
The hottest [sugar gourd video] on the whole network, a string of really great cool!!Today's video, I will share the practice of sugar gourd, a string of real great cool!Ingredients: hawthorn white sugar rock sugar water made

author:Frank lemon reading

The hottest [sugar gourd video] on the whole network, a bite and a string are really cool!!

In today's video, I will share the practice of sugar gourd, one bite and one string is really cool!

Ingredients: hawthorn, sugar, rock sugar, water


1. Pour water into the pot, put in a large spoonful of sugar, boil until the sugar melts and bubbles, pour in the hawthorn and continue to boil, stir while boiling to prevent sticking to the pot, wait for the sugar water to become viscous, pour in a cap of white rice vinegar, stir well, continue to boil for two minutes, then turn off the heat.

2. Pour the hawthorn into a container, stir it quickly with a spoon while it is hot, so that each hawthorn can be stained with syrup, and then pour it into a plate that is oiled in advance, and let it cool and string it with a bamboo skewer.

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The hottest [sugar gourd video] on the whole network, a string of really great cool!!Today's video, I will share the practice of sugar gourd, a string of real great cool!Ingredients: hawthorn white sugar rock sugar water made
The hottest [sugar gourd video] on the whole network, a string of really great cool!!Today's video, I will share the practice of sugar gourd, a string of real great cool!Ingredients: hawthorn white sugar rock sugar water made
The hottest [sugar gourd video] on the whole network, a string of really great cool!!Today's video, I will share the practice of sugar gourd, a string of real great cool!Ingredients: hawthorn white sugar rock sugar water made
The hottest [sugar gourd video] on the whole network, a string of really great cool!!Today's video, I will share the practice of sugar gourd, a string of real great cool!Ingredients: hawthorn white sugar rock sugar water made
The hottest [sugar gourd video] on the whole network, a string of really great cool!!Today's video, I will share the practice of sugar gourd, a string of real great cool!Ingredients: hawthorn white sugar rock sugar water made

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