
Oyster sauce lettuce many people do wrong, teach a few tips, crisp and tender and fragrant without blackening, special refreshing - [oyster sauce lettuce] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

author:Kittens love the kitchen

Hi @Hello everyone! I am the kitten of "Kitten Loves Kitchen", and today I met you again to share life, share food, and share happiness! Today the kitten brings you a semi-cold and half-hot dish made with lettuce: "oyster sauce lettuce" This is a crisp and refreshing taste, the taste is refreshing and refreshing, especially appetizing, today share it with you, if you like, you can try this method of lettuce.

Oyster sauce lettuce many people do wrong, teach a few tips, crisp and tender and fragrant without blackening, special refreshing - [oyster sauce lettuce] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

Lettuce is a very common ingredient in our ordinary life, lettuce contains high nutritional value, contains higher dietary fiber and minerals, many friends prefer to eat, because lettuce can be eaten raw, but also can be made into a variety of cuisine. Regarding the practice of lettuce, many friends may think of the first food is oyster sauce lettuce, oyster sauce lettuce is the representative of vegetarian cuisine, and the ingredients and methods are relatively simple, the taste is crisp and tender, nutritious, adults and children love to eat.

Oyster sauce lettuce many people do wrong, teach a few tips, crisp and tender and fragrant without blackening, special refreshing - [oyster sauce lettuce] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

Many people sometimes make oyster sauce lettuce at home, but the lettuce is darker and the nutrition is lost. Today, I will share with you the correct method of this garlic oyster sauce lettuce, the prepared lettuce is crisp and tender, appetizing, and the color is emerald green, and it will not turn black. The specific approach is described below.

Oyster sauce lettuce many people do wrong, teach a few tips, crisp and tender and fragrant without blackening, special refreshing - [oyster sauce lettuce] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="55" >--[oyster sauce lettuce]——</h1>

【Ingredients】: 2 lettuce

【Seasoning】: 5-6 cloves of garlic, 1 chives, 2 spoons of oyster sauce, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1/2 spoon of sugar, 1/2 bowl of water, 1 tsp of starch

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="54" > - production methods and steps -</h1>

【Step 1】: Remove the roots of the prepared lettuce, break the lettuce into pieces, put it in a basin, put a spoonful of salt, add water and water and stir for 10 minutes to remove pesticide residues and insect eggs.

Oyster sauce lettuce many people do wrong, teach a few tips, crisp and tender and fragrant without blackening, special refreshing - [oyster sauce lettuce] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 2】: After crushing the garlic, chop into minced garlic, chives and shallots are also chopped into small pieces, put into the plate for later, take a small bowl and add 2 spoons of oyster sauce, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1/2 spoon of sugar, 1 small bowl of water, 1 small spoon of starch, stir well into the sauce and set aside.

Oyster sauce lettuce many people do wrong, teach a few tips, crisp and tender and fragrant without blackening, special refreshing - [oyster sauce lettuce] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 3】: Put water in the wok and bring it to a boil, add a spoonful of salt and a few drops of vegetable oil, fish out the soaked lettuce clean, put it in the pot and blanch the water for 10 seconds.

Oyster sauce lettuce many people do wrong, teach a few tips, crisp and tender and fragrant without blackening, special refreshing - [oyster sauce lettuce] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 4】: Fish out the blanched lettuce, control the water slightly, and then plate for later.

Oyster sauce lettuce many people do wrong, teach a few tips, crisp and tender and fragrant without blackening, special refreshing - [oyster sauce lettuce] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 5】: Put less oil in the wok, put the minced garlic and minced green onion into the pot, and stir-fry over low heat to make the aroma.

Oyster sauce lettuce many people do wrong, teach a few tips, crisp and tender and fragrant without blackening, special refreshing - [oyster sauce lettuce] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 6】: After the onion and garlic are sautéed to make the aroma, pour in the prepared seasoning juice and thicken the seasoning juice over a low heat.

Oyster sauce lettuce many people do wrong, teach a few tips, crisp and tender and fragrant without blackening, special refreshing - [oyster sauce lettuce] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 7】: After the seasoning juice is thickened, pour it on the lettuce and you can eat it on the table!

Oyster sauce lettuce many people do wrong, teach a few tips, crisp and tender and fragrant without blackening, special refreshing - [oyster sauce lettuce] ———— production methods and steps———— cooking tips -

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="39" > – Cooking Tips</h1>

Today and you share this dish of "oyster sauce lettuce" is made, the taste of the dish is crisp, the taste is salty and sweet with a fragrant taste, especially refreshing, used to eat under the wine is very good, every time I make this dish, is the child who usually does not like to eat greens, a person can eat a large plate, and told me to often do to eat, do you like this practice of lettuce? If you like it, you can make it and eat it! It is necessary to pay attention to several details when making.

(1) When choosing lettuce, remember to choose lettuce with uniform leaf size, such lettuce is generally more uniform in light time and full of moisture. You can also judge the moisture of lettuce according to the amount of lettuce, and the lettuce with a heavier weight is generally more watery.

(2) After the lettuce is processed, it should be soaked in salt water for 10 minutes, which can remove pesticide residues and insect eggs, and it is also delicious to eat.

(3) The soul of this dish is on top of the minced garlic and consumes oil, so that the two spices can put more minced garlic, and the lettuce produced by this is more delicious and nutritious.

(4) Put some salt and vegetable oil when blanching the lettuce, which can keep the lettuce green and reduce nutrient loss.

(5) Lettuce is relatively tender, generally blanching time is not too long, generally 10 seconds is good.

(6) Since the oyster sauce and soy sauce itself have saltiness, there is no need to put salt

The above content is the "oyster sauce lettuce" method that I share with you, and I hope it will be helpful to you. I will update you every day on food practices and tips, if you have any comments or suggestions you can interact with me in the comments below, kittens are very grateful, if you like kittens to share, just forward + favorite + like support it! Every one of your likes is the motivation for the kitten to continue to work hard! Thanks for the support, thanks for the company! We'll see you tomorrow!

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