
Smart parents know how to "cheer" for their children

There is a kind of love in this world, called to give children a show.

If you don't draw well, you can praise it as long as you work hard;

Childish speeches, naïve but worth listening to;

Bad grades and mischief-making, but the heart is very kind, we can still be proud of him...

Parents are the first audience of children, and many times, our feedback directly affects the child's perception and attitude towards themselves.

Smart parents know how to "cheer" for their children

No matter how good the education

It is also no match for parents who will be on the scene

I've seen a video like this. Music maestro Zander instructed a 10-year-old Asian girl to play the violin, which she played smoothly, but she looked nervous. Her eyes were fixed on her fingers, and she never saw a smile on her face.

The master asked the little girl, "Can you smile?" The girl smiled awkwardly.

Smart parents know how to "cheer" for their children

The master asked again, "Can you jump?" The girl jumped unnaturally.

Smart parents know how to "cheer" for their children

The master was only like a "big child", personally taking the little girl to jump on the stage, and constantly encouraging the little girl to relax, praising the little girl for being great, letting the little girl imagine that she was skating gracefully on the ice...

Smart parents know how to "cheer" for their children
Smart parents know how to "cheer" for their children

With the patient and kind encouragement of the master, the little girl finally showed a sincere smile and confidently pulled out a song full of feelings.

At the end of the tutoring, the master asked the little girl's mother: "Do you think your child is beautiful?" Mom shook her head.

Smart parents know how to "cheer" for their children

The master asked again, "Do you think she pulls well?" Mom shook her head again.

The master looked at the girl's mother very seriously and said a meaningful word to the girl's mother:

"The child's playing is no problem, but it's hard for her to squeeze out a smile.

You have to know that one important thing is that your worries are spreading through your child.

If you are always worried that your child will not do well, she will really become a worrying person.

The real transformation of today's lesson is not in the children, but in you..."

The master's words not only taught the little girl's mother a lesson, but also taught all her parents a lesson:

No matter how good the education is, it can't beat a parent who will be on the scene.

Children's confidence and self-worth come from the affirmation, encouragement and praise of their parents. The more parents will "hold the scene", the more confident and excellent the child will be.

Smart parents know how to "cheer" for their children
Smart parents know how to "cheer" for their children

Any compliments

All should be sincere

Reading this, some parents have to say: "Okay, then I praise my children and blow rainbow farts every day!" ”

But any appreciation and praise should be sincere, a heartfelt praise, not a flashy praise.

Smart parents know how to "cheer" for their children

Yang Lan once said: "Chinese culture has some disdain for face-to-face praise, and sincere and moderate praise is the best social lubricant, which is two different things from patting on the back." ”

Deeply. The most critical point of praise is to be sincere enough, try to praise specific facts, plus expressions and actions, so that children know that you appreciate him in your heart.

Smart parents know how to "cheer" for their children

If the child does a good job, you sincerely praise him; if the child does not do well, you must also believe that this is not his intention, and we must give them confidence to face and solve these problems.

When the child encounters difficulties in learning and has a low mood, parents should encourage the child, "You can do it!" "Come on! "Don't get discouraged! "Try again!" When the child encounters setbacks, comfort him in time, help him analyze the reasons, encourage him to continue to work hard, and believe that he can succeed!

Only when parents believe in their children from the bottom of their hearts, see their children, and give their children sincere encouragement and praise, can they nourish their children's hearts and give them the confidence and courage to do the things in front of them and face greater challenges.

Smart parents know how to "cheer" for their children

The Awakening of Parents says:

"Every child has the potential to become an excellent person, but the different education methods of parents give children a different life."

Having parents at home is a blessing in a child's life.

May we all be a clapper who applauds our children.

May our children thrive in the light of love and appreciation.

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