
Take the children together on the road to happiness

There are many kinds of happy life, and the happiness of each family is different. Happiness is an ability, an ability to make relatives, friends, and everyone around you happy. It's a magnetic field, it's a positive energy of kindness that I think I have and release with all my might.

Experience with your child, you will find that life is particularly beautiful: your child will surprise you every moment, he will always make you intentionally discover, he has too many magical places, he has a story that you can't tell.

I love the relationship with my son, not as high as the ancients said. There was more ridicule between us, and he would ridicule me for being a flower idiot because I had been looking at pictures of Zhong Hanliang and Li Xuedong. We watched "Happy Base Camp" together for more than ten years, saw the madness, laughed and rolled in bed, completely ignoring the eyes of our in-laws looking at us.

My son grew up happy, crazy, happy, and a little unhappy, this is the years I accompanied my son seriously, my son was admitted to Tsinghua University, I know that my son is good enough, this is the result of his own efforts. As a parent, I feel that I am still a little proud, my son's sunshine is healthy, and my son's excellence has also allowed me to experience success, is this considered the success of family education?

As a teacher, I do my duty. 24 years of Chinese teachers, 20 years of class teachers, when education has been in a state of dazed progress, I deeply realized that good education should have a story. Whether it is schooling or homeschooling, every story contains excellent educational concepts and successful educational methods.

When too many people are still developing their own educational theories and expounding their own educational views, people who really do education should calm down and think about how to really and truly do something for education, how to feel the happiness brought to us by children, and how to grasp every beautiful moment that can make you remember. Those stories are the most precious assets of your life! So, how do we let children taste happiness and the joy of growing up in stories? I believe that we have to do the following.

1. Companionship

Education cannot succeed without time to accompany, but with time to accompany, education may not necessarily succeed. Some parents are persistently accompanying their children, but companionship is to pay attention to methods and participate in the growth of children.

We always want results, can we tell a story between you and your child first? If not, we should reflect on whether our education is wrong and whether the accompaniment is exquisite.

The development of society tells us that preaching is difficult for children to get back on track, so it is better for us to bow our heads, fight with children once, communicate with children once, sing with children once, and really be children's friends once. Life is already very short, when we are immersed in our own world, we have lost too many opportunities for happiness once asked such a question: What do you want children for?

I saw such a touching answer: in order to participate in the growth of a life, there is no need to fight for me, no need to pass on the generations for me, and there is no need to help me retire. As long as this life exists, I have a walk in this beautiful world, so that I have the opportunity to walk with him for a while, to participate in his every journey, every bittersweet and bittersweet. There was laughter and tears. What kind of intersection did we have in the previous life in exchange for the mother-son relationship in this life, I am grateful to God, this is the fate for us, let me have the opportunity to witness his growth, become his dearest and dearest person.

Children are the best gifts from God to parents, we want to make children healthy, smart, handsome, we want them to live the best state of life, we have to work hard every day, have a good mood, cherish the happy time with children.

2. Lead

Learning to share excellence with children and learning to lead children to be excellent is the premise for us to make children happy. Parents are the child's world, and your worldview, outlook on life, and values will have a subtle impact on the child, throughout his life. Parents are crucial to the guidance of their children, and it is the fault of parents not to teach. Parents should be exposed to education, close to education, and ponder education. A good way of education can do more with less!

Behind every excellent child there will be a harmonious and warm family, and there will be a pair of excellent parents. In fact, the best education should be to let children grow on their own, but this is something that every parent can hardly do. When we put our children on the horse, we should spread the reins and watch the children gallop in the arena of life! We are just the leaders of our children's lives.

3. Reflection

Learn to look back at yourself, learn to reflect in family education, the success of your child's education is just around the corner, and the happiness brought by the success of education is far more than your career. Every parent is a person of great wisdom, an expert in their field, with superior skills, but when it comes to educating children, they have become low-IQ people, why? Because they did not regard their children's education as a subject, a project, a career. In fact, this is a big career, it is a very worthwhile thing to do. Regular reflection will gradually lead you to success.

Education is not earth-shattering, there is no huge production, just the superposition of small stories, but not a simple superposition. This is something that some ambitious people disdain and are unwilling to do. I would like to say that this business is the most lucrative and you can use it for the rest of your life. Even if you are old, you will find that the return rate of this career is the highest, and there will be a return of 100% or even a thousand points, even an incalculable return.

Ten years later, our career may have just begun, but it will make children stand out. We just use the leisure time of our own careers to accompany our children to grow up and experience with them. When we look back, we will be full of happiness, not a blank, so that parents match this title, "parent" is not just a noun, but also a verb.

Every child is a thick storybook, and they have so many stories that deserve our taste. It's just that we are often eager to start a business, but we ignore the most beautiful scenery in life. Stop the hurried steps, we will bring ourselves an eternal wealth! Be a parent with a story and harvest a unique scenery! The child is excellent, the child is successful, the child is happy, the family is happy, and the society is harmonious.

I am a happy pregnant, creator of quality parenting, family education instructor, love and thoughtful parenting and education master. Welcome to follow, like and comment, more parenting knowledge and education issues can communicate with me, make parenting easier, make education more effective!

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