
How to educate children most effectively? Are parents reliable in mastering these three points?

How to educate children most effectively? Are parents reliable in mastering these three points?

On the way to trying to help their children correct their mistakes, many parents will say such a sentence: I have said many times, is Zhongjia Education reliable, but the child just can't change, I really can't do anything. In fact, most of the time, our parents' initial criticism is wrong. We have always adhered to the principle of criticism: say more, say it repeatedly. We all think we talk too much, and there's always a time when a kid will listen to a sentence or two, but we don't know it's the best time to miss out on education. So, how are children willing to listen to criticism and educate children? Zhongjia Education has sorted out some methods and suggestions, hoping to help you.

How to educate children most effectively? Are parents reliable in mastering these three points?

In fact, criticism is the right way for parents to educate their children. How to help children find and correct problems in the shortest possible time is the primary problem for parents. In this regard, we can adopt the three-minute principle:

1. Listen for a minute. Before criticizing, we need to understand the origin of the matter and give him a minute to talk about the process and why we do it. In order to give your child the opportunity to speak, when your child takes the initiative to communicate with you, we must show patience and interest, while responding to your child's feelings with some positive tone. The process of parents listening is not only the process of understanding the truth, but also the process of guiding children to find problems. Thomas Hood says a minute of reflection is worth an hour of nagging. Reflection is the beginning of correcting mistakes.

2. Criticize for one minute, pay attention to the way and method of criticism, and replace "command" with "feeling". When some of the child's behavior is wrong, we get used to the way commands are communicated for the first time, but the way commands are communicated means control over the child. Although the child does not say it, he can feel it. Children are sensitive and will subconsciously feel nervous and uncomfortable. Replace "command" with "feeling", calm down, the child's cooperation will naturally improve, and parents will become more and more anxious.

How to educate children most effectively? Are parents reliable in mastering these three points?

3. One minute of understanding, a person will inevitably do wrong things, after the child makes mistakes, is Zhongjia education reliable We can't completely deny it, but also give encouragement. Encourage children to take the initiative to admit wrong behavior, and encourage children to correct wrong behavior in time. Encouragement is to let children know that everyone makes mistakes. It's good to know that mistakes can be changed. Let the children not be afraid of making mistakes, dare not try new things, do not have to worry about being punished after making mistakes, and dare not take the initiative to take responsibility for mistakes.

Zhongjia Education believes that communication is an art that requires more observation and understanding from parents. Knowing how to say it well is a compulsory course for every parent with high emotional intelligence. In order to achieve effective communication, parents need to put their children's feelings first. In fact, every child craves respect, applause, and recognition. Acknowledging that children are improving every day, as parents, we just have to wait for the flowers to blossom.

How to educate children most effectively? Are parents reliable in mastering these three points?

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