Lamb itself is a "big fresh thing", so when cooking lamb, the seasoning should be put as little as possible, while removing the smell of lamb, try to retain the fresh flavor of lamb. The following small editor will share the family practice of boiling sheep soup for everyone, remember "2 do not put 2 tips", the cooked lamb soup soup is rich and fragrant, whether it is mutton soup or haggis soup is applicable.

Whether boiling mutton soup or haggis soup, remember "2 do not put 2 tips", soup delicious and tasteless boiled lamb soup 2 do not put boiled lamb soup 2 tips [mutton soup method]

<h1>Boil 2 sheep soup without putting</h1>

Cook the lamb soup without sparing too many spices

Because the umami taste of lamb itself is relatively sufficient, many people like to eat lamb, but also because of its unique fresh flavor, so when cooking lamb soup, remember not to put too many spices, especially star anise, cinnamon, grass and fruit and other spices are relatively heavy, and the lamb umami "foul rush" spices, must not be put, will cover up the fresh flavor of the lamb itself. When cooking lamb broth, you can put a little onion ginger, peppercorns, white root and cumin, which can effectively remove the smell of lamb and will not affect the umami taste of lamb.

Whether boiling mutton soup or haggis soup, remember "2 do not put 2 tips", soup delicious and tasteless boiled lamb soup 2 do not put boiled lamb soup 2 tips [mutton soup method]

Cooking mutton soup can not be put in cooking wine

Many friends like to add cooking wine when cooking meat ingredients, the purpose is to add fishy flavor to the meat, but when cooking lamb, remember not to add cooking wine. The main ingredients of cooking wine are rice wine and a variety of spices, which have star anise, cinnamon and other spicy spices, after adding cooking wine, it will make the umami taste of lamb lost, but also easy to make lamb have a strange taste; if you want to add flavor to the lamb, when cooking lamb soup, you can choose to add a little high liquor.

Whether boiling mutton soup or haggis soup, remember "2 do not put 2 tips", soup delicious and tasteless boiled lamb soup 2 do not put boiled lamb soup 2 tips [mutton soup method]

<h1>2 tips for boiling lamb soup</h1>

Stir-fry the lamb, and the soup is whiter

Cooking lamb soup at home, there are not so many lamb stick bones in the sheep soup restaurant to boil soup, how can you make the cooked lamb soup whiter? In fact, the reason why the mutton soup looks white, is the "emulsification effect" of the mutton fat, the fat after high temperature emulsification and water fusion, it becomes milky white, want the mutton soup milk white, you can add a small piece of mutton oil or sauté the lamb in advance when cooking the sheep soup, so that the fat in the lamb melts and then add water, boil on high heat for ten minutes, the mutton soup suddenly becomes white, and then turn to low heat after the mutton soup becomes white and then turn to low heat and slow cooking.

Whether boiling mutton soup or haggis soup, remember "2 do not put 2 tips", soup delicious and tasteless boiled lamb soup 2 do not put boiled lamb soup 2 tips [mutton soup method]

Do not put salt too early to cook sheep soup

When cooking lamb broth, do not put salt too early, wait for the mutton soup to be cooked and put into the bowl and then add salt according to your taste. If you put salt too early, the salt will coagulate the protein in the lamb, resulting in the meat being woody, not easy to soft rot, and also affecting the umami taste of the lamb.

Whether boiling mutton soup or haggis soup, remember "2 do not put 2 tips", soup delicious and tasteless boiled lamb soup 2 do not put boiled lamb soup 2 tips [mutton soup method]

<h1>【Preparation of lamb broth】</h1>

Ingredients: lamb to taste, a little ginger slices, a little white root, a little peppercorns, a little salt, a suitable amount of white pepper.

Procedure steps:

1: Wash the lamb and cut it into large pieces, cool the pot under water, skim off the foam after opening the pot, cook for 2 minutes and then fish out the water control.

2, add the right amount of cooking oil to the pot, after the oil is hot, put the lamb into the lamb and sauté a few times, sauté the fat in the lamb and add the appropriate amount of boiling water, then add a little ginger slices, peppercorns and baizhi, keep the heat on high for 10 minutes after opening the pot, then turn to low heat and cook for about 30 minutes, cook the lamb until soft and rotten.

3: Finally, cut the cooked lamb into small pieces and put them into a bowl, add the appropriate amount of green onion and coriander, then add salt and white pepper to taste, and finally pour the lamb broth.

Whether boiling mutton soup or haggis soup, remember "2 do not put 2 tips", soup delicious and tasteless boiled lamb soup 2 do not put boiled lamb soup 2 tips [mutton soup method]

When making mutton soup, remember "2 do not put 2 tips", with a simple way to make a fresh and beautiful mutton soup, friends who like to drink mutton soup can try this method!

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