
A winter tonic that foodies must not miss – haggis soup

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
A winter tonic that foodies must not miss – haggis soup

After the last solar term of the year, "Great Cold", we are about to usher in a new year. In this cold season corresponding to Lichun, the natural yin qi is extremely strong, the yang qi sinks to the pole and prepares to grow hair, and we can eat some warm food in the diet to supplement. And haggis soup can drive away the cold and warm up the body, strengthen the spleen and stomach, appetize and help digestion, which is the most suitable supplement for this season.

by small card 0504

Haggis (liver, lungs, stomach, blood, brain tongue) 300g

Ginger 10 g

20 g green onion

A little white pepper

Paprika 30 g

Parsley 50 g

50 g chopped green onion

Chicken essence a little

A pinch of salt

A winter tonic that foodies must not miss – haggis soup

1, the cooking of haggis soup is very simple, if you choose raw haggis, then you must deal with it in advance, soak it with starch and coarse salt, and rinse it with water repeatedly. Add the peppercorns, green onion and ginger slices and set aside. If you buy cooked haggis, it's pretty simple. It can be used directly after cleaning

A winter tonic that foodies must not miss – haggis soup

2: Wash the cooked haggis and set aside.

A winter tonic that foodies must not miss – haggis soup

3: Cut the green onion into sections and slice the ginger and set aside

A winter tonic that foodies must not miss – haggis soup

4: Pour water into a pot and bring to a boil over high heat with haggis, shallots and sliced ginger.

A winter tonic that foodies must not miss – haggis soup

5, after the pot is opened, skim off the foam, clean the cooked haggis soup in fact, there is no foam, a little skimming is good.

A winter tonic that foodies must not miss – haggis soup

6: Put cooking wine in a pot, turn to low heat and simmer for at least 40 minutes. This way the soup can be rich.

A winter tonic that foodies must not miss – haggis soup

7, after the soup is strong, put chicken essence, salt, white pepper, pepper, and add haggis soup in the bowl, of course, if the family tastes the same, you can also directly season in the pot, and then sprinkle with chives and coriander. A steaming bowl of warm tonic, haggis soup, is complete.

A winter tonic that foodies must not miss – haggis soup

8, with crispy baked cakes, a large bowl for each family member. Warm from the inside out

Haggis must be handled well in advance. If you are in trouble, you can buy cooked haggis directly at the supermarket.

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