
@春日生活打卡季露地黄瓜甩蔓后要进哪些管理黄瓜一生分发芽期. Seedling stage, vine sprouting stage and fruiting stage. The vine throwing stage has entered the stage of rapid vegetative growth, and it is born

author:Funny half peasant


What management should be carried out after the open cucumber is shaken

Cucumbers are distributed throughout their lives, at the budding stage, seedling stage, vine spinning stage and fruiting stage. The vine throwing stage has entered the stage of rapid vegetative growth and the beginning of reproductive growth, and this stage is an important stage to determine the ability to build a good yield frame and obtain high yields. In terms of management, it should be a combination of promotion and control, with control in the early stage and promotion in the later stage. Specifically, the following measures should be taken:

1. Tie vines

Cucumbers are climbing plants, and by climbing on objects, the melon seedlings are propped up, and the melons are ventilated and transmitted, so as to produce more melons. Therefore, a good frame is a prerequisite for high production. The erection should be early, and it can be carried out after the seedlings are slowed. The height is generally about 2 meters, and the short melon is less, and the high is not conducive to management. Generally, a thin bamboo pole is used to insert the frame, with a herringbone structure, and the upper end is connected into a row with a horizontal bamboo pole.

When the length of the melon seedling is about 30~50 cm, the vine is introduced into the shelf. After entering the shelf, the vines are tied, that is, the seedlings are fixed on the rack. Vine binding is more than just fixing the plant. And by tying vines, cucumbers can play a role in promoting and controlling. Generally, the plant height is 30~

At 50 cm, the vine is tied, and the vine is tied every 3~4 leaves. The vine is generally tied to the bottom of the melon for 2 sections, so as to avoid stepping on the young melon. In order to reduce its height, inhibit its growth, promote reproductive growth, and remove tendrils while tying vines, it saves the consumption of ineffective nutrients. In addition, according to the growth of the seedlings to determine the degree of tightness when tying the vine, for the growth potential, should be tied a little tighter to inhibit the growth. For those with weak growth potential, they should be slightly loosened to promote their growth. The top of the melon should be tied tighter than the bottom of the melon to promote the delivery of nutrients to the fruit and prevent a large amount of nutrients from being transported to the growth point and causing growth and melon transformation.

The main vine is generally topped at 20~25 knots to promote the growth of the back melon. When tying, knock off the lower part of the old yellow leaves, diseased leaves and empty branches. Its purpose is to save nutrients, improve ventilation and light transmission conditions, and reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases.

2. Cultivating soil

Cucumber vine spinning has just entered the peak period of vegetative growth, in addition to strengthening fertilizer and water management, cultivating soil is an indispensable measure. Therefore, the root system is expanding outward, and it is necessary to cultivate the topsoil to promote root rooting, so as to reduce the root system floating on the surface of the soil and the aboveground part of the root system to grow. Cultivating should not be too deep 3~4 cm is appropriate, this cultivation is the last time, to the cucumber root to carry out soil cultivation, or the ridge restoration, increase the thickness of the melon root soil, conducive to drought and waterlogging, prevent premature aging. The thickness of the soil should be 4~5 cm, and the thick soil is not conducive to the large temperature difference between day and night of the soil, and is not conducive to the growth of the root system.

3. Increase the application of rooting fertilizer,

In addition to cultivating, in order to eliminate soil compaction, apply functional fertilizers, increase soil nutrients, promote the further expansion of the root system, strengthen the root system, and prevent premature aging of the root system in the middle stage. Mainly use silicon fertilizer, seaweed fertilizer, amino acid fertilizer and amino-oligosaccharides, use these fertilizers, according to the product instructions can be used, can not be used too much.

Fourth, control prosperity and prevent diseases

After the cucumber is shaken, if the soil nutrients are sufficient, the water is appropriate, and the temperature is suitable, it is easy to grow. At this time, it is found that there is a trend of vigorous growth, and in the case of poor tillage effect, the regulator must be controlled to flourish. When the cucumber grows to 12~15 leaves, spray it with 50-100 mg/L chlormequat solution for 1 time, which can promote cucumber fruit setting and increase yield.

The combination of wang control and disease prevention can be used to control the wang with the special drug chlormequat mepidinium, plus sodium nitrate, tebuconazole or pyraclostrobin. Compounding, the combination of prosperity control and disease prevention can play a good role. If you have been using anti-growth drugs, it may affect flowering and fruiting. Therefore, the addition of sodium nitrate phenol can control the vigorous growth of green leaves, and can also promote flowering and relieve the influence of wangwang control drugs on flowering. The dosage of chlormequat methylpiperium per mu is 3 ml, and sodium nitrate phenol is 10 grams per mu with appropriate pesticides. It can also be compounded according to the drug instructions.

@春日生活打卡季露地黄瓜甩蔓后要进哪些管理黄瓜一生分发芽期. Seedling stage, vine sprouting stage and fruiting stage. The vine throwing stage has entered the stage of rapid vegetative growth, and it is born
@春日生活打卡季露地黄瓜甩蔓后要进哪些管理黄瓜一生分发芽期. Seedling stage, vine sprouting stage and fruiting stage. The vine throwing stage has entered the stage of rapid vegetative growth, and it is born
@春日生活打卡季露地黄瓜甩蔓后要进哪些管理黄瓜一生分发芽期. Seedling stage, vine sprouting stage and fruiting stage. The vine throwing stage has entered the stage of rapid vegetative growth, and it is born
@春日生活打卡季露地黄瓜甩蔓后要进哪些管理黄瓜一生分发芽期. Seedling stage, vine sprouting stage and fruiting stage. The vine throwing stage has entered the stage of rapid vegetative growth, and it is born

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